Контрольні роботи з англійської мови для І-ІІ курсів

Про матеріал
Завдання контрольної роботи – перевірити рівень якості засвоєних знань, зокрема лексичних одиниць та граматичних часових форм та граматичних структур, рівень орфографічної грамотності та сформованості умінь і навичок укладання конкретних документів, стилістичного використання слів, а також мовну культуру студентів.
Перегляд файлу



Вступ ………………………………………………………………………………3

Загальні положення……………………………………………………………….4

Контрольні роботи І курс………………...……………………………………….5

Тема 1………………………………………………………………………………5

Тема 2………………………………………………………………………………7




Тема 6……………………………………………………………………………..15


Контрольні роботи ІІкурс……………………………………………………….19

Тема 1……………………………………………………………………………..19

Тема 2……………………………………………………………………………..21




Тема 6……………………………………………………………………………..29


Підсумкова контрольна робота Ікурс…………………………………………..33

Підсумкова контрольна робота ІIкурс...………………………………………..36

Список використаних джерел…………………………………………………..38











 Мета та завдання курсу: формувати у студентів систему знань з іноземної мови (англійської). Поновити і поглибити знання з іноземної мови, здобутих студентами у середніх навчальних закладах, дати лінгвістичну освіту, необхідну для вільного і правильного користування іноземною (англіською) мовою. Піднести рівень культури усного і писемного мовлення та збагатити знання студентів.

 Практичний курс іноземної мови (англійської) покликаний формувати мовну особистість спеціаліста, здатну до розв’язання різноманітних комунікативних завданнь у всіх актуальних сферах спілкування. Тому під час такого курсу студент повинен:

  • володіти іноземною мовою (англійською);
  • володіти лексичними, граматичними та стилістичними нормами іноземної мови (англійської);
  • вміти складати і сприймати різноманітні документи, анотаціїї, відгуки, резюме та ділові листи;
  • користуватись правилами мовного етикету, читанням літератури зі спеціальності з метою пошуку необхідної інформації.















Загальні положення

 Згідно з навчальним планом студентам пропонуються контрольні роботи з курсу «Іноземна мова ( англійська)».

 Завдання контрольної роботи – перевірити рівень якості засвоєних знань, зокрема лексичних одиниць та граматичних часових форм та граматичних структур, рівень орфографічної грамотності та сформованості умінь і навичок укладання конкретних документів, стилістичного використання слів, а також мовну культуру студентів.


























Unit-1- People and Relationship



1.Read the sentences. Choose and circle the correct adjective.

1) He's a very affectionate/ambitiouslad and he wants to play at the highest level. 2) Tara was always really sensitive/aggressiveand caring. 3) Jack is so envious/spoiltof Sonia's success. 4) We liked Laurence at once, he was selfish/imaginativebeyond all other architects. 5) Japanese cars are so reliable/responsible. 6) The gift is greedy /generousby any standards.


2.Make the opposites using the prefixes un-, in-, dis-, im-, ir-.

1) selfish —

2) honest —

3) pleasant —

4) polite —

5) responsible — .

6) sensitive —

3.Complete the sentences with used to and a suitable verb from the list.

qo -  eat-   study   - be -     bring

1)Jerry ________ Italian in high school. 2) CuttySarkIs a famous ship. It ____________tea from China. 3) Christine _____________meat, but now she is a vegetarian. 4) Have_________you heard about The Beatles? They very popular.5) _______Sam and Mary___________ to Mexico in summer?


4.Choose the word that describes that personality type

1) Someone who does not think about other peoples’ feelings.

2) A person who speaks in a very direct and honest way.

3) Someone who is educated or has good manners.

4) A person who comes up with new and original ideas.

5) Someone who has a strong desire to succeed.


1) A) talented B) brilliant C) selfish

2) A) sloppy B) frank C) helpless

3) A) childish B) nasty C) cultured

4) A) creative B) timid C) narrow-minded

5) A) forgetful B) ambitious C) disorganized


5.Write what makes you feel happy and pleased, and what you usually do when you are in such a mood. Mention the situations when you experienced such feelings. Write 8 sentences.


Unit-1- People and Relationship



1.Read the sentences. Choose and circle the correct adjective.

1) David's mother was unstable and moody/reliablewith a complicated

character.2)The gift is affectionate/generousby any standards.3) Rachel is kind and mean/charming to everyone. 4) Julie has always been ambitious/shyand fiercel competitive. 5) Ten-year-olds are incredibly energetic/responsible. 6) She was spoilt/patientto her aunt's infirmities.


2.Make the opposites using the prefixes tin-, in-, dis-, im-, ir-.

1) responsible -

2) active —

3) friendly —

4) patient —

5) obedient —

6) tidy-


3.Complete the sentences with used to and a suitable verb from the list.

have –play- snore –live- be

1) I ____________ in Bristol, but I moved to Edinburgh. 2) She ______ long hair. 3) ________you___________any musical instrument? 4) He didn't__________ . 5) There _______________a garden in front of the house, now you can see a restaurant in its place.


4.Choose the word that describes that personality type

1) A person who likes to give or share things with others.

2) Someone who always tells the truth.

3) A person who is quick at learning new things.

4) Someone who is always on time.

5) A person who can’t keep a secret.


1) A) selfish B) interesting C) generous

2) A) comical  B) honest C) ungrateful

3) A) spoiled B) clever C) easygoing

4) A) punctual B) bland C) skeptical

5) A) talkative B) depressing C) pushy


5.Write what can make you nervous, upset or irritated. What can change your mood for the better! Write 8 sentences.


Unit-2- Choose the Career


I. Read the definition of professions, try to guess and name them. 

  1. Some who can count well and keeps the money records of a business.
  2. Someone who makes walls with bricks.
  3. Someonewhodesignsclothes.
  4. Someone who writes computer programs.
  5. Someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop.


II. Supply the best word or words
1. The person in charge of a business is informally known as the… .

a) chef;        b) chief;c) boss.

2. The person who is in charge of a car is the… .

a) guideb) leader;c) motorist;d) driver;e) conductor.

