Презентація на тему "What is in my fridge"

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Презентація на тему "What is in my fridge" для учнів середньої школи. Для активізації лексики з теми "Food"
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Номер слайду 1

What is in My Fridge. Виконала студентка 11 групи. Факультету іноземних мов. Заочного відділення. Круль Марія Іванівна

Номер слайду 2

Welcome to my fridge. Since I live in village you can always find in my fridge: Milk. Eggs. Sour cream. Meat

Номер слайду 3

There are vegetables, fruits, jam, cheese, honey, sweets and sausages in my fridge also.

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As I love eating very tasty food I also love cooking. I like the process of cooking, the way I can make something wonderful out of nothing. My favorite recipe is charlotte. I cook it several times per month for my family. We usually gather for some family dinner at the weekend and charlotte is an essential dish on the table. The required products are very simple: flour, sugar, 5 eggs and a couple of apples. First of all we beat up 5 eggs. I can share an advice on how to make it tastier: try beating up the eggs that spent some time out of the fridge. The result will be much tastier. After that you add one cup of sugar and in some time add one and a half cup of flour. Another secret of tasty pie is the usage of sieved flour. When you mix all the ingredients — add some apples and put the mixture in the oven for 20 minutes. When the time runs out turn it off but leave the pie inside until it gets cooler. I assure you it will taste delicious. So if you are as big a fan of cooking as I am — try this amazing recipe. I am sure you will love it.

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