Презентація "Sport. Elina Svitolina. Famous sportsmens."

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Hello! It`s a presentation about famous ukrainian sportwomen Elina Svitolina. She is the third racket in the world (2017). Topic: Sport
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Elina Svitolina. The third racket in the world

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Content. Click to add Title1 Ukrainian sport1 Click to add Title22 Click to add Title13 Click to add Title24 Click to add Title1 Thank you for attention!5 Medals and wins of this tennis player. Who’s Elina Svitolina?All about tennis

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Ukrainian sport. Ukraine – it`s a country, which has many famous people, including sportsmen. Our country always takes part in every Olympic Games. We have many famous players of tennis, people, who do gymnastics, play football, basketball and volleyball. Last year a volleyball team from our town won on International tournament. This is a team, which consists of women. And now I want to tell you about women at sport. I will speak about Elina Svitolina.

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All about tennis. What is tennis?Tennis is outdoor and indoor sport. Why? Because we have two kind of this sport: table tennis and big tennis. Table tennis – is indoor sport, big tennis is outdoor sport. Big tennis – is an Olympic sport. If you want to play table tennis you need: 2 bats, 1 small ball and a special table with a net. For big tennis we use: 2 rackets, one ball, big court and a big net.

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Who`s Elina Svitolina? Elina Svitolina – is the greatest Ukrainian tennis player. She was born in 1994. She is from Odessa. She likes tennis most of all. It’s her life. Now she lives in Monako. It’s city in Canada. She started competing in famous competitions begining in 2008. She was only 14 y.o. when she competed in America. It’s woman, who represents Ukraine for all the world.

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Elina’s medals and wins. Her first win she got in 2010. It was a competition in France. In that competition she didn’t get medals. In 2012 she got a name «The first racket of Ukraine». In 2017 Elina got a name «The third racket of the WORLD»(!!!)In 2021 she took part in Summer Olympics and got bronze medal.

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Thank you for attention!

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