3. A person who prepares food is… .

a) cook;                                         b) cooker.

4. A person who works in an office is an… .

a) office worker;                           b) officer.

5. A person who takes photograph is a… .

a) photographer;               b) photograph;c) photography.

III. Matchthecolumns.

  1. A person who undertakes investigations in order to discover new facts or to get additional information
  2. A man who uses land for growing crops and raising animals.
  3. A workman who makes and repairs furniture.
  4. A person whose work is filling, cleaning, taking out our teeth.
  5. A person who trains sportsmen for competitions.
  1. a coach
  2. a researcher
  3. a farmer
  4. a carpenter
  5. a dentist


IV. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.

1) __ Andy __ on the blue car? (To work)

2) My brother __ hard enough. (Not / to study)

3) How long __ they __ for a flat? (To look)

4) I __ my homework. (Not / to do)

5) ___  you ___ the whole morning? (To sleep)


           V. Translate the following sentences.

1) The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers.

2) She applied for a job with the local newspaper.

3) They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.

Unit-2- Choose the Career



  1. Read the definition of professions, try to guess and name them. 
  1. Someonewhorepairscars.
  2. Someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel.
  3. Someone whose job is to design buildings.
  4. Someone whose job is to manage a company.
  5. Someone who studies or works in physics.


II. Supply the best word or words

1. A person who knows how to use a keyboard is a… .

a) typewriter;        b) typist;c) typing machine writer.

2. A woman who looks after other people’s children is a… .

a) nanny;                 b) nurse.

3. The person you work with is your… .

a) college;          b) colleague;c) collaborator.

4. The person who is in charge of a restaurant is the… .

a) patron;                        b) manager.

5. The person who would service your car is… .

a) a mechanic;          b) an engineer;               c) a technician.


III. Matchthecolumns.

  1. A person whose work is shaving and cutting men’s hair
  2. A man who acts on the stage, on TV or in films.
  3. A person who writes and keeps accounts.
  4. A man who delivers post.
  5. A member of the army.
  1. anactor
  2. anaccountant
  3. a postman
  4. a soldier
  5. a barber


          IV. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.

1) Andrew ____ in the country. (Not/to live)

2) How long __ your grandparents __ this car? (To drive)

3) They __ . (Not / to cycle)

4) Tony ____ this book, but Mary has. (Not / to read)

5) How long __ he __ for her? (To wait) 


V. Translate the following sentences.

1) She’s a very competent, well-paid housekeeper.

2) There are still two vacancies on the school board.

3) I’m not satisfied with the work conditions.




Unit-3- Why Go to School?



I. Complete the sentences with Conditional I and the words from the box.

1) If Caroline and Sue________ the salad, Phil _____ the house.

2) If Sue ____ the onions for the salad, Caroline _____ the mushrooms.

3) Jane __ the sitting room if Aaron and Tim __ the furniture.

4) If Bob __ up the kitchen, Anita __ the toilet.

5) Elaine ______ the drinks if somebody _____ her carry the bottles.


II. Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

1) I (learn) ____ English for seven years now.

2) But last year I (not / work) _____ hard enough for English, that’s why my marks (not / be) ____ really that good then.

3) As I (pass / want) ____ my English exam successfully next year, I (study) __ harder this term.

4) During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) ____ me on a lan­guage course to London.

5) It (be) __ great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.


III. Fill in the gaps with the new words.

1) I think people can live together in a spirit of ____trust.

2) Games and songs provide the perfect ____ for classroom interaction and language development.

3) Sally _____ a good knowledge of Chinese.


IV. Translate into Ukrainian.
1) Do you participate in out-of-school activities in English?

2) Would you like to study any other foreign languages?

3) Will you future career require the knowledge of English? Why?

Unit-3- Why Go to School?




I. Complete the sentences with Conditional I and the words from the box.

1) If Alan and Rebecca ______ the food, Mary and Connor ____ the sandwiches.

2) If Bob____________ the barbecue, Sue _____ the guests in.

3) Frank __ the DJ if the others __ along their CDs.

4) Alan __ the drinks if Jane __ him some of her cocktail recipes.

5) If they all ______ their best, the party ____ great.


II. Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

1) Before I (go) __ to London, I (not / enjoy) __ learning English.

2) But while I (do) ____ the language course, I (meet) ____ lots of young people from all over the world.

3) There I (notice) __ how important it (be) __ to speak foreign languages nowadays.

4) Now I (have) _____ much more fun learning English than I (have) _____ before the course.

5) At the moment I (revise) _____ English grammar.


III. Fill in the gaps with the new words.

1) He was a young singer who has _____ his full potential successfully.

2) Languages are an essential part of the school ____.

3) Most students choose one ____ area for research.

IV. Translate into Ukrainian.
1) What are your usual class activities during English lesson?

2) How long have you been studying English?

3) Did you study English at the primary school?


Unit-4- National Cuisine



I. Fill in the gaps.

1) The price ____ lunch.

2) We had fish for the main ____.

3) The buffet here ____ of several different Chinese dishes.

4) The ____ from Mexico are really incredible in this restaurant.


II. Choose the answer that best completes each statement.

1) Sara eats soup from a ____.

      a) bowl                   b) plate                   c) pan

2) Little Timmy shouldn’t eat his meatloaf with his fingers. He should use a____.

a) knife                   b) fork                    c) spoon

3) I am going to sauté the onions now. Please hand me the ____.

a) pot                     b) platter                c) skillet


III. Complete the sentences with 2nd Conditional and the words from the box. Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery.



play-  have-  be -have- pick-come– hit- have-  invite- want

1) If I________ the lottery, I _____a chance to hit the jackpot.

2) If I________ the jackpot, I ____ rich.

3) I____________ all my friends if I _____ a house by the beach.

4) I____ my friends up in my yacht if they ____ to spend their holidays on my island.

5) We ____ great parties if my friends________ to my island.


IV. Your task is to complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box:fresh, low – fat,  spicy, takeaway.

1. Indian food like curry is very ….

2 … food is food you buy at a restaurant and take home to eat.

