Презентація на тему " Водне поло" ( " Water polo")

Про матеріал
Презентація розроблена для уроку в 7 класі за темою "Водне поло" (розділ "Спорт від А до Я"). її можна використати на уроці як додатковий матеріал для учнів з метою ознайомлення їх з даним видом спорту, його правилами,познайомити дітей з людиною яка вважається його засновником,переглянути відео тренування жіночої команди з водного полу та на останок подивитися декілька смішних моментів (фото),знятих під час гри (це може трішки підняти дітям настрій та зробити поданий матеріал цікавішим).
Зміст слайдів
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It has different names, such as. Polo. Wopo. Waterfootball. Poolball

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It is a team water sport.

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Polo was created in Scotland in 19th century as a sort of ‘ water rugby’by William Wilson

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This game consist of 4 (for 7-8 minutes in each with timeouts for 2 minutes after quarter) quarters in which 2 teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball into their opponent’s goal.

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A team consist of 6 field players and 1 goalkeeper in the water

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Special equipment for water polo includes : Water polo yellow balls

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The rules of water polo. The 1st rules were originated by William Wilson. They cover the play, procedure, equipment, officiating of water polo

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A team has only 30 sec to throw the ball into adversary’s goals. After finishing this time a ball has got another team which also has 30 sec.

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Head held high to see over the ball.• Arms wide entry to avoid contact with the ball during stroking.• Rapid turnover to stabilize the ball position in front of the head.• Elevated hip and body position to ward off defenders.• Strong flutter kick to gain speed while dribbling.* NOTE – head down dribble an option for additional speed.

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Referee Signals. The officials refereeing the game will use their arms, hands, and fingers to indicate who is inpossession of the ball, who is ejected, when a goal is scored, etc.

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The size of the pool is:25 metres length and 20 metres long

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Funny moments during the water polo game

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Thank you for attention !

Bardakova Olena Ihorivna
2 квітня 2023
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