Презентація "Past Simple"

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Дана презентація може бути використана при вивченні, закріпленні або повторенні граматичного матеріалу з теми the Past SimpleTense.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Remember! Past Simple Tense Минулий неозначений час вживається для:повідомлення про регулярну повторювану дію у минулому;опис послідовності дій, що відбувались у минулому;позначення дії, котра відбувалася в минулому і вже є завершеною

Номер слайду 3

yesterday the day before yesterdaylast month last year last week a year ago a week ago in 2009 Обставини часу

Номер слайду 4

Всі дієслова поділяються на правильні та неправильніправильніlike – liked watch – watched play – played count – counted неправильніsleep – slept swim – swam go – went have – had V+ed V2

Номер слайду 5

Regular verbs (Правильні дієслова)V + ed[t]Watched. Walked. Talked. Finished. Looked[id]Skated. Wanted. Collected. Paintedneeded[d]Played. Learned. Tried. Cried

Номер слайду 6


Номер слайду 7

+ Noun + V2 / V+ ed. They visited London last year. My parents bought me a new bike yesterday. Past Simple Affirmative form

Номер слайду 8

-Noun + did not (didn’t)+V1 They didn’t visit London last year. My parents didn’t buy me a new bike yesterday. Past Simple Negative form

Номер слайду 9

? Did +noun + V1 ?Did they visit London last year?Did your parents buy a new bike yesterday?Yes, I/you/we/they/he/she/it did. No, I/you/we/they/he/she/it did not (didn’t) Past Simple Question form

Номер слайду 10

I (like) to play football when I was young. My friends (play) tennis after lessons. We (watch) TV yesterday. I (walk) my dog in the evening. I (help) my parents 1 hour ago. I (open) the door at 7 o'clock. We (walk) our cat in the morning. We (go) for a walk last week. My mum (cook) very tasty cakes yesterday. Open the brackets Use Past Simple

Номер слайду 11

Mary (not to break) that vase yesterday. Amanda (to be) busy with the cooking. He (to arrive) from the airport at 8 o’clock, (to check) into the hotel at 9 o’clock and (to meet) the others at 10 o’clock. She (not to read) the story and (to get) a bad mark at the Literature lesson last Thursday. I (not to think) you (to be) interested in this job. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

Номер слайду 12

Complete the sentences with the verb in the negative. We played volleyball, but we … basketball. It rained yesterday, but it … last Sunday. They worked on Monday, but they … on Tuesday. She visited her Granny, but she … her aunt. I learned English, but I … French. John skated on Sunday, but he … yesterday. We played volleyball, but we didn’t play basketball. It rained yesterday, but it didn’t rain last Sunday. They worked on Monday, but they didn’t work on Tuesday. She visited her Granny, but she didn’t visit her aunt. I learned English, but I didn’t learn French. John skated on Sunday, but he didn’t skate yesterday.

Номер слайду 13

Now 100 years ago. People use computers. People didn’t use computers. People watch TV. Astronauts travel in space. People talk on mobile phones. People travel from Russia to Britain very quickly. People cook breakfast in microwaves. Make these sentences negative

Номер слайду 14

Last summer Jane and Pete (visit) _________ their granny. She (live) ________ in a little house in Oxford. The weather (be) _________ nice and children (have) _________ a lot of fun. One day they (see) _________ a little dog in the street. They (take) _________ the dog home and (call) __________ it Nancy. Nancy (be) _________ very kind and clever. They (play) ___________ together every day. When Pete’s ball (get lost) ______ _______ she (find) _______ it and Pete (be) ______ very happy. Autumn (come) _________ and the children (go back) _________ to London. They (can not) ________ take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy (stay) _________ with Granny. The children often (think) _________ about Nancy and (want) _________to visit her. One morning Jane (look) _________ out the window and (see) _________ Nancy. She (find) __________ them and (come) _________with a present. In her mouth she (have) _________ Pete’s old trainer. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple

Номер слайду 15

watch TV have a showerbuy a bookspeak Englisheat meatplay computer gameswork in the gardendrink apple juicesleep in the afternooncome home late. What did you do yesterday?(Make questions. Your answers can be positive or negative)

Номер слайду 16

Verb to be in the Past Simple. IHe / she / it. Was. We. You. They. Were

Номер слайду 17

My mother is at home. His parents are in the south now. I am at school now. Ann and Kate are students. Tom is ill now. We are at the cinema. She is a doctor. They are in London at the moment. Tim is always late for his lessons. I am interested in History. Сhange these sentences into. Past Simple

Номер слайду 18

He We waswerein the park.in the park.notnot

Номер слайду 19

Questions?Was he happy?Were they happy?+ Yes, he/she/it was. Yes, you/we/they were. No, he/she/it was not (wasn’t) No, you/we/they were not (weren’t)

Номер слайду 20

He They waswerehappy.happy.??

Номер слайду 21

Make up questions. We were in the park last Sunday. Were we in the park last Sunday?They were very happy. Were they very happy?He was a very good boy. Was he a very good boy?I was at school yesterday. Were you at school yesterday?

Номер слайду 22

Make up 5 affirmative sentences in the Past Simple and make them negative and question. Homeworkstyle.colorfillcolorfill.type

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