3 Sushi is made with … fish.

4 People on a diet often try to eat … food.




Unit-4- National Cuisine



  1. Fill in the gaps.

1) The ____ from Mexico are really incredible in this restaurant.

2) Vegetarian ____ is very popular nowadays.

3) Thanksgiving is a really big ____ in the States.

4) To ____ apples means to cook them slowly in liquid. 


     II. Choose the answer that best completes each statement.

1) Little Timmy shouldn’t eat his meatloaf with his fingers. He should use a ____.

a) knife                   b) fork                    c) spoon

2) I am going to sauté the onions now. Please hand me the ____.

a) pot                     b) platter                c) skillet

3) Use a ____ to cut your steak.

a) spoon                 b) tongs                  c) knife


III. Complete the sentences with 2nd Conditional and the words from the box. Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery.



find-charter - be -     change-be-  like -    buy  -   own  -  build-  feel 


1) If I ____  rich, my life _____ completely.

2) I____________ a lonely island, if I _____ a nice one.

3) If I__________ a lonely island, I _____ a huge house by the beach.

4) If we_____________ to go shopping in a big city, we _____ a helicopter.

5) But if my friends’ holidays ____ over, I ____ very lonely on my lonely is­ land.


IV. Your task is to complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box:
frozen, home – made, raw,  sweet.

1 Food which is kept very cold is …

2 These eggs are …, I bought them today.

3 I like my mum’s cooking. … food is always the best.

4 This tea is very …. You have put too much sugar in it.



Unit-5 Communication Technologies



  1. Match the words with the definitions:

  1. icon;
  2. surf;
  3. software;
  4. mouse;
  5. to download;
  6. internet;
  7. network;
  8. virus;




  1. controls the location of the cursor;
  2. programmes on a computer;
  3. to receive material from the internet onto your;
  4. to look at internet pages;
  5. programme which can harm your computer;
  6. the world wide web;
  7. a picture representing a programme;
  8. two or more computers directly linked


  1. Match the phrasal verbs with the meaning:
    1. to back up;
    2. to log off;
    3. to log in/ on(to);
    4. to pick up (email);
    5. to print out;
  1. to disconnect from the Internet, a website;
  2. to make a paper copy of something on a computer;
  3. to make a copy of the information on a computer programme or disk;
  4. to connect to the internet, a website;
  5. to connect to the Internet and access emails;


3.Choose the correct item

1) Which one is not an output device?

a) Printer             b) Monitor

c) Keyboard         d) Modem

2) Which one works as an output and input device?

a) Modem             b) Scanner

c) Mouse              d) Monitor

3) All computers must have:

a) Word processing software          b) An operating system

c) A printer attached                     d) A virus checking program

4) The brain of the computer is called:

a) Random Access Memory or RAM         b) Central Processing Unit or CPU

c) Read Only Memory or ROM                 d) BIOS

5) An operating system is:

a) Integrated software                        b) CD-ROM software

c) Application software                      d) System software


4.Answer the questions:

 Do you know what a cyber café is ? Have you ever been to one? Do you chat online? What can you use the Internet for?


Unit-5 Communication Technologies



1.Match the words with the definitions:

1. programmer;

2. pop-up;

3. shortcut;

4. printer;

5. keyboard;

6. hardware;

7. cursor;

8. monitor;



a) icon that connects directly to a file, folder;

b) marks where you are going to type;

c) we use it to type into a computer;

d) hardware that puts material from computer paper;

e) another word for computer screen;

f) message or screen that appears without direct;

g) person who makes up a computer;

h)equipment which makes up a computer;


2.Match the phrasal verbs with the meaning:

  1. to log off/out;
  2. to scroll up/down;
  3. to zoom in;
  4. to hack into;
  5. to log in/ on(to);
  1. to get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do something illegal;
  2. to finish using a computer system;
  3. to connect to the Internet, a website;
  4. to show a clear and detailed picture of something;
  5. to move up/down a web page or other document on a computer screen;


3.Choose the correct item

1) Software is:

a) A computer program         b) A set of instructions

c) All of the above                d) Only in operating systems

2) One MB is equal to:

a) The amount of RAM in every computer                 b) 1 billion bytes

c) 1024 KB                                                               d) 1 thousand bytes

2) The resolution of a printer is measured in:

a) Megabits                       b) Hz

c) Dots per inch (DPI)       d) Inches (diagonal)

4) Windows and Macintosh computers: 

a) Are both manufactured by Motorola                 b) Both use Intel microprocessors

c) Use the same operating system                         d) Are not compatible

5) A computer port is used to:

a) Communicate with other computer peripherals        b) Download files from the web

c) Communicate with all hard drives                           d) Connect computers together

4. Answer the questions:
For what purpose do young people use the Internet? How does the Internet affect our lives? What do you know about viruses? Do you buy anything on the Internet?

Unit-6 Is the Earth in Danger?



1.Match the words with the definitions:

  1. a typhoon;
  2. a whirlwind;
  3. a disaster;
  4. a drought;
  5. an avalanche;
  6. a hurricane;
  7. a deforestation;
  8. a whirlpool;




  1. a mass of snow, ice and rock that slides rapidly down the side of a mountain;
  2. a very bad accident, eg. a crash or a fire, that causes great damage or loss of life; a catastrophe;
  3. a violent storm with very strong winds, esp. in the western Atlantic Ocean;
  4. a violent tropical storm in the western Pacific;
  5. a place in a river or the sea where there are strong currents moving in circles;
  6. a period of continuous dry weather , esp. when there is not enough water for people’s needs;
  7. removing trees or forests from a place;
  8. a column of air that turns round and round very rapidly


2.Translate into English:

  1. частий---
  2. стійкий-----
  3. траплятися, відбуватися----
  4. завдаватизбитків, пошкоджувати-----
  5. загроза----
  6. ризик, небезпека----
  7. випаровуватися----
  8. стежити, простежувати----
  9. вижити, залишитися живим----
  10. забруднення---


3.Fill in the blanks with cause/causes or reason/reasons:

  1.               What was the_________ of the fire ?
  2.                                        What are your _______ for leaving the job?
  3.                                        The _________ why I’m late is that I missed the bus.
  4.                                        Police are investigating the main _______ of the explosion.
  5.                                        The increase in violent crime has several__________ .

