Презентація на тему "Робота з обдарованими учнями".

Про матеріал
Презентація демонструє одну з форм роботи з обдарованими учнями; значення, мету та порядок проведення I етапу Всеукраїнських олімпіад з англійської мови.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Робота з обдарованими учнями Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Красноградської гімназії «Гранд» спеціаліст вищої категорії старший вчитель Качан Наталія Іванівна

Номер слайду 2

Всеукраїнська учнівська олімпіада з англійської мови

Номер слайду 3

Висловлювання про олімпіаду Змагання у галузі самодіяльного мистецтва, у виконанні навчальних завдань і т. ін.; конкурс. Для дітей олімпіада — не тільки змагання. Олімпіада повинна бути святом, як у стародавніх греків (Олександр Довженко, 1960); Міцно увійшли в наше життя такі явища, як районні, обласні, республіканські, всесоюзні олімпіади самодіяльного мистецтва (Максим Рильський,1956); Незважаючи на важкий тягар війни, в нашій країні продовжували відбуватися численні огляди й олімпіади народної творчості (Народна творчість та етнографія, 1957).

Номер слайду 4

The word olympiada derives from Latin word olympian. Olympian as a noun means a Greek god. From myths in ancient times the contests were held at Olympus where gods competed in skills. Olympus – the sacred mountain in Greece. Olympic Games – the international sport competitions held every four years in a different country. To reach the olymp means to win, to become successful in what you are doing. The Origin of the Word

Номер слайду 5

All Ukrainian Pupils’ Olympiada in English. Language contest held every year. It has four stages:schooltownregional citycapital city. Pupils compete in language skills:- listening- reading- writing - speaking

Номер слайду 6

The Aims of the Contest: To check the knowledge of the pupils and to know how successful the teacher is;To practice English; To find the winners and to choose the participants in the next stage.

Номер слайду 7

1st stage (school) Olympiada in English. Date– one day in October. Place – secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. Time – after classes. Participants – pupils of 8 – 11 forms. People in charge – a head teacher, class teachers and the teachers of English.

Номер слайду 8

Materials and Equipment. To carry out the contest you need: A classroom to place one pupil at a desk;Answer sheets to fill in the answers in listening and reading for each pupil;Stamped sheets of paper to do the tasks in writing;Examination cards to check up speaking skills;Text(s) in listening for a teacher to read;Texts for reading for every participant.

Номер слайду 9

Listening. Before listening: The names of the text(s) is(are) written on the blackboard;The translation of not more than three words are given in a written form;Answer sheets are given to the pupils. Text(s) is(are) read twice. While listening: The pupils are allowed to look through the tasks but they are not allowed to make notes;They are not allowed to use dictionaries . After the first reading the pupils do True –False tasks. After the second reading - Multiple choice tasks. Time – 30 minutes.

Номер слайду 10

Reading. Before reading: The pupils are given the text(s) and the answer sheets;The text(s) can contain unknown words;8-9 forms not more than 3%;10-11 – not more than 5%. While reading: Dictionaries are forbidden;The pupils are proposed to do the tasks for testing general understanding (true or false) and specific understanding(multiple choice or matching). Time – 35 minutes.

Номер слайду 11

Writing. The pupils are proposed three problem situations given in the form of questions or statements. Before writing: The questions (statements) are written on the blackboard;They have to choose one of them and write an essay (a short composition including own opinion on the problem) or a letter(formal or informal);8 - 9 forms – 18 sentences10 -11 forms – 20 sentences. While writing: The pupils are allowed to use dictionaries. Time – 45 minutes.

Номер слайду 12

Speaking. Before speaking: The examination cards are put on the table;There is a list of situations the pupils have to speak about;The pupils take three examination cards and choose one of them;The contestant is to produce a monologue speech on the situation he has chosen and take part in a conversation with the teacher (10 replies);The pupils have one minute to get ready. The size of the information:8-9 forms – not less than 16 sentences;10- form – not less than 18 sentences;11-form – not less than 20 sentences.

Номер слайду 13

After olympiada the teachers check up answer sheets and the works in writing, analyze the results of the speaking activity and determine the winners and the participants of the 2nd stage of olympiada in English.

Номер слайду 14

The winners are happy, they are praised by the teachers and are awarded with high grades in English. They had the opportunity to practice language skills, to compete with their classmates and to feel how to be the best. Let’s wish them to reach their olymp!

Номер слайду 15

The teachers discuss the results of olympiada, the event that helped them to know their pupils better, think about the techniques which might help them to teach English and hope to get good results at the next stage. Let’s wish them to be successful in what they are doing.

Качан Наталія
14 лютого 2020
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