Презентація "Sport in our life"

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Презентація на тему "Sport in our life" для уроків англійської мови в 7 класах
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Sport in Our Life

Номер слайду 2

Objectives:-to activate pupils` knowledge and vocabulary on the topic “Sport”-to develop students` reading ,listening and speaking skills- to practise grammar ( Question tags)- to incorporate students` group work-to motivate learners to exchanging opinions

Номер слайду 3

Learning outcomes: Pupils will -talk about various sports;-exchange their opinions;-prove the importance of sports;-get more motivated to practise sports and have healthy lifestyle

Номер слайду 4

Match the sayings of Greek philosophers1) Doing exercises, I want to make my body. C) more well-balanced. Sokrat2) Physical exercises are. A) the healing part of medicine. Platon3) Sport is. B) a preserver of health. Hippocrates

Номер слайду 5

Motto of our lesson “Sport makes people healthy, wealthy and wise”

Номер слайду 6

Give the name of sports. Round 11. It’s the most popular game in England and Ukraine. Men and women can play it. It’s one of the most popular games in the world. It’s a team game which lasts for 90 minutes.2. It was first played in Canada. It’s a team game. It’s a winter game. Only men and boys can play it. The players don’t run in the field, they skate. 3. This kind of sport is very beautiful. The sportsmen do some exercises or dance to the music. The sportsmen have skates and beautiful costumes on.4. This game was firstly played in the USA. The team has 5 players. They try to throw the ball into the basket.5. Activity where you move through the water.6. Sport of fighting while wearing big leather gloves.7. Sport where one player pass a ball to other. It is played on the court. 8. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc.9. The game people play on the board.

Номер слайду 7

Name famous representatives of given sports.1. Swimming2. Gymnastics3. Tennis4. Figure Skating5. Boxing6. Chess7. Football8. Athletics. Round 2

Номер слайду 8

Round 3 Match extreme sports with pictures.1. Skateboarding 2. Extreme Motosport3. Parkour4. Ice Climbing 5. Rock Climbing 6. Water Rafting 7. Mountain Biking 8. Windsurfing. ABCDEFJH

Номер слайду 9

Round 4 Project Presentation. Advertisement of my own sport club.

Номер слайду 10

Round 5 Relaxation. Funny moments of sports

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

Round 6 Reading p 96-97“The most important thing is not to win but to take part.”

Номер слайду 14

Vocabularythe Olympic flag [ əˈlɪm.pɪk flæɡ ] – олімпійський прапор ;the Paralympic Games – параолімпійські ігри;flame [ fleɪm ] – вогонь,полум’я;a mascot [ ˈmæs.kɒt ] –талісман;a wheelchair [ ˈwiːl.tʃeər ] – інвалідний візок;sport events [ spɔːt ɪˈvent ] – спортивна подія;international [ ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl ] –міжнародний, інтернаціональнй;compete [ kəmˈpiːt ] – змагатися;to take place – брати участь;To take part-відбуватисяto be proud [ praʊd ] – пишатись;

Номер слайду 15

Vocabularyto represent [ ˌreprɪˈzent ] – представляти,презентувати;a motto [ ˈmɒt.əʊ ] – девіз;spirit [ ˈspɪrɪt ] – дух;an eagle [ ˈiː.ɡl̩ ] – орел;an ancient Greece [ ˈeɪnʃənt ] – древня Греція;to carry [ ˈkæri ] – нести;a torch is lit [ tɔːtʃ ] – факел запалюється.across the world [ əˈkrɒs ] – по всьому світу;disability [ ˌdɪs.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti ] – неповносправність, фізичні вади.

Номер слайду 16

Pre-reading task. Find out some interesting facts about the Olympics. The Olympic flag1. The Olympic flag was released by Pierre de Coubertin in 1914.2. The Olympic flag was first flown during the 1920 Olympic Games. Medals1. The last Olympic gold medals that were made entirely out of gold were awarded in 1912. The Paralympic Games1. The first official international competition known as the Paralympic Games was held in 1960. The Winter Olympics1. The Winter Olympic Games were first held in 19242. In 1994, the Winter Olympic Games were held in completely different years (two years apart) than the Summer Games.

Номер слайду 17

Interesting facts about the Olympics. The Olympic Mascot1. Since the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France, the Olympic Games have had a mascot. The Olympic flame1. The flame first appeared in the modern Olympics at the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam.2. In 1936, the chairman of the organizing committee for the 1936 Olympic Games, Carl Diem, suggested what the modern Olympic Torch Relay is now. The Summer Olympics1. The Summer Olympic Games were first held in Athens(Greece) in 1896.

Номер слайду 18

After-reading task. Answer the questions1. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?2. Which of the Olympics are older: Summer or Winter?3. What do five rings on the Olympic flag represent?4. What is the Olympic mascot?5. What do the athletes get for the first, second and third places?6. When is the Olympic flame put out?

Номер слайду 19

Paralympic games

Номер слайду 20

Round 7 Listening. Listen to the text and speak about the Paralympics. The Paralympics. The Paralympics is for people with a physical disability. They were first held in Rome in 1960 and since that time there have been 24 Summer and Winter Paralympics. The athletes take part in 28 different sports. They play tennis and snooker. They do judo and ride a bike. Some athletes go swimming or weight lifting. A lot of athletes go running and jumping. Athletics is very popular. Playing table tennis is also very popular among disabled athletes.

Номер слайду 21

Round 8 Speaking. Talk about Paralympics using promts:1. …is for…2. …were first held…3. …take part in…4. They play…5. They do…6. The athletes go…7. …is popular8. Tennis…

Номер слайду 22

Grammar. Question Tags. Complete with the question tag.. Complete with the question tag. Round 9 1. Our teacher is a young man,… 2. He didn’t win the game, 3. The game has started at 5 p.m.,… 4. The pupils are training now,… 5. The coach can show how to play,… 6. Their team lost the game, 7. You visited my sport club last week,…8. They are playing outside now,…9. She has never been to the gym,…10. The girls can win the match,…11. We didn’t buy a new ball,…12. The coach will explain the rules,……

Номер слайду 23

Round 10 Use of English. Match the parts of sentences.1. If you don`t keep fit,2. Team sports help people to develop a good attitude3. You need to understand that you can achieve more4. Sport makes people5. Keeping your body healthy6. Doing sport is a very sociable and enjoyable to the people they work or study withhelps your mind to be cleareras part of a team than as an individualyou`ll end up in hospitalway to look after yourselfbehave in a less selfish way

Номер слайду 24

Round 11 Discussion. Opinion Poll. My attitude to sport Do you agree or disagree that sport makes people healthy, wealthy and wise?FORAGAINST

Номер слайду 25

Round 12 Summary. What have you learned today?

Номер слайду 26

Sport unites people of different classes and nationalities.

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 лютого 2023
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