Unit-6 -Is the Earth in Danger?


1.Match the words with the definitions:

a)a tornado;

b)an earthquake;

c)a hailstorm;

d)a blizzard;

e) a thunderstorm;

f) a flood;

g) a volcano;

h) a hazard;



1.a mountain with a large opening on the top, and sometimes others on the side, through which melted rocks and gases escape with great force;

2.a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage; a danger or risk;

3.a violent storm with very strong circular winds over a small area;

4.a sudden violent movement of the earth’s surface;

5. a period of heavy hail-frozen rain falling as little balls of ice in a shower;

6. a severe snowstorm with strong winds;

7. a storm with thunder and lightning and shocked;

8. a large quantity of water covering an area that is usually dry


2.Translate into English:

  1.               рятувати----
  2.               пара----
  3.               схил----
  4.               підніматися, високолітати----
  5.               глобальнепотепління----
  6.               зруйнований----
  7.               причина(2х)------
  8.               зсув, обвал----
  9.               залишатися на сторожі-------
  10.          утікати----
  1. Fill int he blanks with cause/causes or reason/reasons:
    1. Smoking is one of the main_______ of heart disease.
    2. We have good _________ to believe that he is lying.
    3. The only _____ she didn’t win was that she had injured her knee.
    4. They still haven’t found out the ________ of the fire.
    5. You have no _____ for complaint.   


Unit-7 Do you like sports?


  1. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. an achievement;
  2. a contest;
  3. a participant;
  4. a spectator;
  5. mountaineering;
  6. gliding;
  7. yachting;
  8. fencing;
  9. an opponent;
  10. a fan;








  1. a person who watches a show or a game;
  2. an event in which people compete against each other for a prize;
  3. a person who admires or supports sb/ sth  very strongly;
  4. a thing done successfully, esp with effort & skill;
  5. a person who takes part in sth;
  6. the activity of climbing mountains;
  7. the sport of fighting with swords;
  8. a person who is against another person in a game, a fight, a struggle or an argument;
  9. the activity of sailing in yachts for pleasure or as a sport;
  10. the sport of flying in gliders

  1. Translate into English:

1.тренування по атлетиці—

2. вдарятим’яч—

3. виграти кубок—

4. встановити рекорд—

5. об’єднювати—

6. захоплюватись(чимось)—

7. забити гол—

8. біг з перешкодами—


  1. Arrange these words to make sentences.
  1.  go    never   I    almost    fishing.
  2.  always   they  tennis  the   at  play  weekends.  
  3.  go  do  often  jogging  how  you ?
  4.  every do  we day  exercises  morning.
  5.  ever  Charlie  do  does  aerobics?      
  6.  do on  you  what usually Saturdays  do?




Unit-7 Do you like sports?


  1. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. an opposition;
  2. a pitch;
  3. to tackle;
  4. to score;
  5. diving;
  6. archery;
  7. referee;
  8. tournament;
  9. squash;
  10. canoeing;












  1.          an official who controls a sports games & makes sure that players do not break the rules;
  2.          the skill or sport of shooting with a bow & arrows;
  3. the state or action of opposing sb/ sth ; resistant;
  4.          the sport of diving into water or of swimming & exploring under water;
  5.          the sport of travelling in a canoe;
  6.           a game played by 2 people with rackets & a small soft rubber ball, in a court enclosed by 4 walls;
  7.          an area of ground prepared & marked for a game; a sports ground or field;
  8.          to try to take the ball from an opponent;
  9.            to gain points, goals, etc in a game or competition; to keep a record of the points in a game or competition;
  10.            a contest involving a number of competitors, esp one in which the loser at each stage leaves the competition until only the winner remains;

  1. Translate into English:
  1. любительський спорт—
  2. суперник—
  3. надаватичудовіможливості (для чогось)—
  4. санний спорт—
  5. підтримувати форму і бути здоровим—
  6. скачки з перешкодами—
  7. метання молота—
  8. піднімання штанги—


  1. Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets !
  1.                    We have decided to help with the project. (going)
  2.                    We’re willing to wait for you. (‘ll)
  3.                    You can get off this train at Bath. (stops)
  4.                    My friend has decided to meet us. ( going)
  5.                    Adrian’s job interview is on 17 October. (having)
  6.                    Our meal will be over by 8 o’clock. (finished)



  1. Being a student


  1.                Match the words with their definitions

To get to know     to help 

To join                  to go to an event, place 

To assist                to become a member of any organization

To attend               to spend time gradually learn more about smth



II.      Chose the correct item. 

1.  Why aren’t you listening to me? If only you ..... how important it is!

  1.               Realized
  2.               had realized
  3.               would have realized

2.  The other day I watched a dog dance in the middle of the square. If I ..... it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it.

  1.               didn’t see
  2.               hadn’t seen
  3.               wouldn’t have  seen

3.  You’d better ..... this water; it might be infected.

  1.               Not drink
  2.               don’t drink
  3.               not to drink


  1. Fill in the blanks with if, even if or unless.
  1.               They won`t finish this job on time …they start right away, so let`s get down to work.
  2.               It `ll be boring ….. Garry comes.
  3.               Clive hates parties and won`t come ….. you invite him 


  1.        Complete the sentences by changing the verbs in brackets into the First or Second Conditional form.
  1. If I ……. (speak) Italian, I would move to Florence
  2. If I ……. (be) you, I will notify them of the changes
  3. If we don’t invite Jeffrey , he ……be offended.


