Урок "Свята та традиціі "

Про матеріал
Мета уроку формувати уміння сприймати на слух (вміння реагувати на запитання та відповіді та самостійно будувати речення) та ввести в мовлення учнів лексичний матеріал з нової теми «Свята»;
Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку: Свята.

Цілі уроку:

Формувати уміння сприймати на слух (вміння  реагувати на запитання та відповіді та самостійно будувати речення);

Формувати та розвивати вміння учнів працювати з підручником та роздатковим

 матеріалом, працювати в різних режимах, долати труднощі у вивченні англійської    


Ввести в мовлення учнів лексичний матеріал з нової теми «Свята»;

Формувати  логічне мислення, уяву, пам’ять учнів, спостережливість.

Виховувати  культуру поведінки при спілкуванні;

Обладнання уроку:

  1.               Малюнки для введення в тему.
  2.               Мультимедійна презентація до уроку.
  3.               Підручник та робочий зошит

Урок  формування навичок та умінь


Хід уроку

  1.                Початок уроку.
  1.               Організаційний момент.

Привітання, бесіда (1 хв.)



- Good afternoon, dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

         Red, yellow, green and blue

         Hello friends, how are you?

         Red, yellow, green and blue

        We are fine, thank you

Sit down, please, let’s start our lesson with the rhyme.


Warming up (2 хв.)

a)   - Ann how are you today? Please ask Andrew a question «how are you today?»

       -Ask who is on duty today?

      - Ask who is absent today?

       - Ask what day is it today?

       - Ask what date is it today?

      - Ask what is the weather like today?

       - Ask what is his/her favourite holiday?

          Thank you very much!well done !!


b) Розв’язування пазлу - повідомлення теми та мети уроку, мотивація навчальної діяльності. Topic Puzzle. (3 хв.)

Teacher: Well, pupils, look at the screen , please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. There are some pictures. Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the topic of today’s lesson. For example, a hat – letter Hh.




An ice-




 A year

A stocking









Teacher: So, what key word have we got? (Holidays).

You are right. So today we continue to speak about holidays. We’ll revise the names of the holidays. We’ll make up dialogues about holidays, write about different ways of celebrating them. I think the lesson will be very interesting.


ІІ. Основна частина уроку:

Усне діалогічне мовлення. (6 хв.)  


T: So you know a lot about holidays and now let’s practice a little bit.

You will work in three groups. Look at the screen please.

The first group will talk about New Year, the second about Christmas, and the third about Easter.


This line asks questions and this line answers.

Now one step right…

Are you ready?

Next question.



P1: When do you celebrate New Year?

P2: We celebrate New Year in January.

P1: How do you  celebrate New Year?

P2: People usually visit their friends. There usually dance and eat. Ukrainian people celebrate New Year with New Year Tree, Father Frost, New Year Parties and presents.



P1: When do you celebrate Christmas?

P2: They celebrate Christmas on the twenty-fifth of December.

P1: How do you celebrate Christmas?

P2: They sing carols and dance around the Christmas Tree, Christmas presents in the stockings, Santa Claus and the traditional Christmas meal and Christmas decoration in the streets.


P1: When do you celebrate  Easter?

P2:I celebrate easter in spring

P1: What do you usually do on birthday?

P2: They write invitations for their quests. Friends write greetings on birthday cards and give presents


Now let’s work in pairs. Open your books at  page 90.ex.5. Look at the exercise, here you have the scheme. Make up a dialogue about your favourite holiday. Write it down.

(6 хв)


  •                   What is your favourite holiday?
  •                   My favourite holiday is___________.
  •                   When do you celebrate _____________?
  •                   I celebrate it on_____________.
  •                   What do you usually do on___________?
  •                   I usually ________________.


T: Who wants to present his/her dialogue? Will you present your dialogue?


Фізкультхвилинка. Relaxing minute. (4 хв.)

T: During the holidays people are very happy and active. Let’s sing a song

T:So you have got different  pictures on your desks . Show them.


Describing the pictures (6 хв)

T: Are you ready for the next exercise?  Now each of you gets a toy with a word. Some have a toy with an English word, others – Ukrainian. Read your word aloud and find your partner. Ann begin please. Who has English / Ukrainian word

So each pair gets a picture. Describe the picture. Say what it is and what holiday it is from.


It is a Valentine’s card. It is in February.

It is a Christmas tree. We decorate it with balls.

It is a cake with candles. We usually have it on our birthday. I invite my friends. I blow the candles.

It is Santa Claus. He brings presents.



Аудіювання. Listening comprehension. (4 хв.)

Teacher: And now we’ll watch a video about Christmas and you should answer the questions.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку. Rounding off.

  1.               Рефлексія. (2хв.)


  1. Рефлексія. (2хв.)

Teacher: So today we made dialogues, sang a song, described pictures, watched a video and now take your stickers , write down your names and stick the sticker to the activity which you like best of all.


   2.Домашнє завдання. Setting the homework for the next lesson. (2 хв.)

Teacher: Now, children, open your diary books and write down your hometask for the next lesson, please. You should learn dialogues from our lessons.  Ex. 5, p.90 (P.B.)

Now marks. Diana Sasha Roma you were very  active so you get 10. Vova Bohdan had some mistakes so you get 8 Boys, for your dialogues you get 11.


3.Прощання та підведення підсумків уроку. Saying “Good bye”. (2 хв.)

Teacher: Now, boys and girls, it’s time for saying “Good bye”. Well, thank you for your work, boys and girls. You are always very active and help me at my classes Thank you for being kind and clever. Good-bye, dear friends.