Present Simple Tense. Welcome to this presentation on Present Simple Tense. In this presentation, we will dive deep into the different aspects of present simple and how to use it effectively in everyday conversations. by Kateryna Dereka
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Definition and Structure of Present Simple Tense. Definition. Present simple tense is used to express habits, routines, and facts that are generally true. Structure. Subject + base form of the verb. I/you/we/they + Verb. He/She/It + Verb+ -s (-es)Examples"She walks to work every morning" "We live in a big house" "He always drinks coffee for breakfast"
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The Difference Between Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense1 Present Simple Tense. Used for routines and habits2 Present Continuous Tense. Used for actions in progress3 Example"She regularly practices yoga" (present simple)"She is practicing yoga right now" (present continuous)Formation of Positive, Negative and Interrogative Sentences in Present Simple Tense Positive. Subject + Verb (base form) + Object Negative. Subject + do/does + not + Verb (base form) + Object Interrogative. Do/Does + Subject + Verb (base form) + Object?
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Стверджувальна форма Запитальна форма. I / We/ You / They read. З’являються Допоміжні дієслова do/does - які допомагають утворювати запитальну і заперечну форми. Do you read?Do they read?He / She /It reads. Strategy. Does she read?Does he read?Заперечна форма They do not read. She does not readdo not = don'tdoes not = doesn't. How to Use Present Simple Tense in Everyday Conversations1 Describing Routines"I usually wake up at 6am"2 Stating Facts"The earth revolves around the sun"3 Talking about General Truths"Water freezes at 0°C"
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Показники часу. Стоять між підметом і присудком. Стоять або на початку або в кінці речення. Usually - зазвичай. Always - завжди. Sometimes - інколи. Often - часто. Seldom - рідко. Never - ніколиin the morning - вранціin the evening - ввечеріevery month - щомісяцяevery week - щотижняon Sundays - щонеділі
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Common Mistakes in Using Present Simple Tense. Mistake 1 Using present simple tense to describe actions happening right now. (Incorrect: "I am loving this party" Correct: "I love this party")Mistake 2 Using the wrong verb tense for certain actions. (Incorrect: "I goes to the gym" Correct: "I go to the gym")Mistake 3 Using the wrong subject-verb agreement. (Incorrect: "She don't like coffee" Correct: "She doesn't like coffee")
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Exercises to Practice Present Simple Tense Read a book or article and identify all the present simple tense sentences used. Write a journal entry about your daily routine using present simple tense. Have a conversation with a partner using present simple tense