  1.             Write 5-6 advices to your friend how to improve his/her English.




  1. Being a student


  1.                Match the words with their definitions

To boost                  a process of judgement someone`s knowledge      

Precisely                  extremely tired or having  no energy

  An assessment         exactly

  Exhausted                to increase smth



  1.            Chose the correct item. 

1.  I’d rather you ..... me with washing up. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.

  1.               help
  2.               helped
  3.               should have

2.  Herald ..... us Christmas greetings if he knew our address in Glasgow.

  1.               would send
  2.               would have sent
  3.               sent

3.  If you were not busy tomorrow I ..... you to go on a picnic with us.

  1.   Would invite
  2.               invited
  3.               will invite


  1.        Fill in the blanks with if, even if or unless.
  1.     David will come ….. you invite him
  2.     Tom won`t know about the party ….. you tell him
  3.     This is too bad job. We won`t finish it on time ….. we start right away 


  1.         Complete the sentences by changing the verbs in brackets into the First or Second Conditional form.
  1. If it …….(stop) raining we`ll have to cancel the tennis game
  2. If you loved her, you …….(lie) to her
  3. If you ……. (finish), show me your notebook  


  1.             Write 5-6 advices to your friend how to prepare for exams.




2-Make up your Mind


I. Complete the sentences .


1.If I ______ (give up) smoking, I would save $5000 a year.

2. If I ______(can) get back to London in time, I'll definitely come.

3.If you buy one t-shirt, you ________ (buy) the second one free.

4. If I run into her, I ________(tell) her that you're looking for her.

5. If you were her, what ________ (to do)?


II. Use Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous with the verbs in brackets.

1.      How long _____ (you/try) to find a job.

2.      I ______ (study) English for 5 years.

3.      They are wet. They ______ (walk)

4.      How many letters of application ______ (you/write)?

5.      Tom ______ (wait) her wife since 5 p.m.


III. Translate into English.

1.      Типовиненподатизаявуназвільнення, якщотихочешзалишитироботу.

2.      Ви маєте будь-якийдосвідроботи?

3.      Робота може бути високооплачуванаабонизькооплачувана.

4.      Її бос звільнивїїминулоготижня.

5.      Ми вимагаємовільноговолодінняанглійською.


IV.             Fill in the file below.

Job name_____________

Job Applicant’s Name______________

City_________  Country________


Length of stay____________


Work experience________________

Personal qualities__________________


Reason for Applying_____________







2-Make up your Mind


I.      Complete the sentences.


  1.              What would you say if you ______(see) Johnny Depp?
  2.              If I see him, I ______(tell) him.
  3.              If I saw her again, I ______(speak) to her.
  4.              If you needed a hand, I ______ (can) come and help you out.
  5.              If it doesn't start snowing, we ________ (to go skiing) this evening.


II. Use Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous with the verbs in brackets.

1.      How many jobs ______ (you/have)?

2.      How long _____ (you/live) here?

3.      They _______ (go out) together since June.

4.      She is tired. She _____ (work) all night.

5.      She ______ (learn) seven poems.


III.             TranslateintoEnglish.

1.      Ти повинен заповнити анкету, коли подаєш заявку на роботу.

2.      Яківашінайкращіякості?

3.      Робота може бути добре оплачуванаабо погано оплачувана.

4.      Вінпішов на пенсіюминулого року.

5.      Компаніяшукаєпрацівників без досвідуроботи.


IV.             Fill in the file below.

Job name_____________

Job Applicant’s Name______________

City_________  Country________


Length of stay____________


Work experience________________

Personal qualities__________________


Reason for Applying_____________








3.Family Relationship

Variant 1

  1. Translate into English:
  1. Відповідальний
  2. Чистий
  3. Працьовитий
  4. Досвідчений
  5. Чемний
  6. Метушливий


  1. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. An adolescent


  1.  Negotiation



  1. To blame


  1. To obey



  1. to do what someone in a position of an authority tells you to do
  2. discussion between the representatives of opposing groups
  3. to say or thing that someone or something is responsible for something bad
  4. a young person who is developing into an adult


  1. Make up sentences (3rd Conditional):
    1. To have money – to buy a new car
    2. To pass the exam – to study more
    3. To buy the new house – to be cheap


  1. Choose the 3rd Conditional form to complete the sentence:
  1. I would go skiing more often if we … (live) closer to the ski resort.
  2. If I had a key, I … (let) you inside.
  3. If I … (know) you were coming, I would have thrown a party.
  4. If we … (get) lost, we would have arrived in time.





3.Family Relationship

Variant 2

  1. Translate into English:
  1. Лінивий
  2. Балакучий
  3. Суворий
  4. Грубий
  5. Тихий
  6. Тактовний


ІІ. Match the words with their definitions:

1.An approach

2. To assault

3. To interfere

4.To prevent





a. To stop someone from doing something or to stop something from happening

b. To get involved in a situation that does not concerned you, and try to influence what happens in a way that annoys people

c. To attack someone in a violent way

d. A method of doing something or dealing with a problem




  1. Make up sentences (3rd Conditional):
    1. To employ her – to have the right qualification
    2. To win the game – to train hard
    3. To be offered the job – to take it


  1. Choose the 3rd Conditional form to complete the sentence:
    1. The show … (clean), if I had had the shovel.
    2. If John … (be) in town, he would invite you to this new restaurant.
    3. If he had given her his email address, she … (send) him the price list.
    4. Where would you live, if you … (have) this house .






I. Choose the answer that best completes each statement.

1) Sara eats soup from a ____.

      a) bowl                   b) plate                   c) pan

2) Little Timmy shouldn’t eat his meatloaf with his fingers. He should use a____.

a) knife                   b) fork                    c) spoon

3) I am going to sauté the onions now. Please hand me the ____.

a) pot                     b) platter                c) skillet


II.Translate into English:

  1. заможна сім’я---
  2. обходитися(без чогось)-----
  3. нащадок----
  4. національна кухня-----
  5. складатися з…----
  6. страва------
  7.  прийти побалакати за чашечкою чаю----
  8. скибка хліба-------
  9. гірчиця-----
  10. підливка(м’ясна)-----
  11. різні інгредієнти------
  12. Піст(Великодній)-----


  1. Match the dishes with the appropriate ingredients

Ratatouille is made with                     a mayonnaise dressing

Ratafia is made from                          almonds

Pasta is made from                              tomatoes and lettuce

A seafood cocktail is served with       flour, eggs and water

Hamburgers are served with                red peppers


  1. Rewrite sentences in reported speech
  1. “Take these bags, please” she asked me ________________________________________________
  2. “When did you paint this room?” my parents inquired ________________________________________________
  3. “You were sitting in the pub” she said ________________________________________________
    1. Make up a dialogue about visiting a restaurant.




