Навчання аудіюванню -одне з найскладніших завдань для вчителя у школі. Дана презентація ознайомить як правильно розвивати ці навички, які типи текстів та завдань використати, які труднощі виникають в навчанні аудіювання.
Types of texts. Natural sound. A conversation A phone call. An announcement. A lecture. News. Music. A movie. A TV program. A talk show
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Task types. Gap filling. Matching. True\false. Multiplechoice
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Listening skills and strategies: For main idea (gist)For specific information. For details. For predicting. For inferring meaning. For opinion. For inferring relations. For recognizing context
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Main difficulties. Pupils try to understand every word. Pupils don’t know the topical vocabulary. Different accents. Pupils don’t recognize the words they know. Lack of listening strategies. Making predictions. Guessing words. Recognizing main points. Difficult listening material