Презентація "Spring holidays.Easter"

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Презентація до уроку з англійської мови у середніх та старших класах під час вивчення теми "Весняні свята. Великдень" (Easter)
Зміст слайдів
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NEW WORDS Signified – мати значенння Spirituality – духовність Endurance – витривалість, терпіння Wisdom – мудрість Success – успіх Signifying – значити, означати Government – уряд, керування Equilateral –рівнобічний Leadership – керівництво Achievement – досягнення, успіх, здобуток Annually – щорічно Dyeing – фарбування Faithfully – вірно, чесно Root – корінь Purchased – куплений, придбаний Equinox – рівнодення Orthodox – православний Priests - священник Bless – освячувати Wax – віск Resist – перешкоджати Worshipped – культ, поклоніння Source – джерело , криниця Benevolent – доброзичливий, милосердний Via – через Tomb – могила, склеп Acceptance – прийняття Palette – палітра Patterns – зразок Purity –чистота, непорочність

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Easter is preceded by seven weeks of Lent and celebrated on each first week after vernal equinox and full moon. It’s the most busy and cheerful holiday for orthodox believers. On Saturday evening they gather in the church for the Easter vigil till the very morning when priests bless the food believers brought. After that people go home to celebrate Easter with their families. When people on the way they say: <> and these people should reply <>. Ukrainian Easter is a historical combination of heathen and Christian traditions. Easter cake and painted eggs are the symbols of Ukrainian Easter and obligatory food on the table this day.

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Pysanka (Ukrainian: писанка, plural: pysanky) is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated using a wax-resist (batik) method. The word comes from the verb pysaty, "to write", as the designs are not painted on, but written with beeswax. Many other eastern European ethnic groups, including the Belarusians (пісанка), Bulgarians (писано яйце, pisano yaytse), Serbs (pisanica), Czechs (kraslice), Lithuanians (margutis), Poles (pisanka), Romanians (ouă vopsite or incondeiate), Slovaks (kraslica), and Slovenes (pisanica or pirh) decorate eggs in a similar manner for Easter.

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The colors used in pysanka are rich in symbolism. Although each region of Ukraine had its palette of symbols, patterns, designs, and colors, certain meanings were associated with the following colors: White - Signified purity, birth, light, rejoicing, virginity. Yellow - The symbol of light and purity. It signified, youth, love, the harvest and perpetuation of the family. It is the color consecrated to the light deities, and the sun, stars, and moon. It is the Christian symbol of reward and recognition. Gold - Spirituality, wisdom. Orange - The symbol of endurance, strength, and ambition. The color of a flame represented passion tempered by the yellow of wisdom. It is also the symbol of the everlasting sun.

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Pink - Success, contentment. Green - The color of fertility, health, and hopefulness; of spring, breaking bondage, freshness, and wealth. In the Christian era it represents bounty, hope, and the victory of life over death. Green is the color of Christmas, Easter, and the Epiphany. Red - The magical color of folklore signifying action, charity, and spiritual awakening. It also represented the sun and the joy of life and love. Pysanky with red fields or motifs are often given to children. In the Christian era it represents the divine love and passion of Christ, hope, passion, blood, fire, and the ministry of the church. Blue - Represented blue skies or the air, and good health, truth, and fidelity.

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Of all things, why an egg? The story began in 1973 when the Alberta government established the Alberta Century Celebrations Committee to co-ordinate the Centennial Celebrations of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to be held in 1974. The committee was to distribute funds to communities that wished to build a monument to the R.C.M.P. The unique nature and complicated geometry of the egg shape made the design of the Pysanka a highly complex project. Professor Ronald Resch, a computer scientist at the University of Utah, agreed to take on the design project. Realizing the significant nature of the project, the Century Celebrations Committee increased the Chamber’s grant to $25,000.

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Professor Resch was responsible for the entire Pysanka concept, which required the development of new computer programs. The Pysanka is really an immense jigsaw puzzle containing 524 star patterns, 1,108 equilateral triangles, 3,512 visible facets, 6,978 nuts and bolts, and 177 internal struts.  As a result of Professor Resch’s work and leadership, the Pysanka is recognized around the world as not only a unique artistic masterpiece, but also an achievement of nine mathematical, architectural and engineering firsts. The design represents the first computer modelling of an egg.  Thousands of tourists from around the world visit Vegreville annually and marvel at the Pysanka. It measures 25.7 feet long, 18 feet wide, and stands 31 feet high. It is one of the premier tourist attractions on the Yellowhead Highway. 

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1 березня 2021
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