     I. Choose the answer that best completes each statement.

1) Little Timmy shouldn’t eat his meatloaf with his fingers. He should use a ____.

a) knife                   b) fork                    c) spoon

2) I am going to sauté the onions now. Please hand me the ____.

a) pot                     b) platter                c) skillet

3) Use a ____ to cut your steak.

a) spoon                 b) tongs                  c) knife


II. TranslateintoEnglish:

1.смажена яловичина----


3.волоський горіх та ізюм----

4.кисле молоко----

5.збите тісто-----

6. віддирати від кісток------

7. хрін------

8. свиняче сало----

9. рецепт----

10. стружка------

11. сирий------

12. важлива їжа-----


  1. Choose “food”, “dish” or “meal” and complete the sentences
  1. A good part of the ………. Grown here is used in the school`s daily ……….
  2. The ……….cooked here includes a range of ………. from pasta to stuffed vine leaves and delicious Italian omelettes filled with herbs and vegetables
  3. Today`s midday ………. consists of home-made pesto and tomato sandwiches
    1. Rewrite sentences in reported speech


  1. “You were sitting in the pub” she said ________________________________________________
  2. “We have never tried any drugs” they claim ________________________________________________
  3. “They are going to assess our written exams tomorrow” said a student ________________________________________________
    1. Make up a dialogue about visiting a café.



Unit-5-Its your planet


I. Translate into English

1.  Bикористанняорганічногопаливазабруднюєнавколишнєсередовище і спричиняєглобальнепотепління.

2.  Пестициди – цехімікати, яківикористовуються для знищення комах і тварин, якішкодятьврожаю.

3.  Питаннязахистувимираючихвидів  обговорювалося на попереднійзустрічі.

4.  Чиможемо ми справитися з усімацимизмінами?

5.  Багатогазів, яківиробляються нашими фабриками, є шкідливими для нашогоздоров’я.

ІІ. Complete with appropriate Active or Passive

1.     His name _______ (associate) with invisible rays.

2.     At the moment many people ______ (drive) car dangerously.

3.     Goddard _______ (construct) the first rocket in 1926.

4.     The garage mechanic ______ (not/repair) the car yet.

5.     The newspaper _______ (deliver) early next morning.


III.  Rewrite the following sentences, starting with the given words

1.     It was reported that Stephenson had built the steam engine.


2.     People say that she is interested in chemistry.

She ….

3.     It is thought that Bell invented a telephone.

Bell …..

4.     It was believed that the Earth was not the only planet in the Galaxy.

The Earth …

5.     People expect that scientists are developing new technologies

Scientists ….


IV. Imagine that you are taking part in the ecological summit. Make up your speech about environmental problems in Rivne region.

Unit-5-It’s your planet


I. Translate into English

1.  Миповиннізупинитивирубуваннятропічнихлісів, якієнадзвичайноважливимидляглобальногоклімату.

2. Один з найкращихспособівзахистусвітовихресурсів – уникненнямарноговикористання води та електроенергії.

3. Кислотнідощі – цедощі, якімістятьзабруднення з фабрик та заводів, яке спричиняє шкоду лісам.

4. Чизможемо ми йти в ногу з прогресом?

5. Рівень води в морях та океанах піднімається, призводячи до катастрофічнихповеней та штормів.

ІІ. Complete with appropriate Active or Passive

1.     The environment _______ (destroy) all the time by using automobiles.

2.     Alternative source of energy ______ (need) soon.

3.     The weather around the world _______ (change) now.

4.     Water in many countries _______ (contaminate) with toxic chemicals recently.

5.     Many consumers ______ (not/want) to eat GM food.

III.  Rewrite the following sentences, starting with the given words

1.     It was reported that Stephenson had built the steam engine.


2.     People say that she is interested in chemistry.

She ….

3.     It is thought that Bell invented a telephone.

Bell …..

4.     It was believed that the Earth was not the only planet in the Galaxy.

The Earth …

5.     People expect that scientists are developing new technologies

Scientists ….

IV. Imagine that you are taking part in the ecological summit. Make up your speech about environmental problems in Rivne region.


Unit-6-Speaking about Art.



  1. Write the definitions of the given words
  1. Sequel     4. Star
  2. Soundtrack    5. Subtitles
  3. Special effects   6. Script


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Participle or Past Participle
  1. The hunters were absolutely silent … (follow) the tiger’s footsteps.
  2. He arranged the whole trip for the English tourists …(wish) to visit the Carpathian Mountains.
  3. …(shock) by his boss’ terrible behavior, Helen decided to quit  the post


  1. Translate into English:


  1. експонат, показ;
  2. виставка, експозиція;
  3. бароко;
  4. напрямок, тенденція, спрямування;
  5. малювати портрет;
  6. натюрморт;
  7. уривок;
  8. присвячувати;
  9. авангард;
  10. попередник;
  11. старожитність, пам’яткастаровини;
  12. розрізняти, вирізняти ;


  1. Write a review of a book/ film









Unit-6-Speaking about Art.



  1. Write the definitions of the given words
  1. Audience    4. Plot
  2. Cast     5. Scene  
  3. Director     6. Script


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Participle or Past Participle
  1. The President climbed the stage, … (follow) by his family.
  2. She had to stay at customs for 5 hours … (need) some extra medical papers for her dog to be allowed to enter.
  3. … (enter) new stage of her life, she dyed her hair red and bought a dog.


  1. Translate into English:


1.  надихати;

2. ілюстрованийчасопис;

3. пейзаж;

4. фреска;

5. сільський пейзаж;

6. шедевр;

7. Ренесанс;

8. шляхетний, знатний, благородний;

9. Візантія;

10. жанр;

11. розповсюджувати;

12. виставляти на показ;


  1. Write a review of a book/ film



Unit-7 People and Society. Focus on Youth

Variant – 1

  1. Translate into English
  1. Залежний     4. Скептичний
  2. Спокійний     5. Неохайний
  3. Зухвалий     6. Самовдоволений


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets (Infinitive or Gerund).

