Презентація "Sights of Kyiv"

Про матеріал
Відомі місця Києва: Майдан Незалежності, собор Св.Софії, будинок з хімерами, Маріїнський палац, Андріївський узвіз, Золоті ворота, Києво-Печерська Лавра
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Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine

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Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine

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Maidan Nezalezhnosti. Khreshchatyk, the beautiful many-faced, brightly-lit main street of Kyiv, hasn’t always been like this. Originally it was Khreshchata Dolyna covered with forests and ravines. At the beginning of the 19th century the first wooden houses were built there, later stone buildings were erected. Practically all of them were ruined during the Great Patriotic War but later were restored by the Kyivites. The street leads to Independence Square, the main square of Kyiv which now together with Khreshchatyk, is the favourite place for entertainment for the citizens and guests of the city.

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St. Sophia Cathedral. A visit to St. Sophia Cathedral may be the highlight of your stay in Kyiv. Kyivites say that if you do not see it while here, then you did not see Kyiv. The church was built in 1037 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise on the site of a battle-field to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs (Asian nomadic tribes) and to glorify the wisdom of Christianity (Sophia in Greek means "wisdom").

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St. andrew’s church. The most visitors are impressed by the beauty of St Andrew's Church. This church stands elegantly outlined against Kyiv skyline. It was built in 1748 by the architect Rastrelli, who also built the Mariyinsky. Palace in Kyiv. From its terraces the famous writer Gogol used to look down at the lower town of Podil.

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Andriyivskiy uzviz. The winding brick street Andriyvski Uzviz leading up the hill to the church has a variety of interesting art galleries and shops. This is one of the best areas to find traditional Ukrainian crafts and arts.

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Mariynskiy palace. Mariinsky Palace was built on the right bank of the Dnipro Ukrainian capital in the years 1750-1755. This beautiful building is also known as the Presidential Palace. It often hosts a variety of state receptions, gala events, summits and meetings of official delegations.

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Kiev-Pecherskaya. Lavra Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra Monastery is one of the most famous sites of Kyiv. "Lavra" is the term used by the Orthodox Church for its largest monastery. It was built in the eleventh century. The monks lived in caves under the monastery, which still can be visited. The famous monk Nestor wrote the chronicle "The Story of Begone Days" while living in this monastery. Lavra incorporates a number of old buildings, churches and museums. There is a lot to see there.

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Golden Gate(zoloti vorota)The Golden Gates is a remarkable monument of the twelfth century architecture. It was erected in 1164 A. D. to protect Kyiv from invaders. The Golden Gates, a strong main gateway, was the entrance to the fortress when Kyiv was attacked in 1238 A. D. The Mongol-Tatar invaders were powerless against the Gates. They were able to break into the town only through a breach of the wooden walls.

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house with chimeras. House with Chimeras – the most mysterious building in Kyiv. House with Chimeras, also known as Horodecki House, is an amazing brick building in the Art Nouveau style, an object of cultural heritage located in Kyiv. The house got its name because of the unique sculptural decoration placed both on the facade of the house and inside it (land and underwater fauna, hunting attributes, fabulous creatures). The building is located in the Pechersk district on Bankova Street in front of the Administration of the President of Ukraine. House with Chimeras was built by the architect Wladyslaw Horodecki in 1901-1902. In addition to architecture, Horodecki loved hunting, perhaps, that’s why he used so many sculptures of animals in his works. Today, the building is used for events with the participation of the President of Ukraine.

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Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine The present and the past live side by side i Kyiv, and both lovers of history and people who are interested in the contemporary life of the capital will find something to their taste in the busy streets of Kyiv.

4 жовтня 2023
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