1. Don’t forget … (do) your homework tonight.

2. I’m finishing … (read) the article.

3. Bob wrote to me he was looking forward to … (see) us at Christmas.

  1. Open the brackets and use the Gerund, the Present Participle or the Infinitive with or without “to”
  1. Let him … (come) again tomorrow.
  2. I stopped for a moment … ( speak) to him.
  3. I need …(see) Dr. Smith at once
  4. Don’t let it …(fall), it’s very brittle
  1. ChoosetheGerund, the Present Participle or the Infinitive with or without “to” to open the brackets and complete the sentences.
  1. Do you enjoy … (look) at these strip cartoons?
  2. Do you remember … (see) an advertisement for the new Ford cars in yesterday’s paper?
  3. I saw a man … (stand) at the street corner … (sell) newspapers.
  4. These cinema  advertisement do not make me … (want) … (see) the films.


  1. Write about Ukrainian teenagers and their problems






Unit-7 People and Society. Focus on Youth


Variant – 2

  1. Translate into English
  1. Нудний      4. Погано вихований
  2. Дратівливий    5. Самовпевнений
  3. Незграбний      6. Цинічний


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets (Infinitive or Gerund).
  1. Frank says he promises … (give up) … (smoke).
  2. Cheer up and keep … (smile).
  3. I have no idea what … (choose) for a dessert.
  1. Open  the brackets and use the Gerund, the Present Participle or the Infinitive with or without “to”
  1. Do you allow them … (smoke) there?
  2. He is not yet used to … (operate) this machine.
  3. It’s no use … (tell) him to be careful.
  4. He came down to tea after … (wash) his face.


  1. ChoosetheGerund, the Present Participle or the Infinitive with or without “to” to open the brackets and complete the sentences.
  1. Try … (solve) the puzzle in yesterday’s paper without … (look) at the answers in today’s paper.
  2. Did you remember … (buy) a copy of the Star on your way home?
  3. Please let me … (help) you … (solve) that puzzle.
  4. Would you like … (see) them?


  1. Write about Ukrainian teenagers and their problems







Підсумкова контрольна робота Ікурс

Variant I


1)Match the words and definitions:

1. a TV set   a. to take photographs

2. a  car   b. to have fun and to entertain

3. a computer    c. to watch pre-recorded videos

4. a video player  d. to write programs, play games, find and use information

5. a camera   e. to move wherever you want by yourself


2)Choose and circle the correct words,

1) There should be a broader curriculum/schoolingin high schools for post-16-year-old pupils.

2) In Britain, a boarding/comprehensive school is a state school in which children of all abilities are taught together.

3) A grammar/private school is a school in Britain for children aged between eleven and eighteen who have a high academic ability.

4) A grade/skill is a mark indicating the quality of a student's 'work.

5) A head/graduate teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a school.

3) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Circumstances   personality   extraordinary   drawback     optimists

1) Her main ___________________ is being too obstinate because she doesn’t want to take into consideration the opinion of other people.

2) Life’s_____________________ do not always influence one’s behaviour.

3) We have to be _________________________in everything we do.

4) Only a real ___________________ can succeed in life.

5) The truly ________________ hairstyles are natural outgrowths of the decade in which they were invented.


4) Complete the sentences with the correct word given in brackets.

1) They usually look for _____________for their projects on the Internet.(inform, information)

2) With the help of the Internet I have got an opportunity to share my hobbies and____________ with my pen friends. (interests,interesting)

3) The ___________of the mobile phone has changed our lives greatly. (invent, invention)

4) This article tells us about inventions in different branches of___________ . (science,scientific)


5) Tick  the suitable answer.

1. My mother doesn't enjoy …...................... by plane. She's too nervous.

a) travel    b) travelling      c)to travel

2. The traffic is …...................... than it was many years ago.

a) badder     b) more bad     c)worse

3. What would you do if you …...................... the Loch Ness monster?

a) saw     b) will see     c) see

4. My brother …...................... glasses.

a) used to wear    b) use to wear     c)used to wearing

5. “My father loves Jazz” “…......................!”

a) So I do      b) So am I             c) So do I


6) Choose from the pairs of adjectives to complete the sentences.

boring / bored      depressing / depressed        tired / tiring

1 Walking around the shopping centre was quite__________. I need a rest!

2 I was __________ yesterday. I had nothing to do.

3 I felt very __________ yesterday because I failed an exam.


Variant II


1) Match the words and definitions:

1. a vacuum cleaner  a. to keep food fresh for a long time

2. a fridge    b. to receive or make calls around the home

3. a mobile telephone  c. to perform everyday cleaning tasks

4. a plane    d. a system for sending or receiving speech over long distance

5. a telephone   e. to move  fast and quick around the world


2) Choose and circle the correct words.

1) A skill/opportunity is a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge.

2) The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college are usually called a course/curriculum.

3) Knowledge/education is information and understanding about a subject which a person has, or which all people have.

4) A senior/graduate is a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training.

5) A state secondary school in the UK to which pupils are admitted on the basis of ability is called a comprehensive/grammar school.


3) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


Extraordinary    impressive    personality    possesses                        ambitious

1) Mark is a very__________ person because his only wish is to be successful in life.

2) A_________________ is someone who has a very strong character and is very different from other people.

3) The________________hairstyle is the hair that amazes and attracts the most attention.

4) Susan _________________such character traits that make her interesting to be with.

5) Your sister looks really__________________in her new dress.


4) Complete the sentences with the correct word given in brackets.

1) They have decided to _________ a new website. (designer, design)

2) It’s very convenient to do online_____________ with the help of the Internet. (shop, shopping)

3) Mobile phones come in many__________________ configurations.(differ, different)

4) The ability to _______________ communicate to anyone anywhere is a powerful concept of the mobile phone. (easy, easily)


5) Tick  the suitable answer.

1. What's …...................... job?

a) your        b)yours      c)you

2. I'm sorry, I can't come to the cinema with you because I …...................... to study.

a) must     b) have      c) has

3. I've …...................... washed the floor. It's wet.

a) already     b) just     c) yet

4. He has the same car …...................... his sister.

a) as      b) like         c) than

5. The girl on the picture …...................... a blue dress.

a) wears          b) wearing      c) is wearing


6) Choose from the pairs of adjectives to complete the sentences.

exciting / excited       relaxing / relaxed        boring / bored 

1 The film was really __________. I nearly fell asleep.

2 The match was really __________. Our team scored in the last minute.

3 Yoga is very __________. It helps me forget all my stress.


Підсумкова контрольна робота ІІкурс




I. Complete the sentences with 2nd Conditional and the words from the box. Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery.



find-charter - be -     change-be-  like -    buy  -   own  -  build-  feel 


1) If I ____  rich, my life _____ completely.

2) I____________ a lonely island, if I _____ a nice one.

3) If I__________ a lonely island, I _____ a huge house by the beach.

4) If we_____________ to go shopping in a big city, we _____ a helicopter.

5) But if my friends’ holidays ____ over, I ____ very lonely on my lonely is­ land.

ІІ. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence

  1. It was hard physical job/work ,you know, lifting people, helping them
  2. I got my first job/work as an assistant receptionist in a hotel
  3. It wasn`t a very well-paid job/work, but then first jobs/works often aren`t
  4. I thought it was a great opportunity/ possibility to get some work experience
  5. And on some possibilities/occasions I was left on my own as the person in charge of the whole of this enormous hotel

ІІІ. Answer the following questions

  1. When were you able to give a definite answer about your future profession? Who helped you to make a choice? _____________________________________________________
  2. Has your choice been changed from time to time? Why? _____________________________________________________
  3. What should young girl (boy) do to be well suited for a chosen job? __________________________________________________


IV.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence

  1. It was hard physical job/work ,you know, lifting people, helping them
  2. I got my first job/work as an assistant receptionist in a hotel
  3. It wasn`t a very well-paid job/work, but then first jobs/works often aren`t
  4. I thought it was a great opportunity/ possibility to get some work experience
  5. And on some possibilities/occasions I was left on my own as the person in charge of the whole of this enormous hotel


І. Complete the sentences with 2nd Conditional and the words from the box. Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery.



play -  have  -  be -have- pick- come – hit- have-  invite- want

1) If I________ the lottery, I _____a chance to hit the jackpot.

2) If I________ the jackpot, I ____ rich.

3) I____________ all my friends if I _____ a house by the beach.

4) I____ my friends up in my yacht if they ____ to spend their holidays on my island.

5) We ____ great parties if my friends________ to my island.

ІІ. Fill in the gaps with the correct Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets

  1. I ……….(live) in this neighbourhood for six years now
  2. His girlfriend dumped his because he ……….(see) another girl behind her back
  3. The doctor asked him how long he ……….(feel) unwell
  4. They always go there for their holiday. They ……….(go) there for years
  5. By the time I leave school, I ……….(learn) English for more than ten years

ІІІ. Open the brackets and use  the Present Participle or The Perfect Participle forms

  1. ……….(write) out all the new words. I started to learn them
  2. ……….(hear) my friend`s voice, I left the room to open the door
  3. We went home, ……….(look) through) the documents
  4. ……….(drink) coffee she was talking to her pal
  5. ……….(throw) the ball, the little girl ran home

IV.Rephrase the sentences adding the appropriate suffix to the noun

  1. Don`t be such a full. Stop being …….
  2. The magazine comes out every week. The magazine comes out …….
  3. Look at all the dirt on your hands. Your hands are …….
  4. The situation is without hope. The situation is …….
  5. The injury is giving a lot of pain. The injury is …….









Підручники та посібники:

  1. Верба Л. Г., Верба Г. В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. – К.: «ВП Логос – М», 2007.
  2. Карпюк О. ENGLISH 11: підручник. – Тернопіль: «Астон», 2011.
  3. Карпюк О. ENGLISH 10: підручник. – Тернопіль: «Астон», 2011.
  4. Корунець І. В. Порівняльна типологія англійської та української мов: навч. посібник / І. В. Корунець. – Вінниця : Нова Книга,    2004. – 464 с.
  5. Мартиненко А. О. Англійська граматика в таблицях: Навч. посібник. — К.: КНЕУ, 2003. — 168 с.
  6. Морська Л. І. Теорія та практика методики навчання англійської мови / Л. І. Морська. – Тернопіль: Астон, 2003. – 248 с.
  7. Швачко С. О. Квантитативні одиниці англійської мови: перекладацькі аспекти / С. О. Швачко. – Вінниця : Нова книга, 2008. – 128 с.
  8. Communicating with E-mail and the Internet Learning Made Simple P.K. McBride Elsevier Ltd. Oxford, UK 2006 – 119 p.
  9.  ENGLISH TOPICS Найкращі з 1000 усних тем з паралельним перекладом для учнів 5—11 класів та абітурієнтів: Навчальне видання. – Укл.: Фіщенко О.П., Ярцева Г.В. та ін.. – Х.: «Ранок», 2006. – 407 с.
  10.  Raymond Murphy English Grammar in Use - Cambridge University Press 1994 – 350 p.
  11. Santiago Remacha Esteras Infotech English for computer users. Student's book - New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006.-160 p.


  1. Балла М. І. Новий англо -український словник. К.: Чумацький Шлях, 2007.
  2. Macmillan English dictionary for advanced learners:  International student edition[Text]./ Oxford: Macmillan publishersLtd., 2002.-1692p.


Іноземна мова (англійська) [Текст]: Методичні вказівки до виконання контрольних робіт для студентів усіх спеціальностей денної форми навчання / уклад. О.В.Невірець. – Любешів: Любешівський технічний коледж ЛНТУ, 2018 – 39с.




Комп’ютерний набір      О.В.Невірець













Підп. до друку 2018р.

Формат А4. Папір офс. Гарнітура Таймс.

Ум. друк. арк. 1,0. Обл. – вид. акр. 0,9

Тираж ____ прим. Зам. 185









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Любешівський технічний коледж ЛНТУ

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