Заняття з англійської мови №1 для студентів 1 курсу закладів фахової передвищої освіти

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Конспект заняття з англійської мови №1 для студентів 1 курсу закладів фахової передвищої освіти, що навчаються на базі базової середньої освіти.

За основу для заняття взято підручник Solutions 3rd ed. Elementary

Перегляд файлу


Unknown author




Task 1. Complete the questions in the dialogue with the phrases below.


Kadir       K-A-D-I-R, Kadir. D-E-M-I-R, Demir. 

Woman  Thank you. Where ______________________________

Kadir        I’m from Turkey.

Woman  And how _______________________________, Kadir?

Kadir       I’m eighteen

Woman  Great! Thank you. You’re in room 53.  Kadir      Thanks. See you later!

image Task 2. Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat the dialogue.


Task 3. Work in groups or as a class. Think of a famous person and start spelling his or her name. Who can guess the person first?




imageVOCABULARY Listen and repeat the numbers (1—50). Then say the numbers backwards (50—1) around the class.  



imageTask 4. Listen to two dialogues. Complete the table with the names and ages of the four  speakers.





1. Antoine 


Antoine is from











VOCABULARY Which country are the students in Task 4 from? Listen again and match them with countries from the list below.

Countries                    Argentina   Australia   Brazil   Canada   China   Croatia   the Czech Republic   Egypt  

France   Germany   Greece   Hungary    India    Italy    Japan    Mexico   Poland      Slovakia   Spain    Turkey    the UK    Ukraine    the USA


Task 5. SPEAKING Work in pairs. Test your partner’s spelling of the countries.

imageimage        How   do   you    spell   «Spain»?                                                       S-P-A-I-N.  How   do  you  spell….?



Task 6.  Answer the questions about the countries in Task 4.

1.        Which are in Europe?

2.        Which are in Asia?

3.        Which are in North and South America? 

4.        Which are English-speaking countries?

5.        Which are near your own country?












Task 7.  SPEAKING Work in pairs. Find out your partner’s information. Ask and answer questions from the dialogue in  Task 1.


Task 8. Describe the photo at page 5. Where are the people? What are they doing?

imageTask 9. Read and listen to the dialogue. Find the names of the people in the photo.

imageRyan Hi, Izzy. Can I sit here?

Izzy  Yes, of course. This is Becky. She’s new.

Ryan  Hi, Becky. I’m Ryan, Izzy’s brother.

Becky  Hi. Nice to meet you!

Ryan  Where are you from, Becky?

Becky  I’m from London. I moved here two weeks ago. Ryan   I love London. I’ve got friends there. I sometimes visit them and we go skateboarding.

Izzy  Do you like skateboarding, Becky?

Becky  Not really. But I like ice skating.

Izzy  Me too! Let’s go ice skating after school.

Becky  Great idea!

Ryan  I’m not very keen on ice skating. What do you think of bowling?

Becky  Bowling? I hate it.

Ryan  Oh. Actually, I don’t mind ice skating…

Izzy  That’s the bell. I’ve got maths, then history.

Becky  I’ve got PE now. I love PE! See you after school, Izzy! Izzy  Bye, Becky.

Ryan  Yeah…Bye…


Task 10. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

1.      This is the first time Izzy and Ryan meet. _____

2.      This is the first time Becky and Ryan meet. _____

3.      Ryan sometimes goes skateboarding in London. ____

4.      Becky does not like skateboarding or bowling. ____

5.      Ryan and Becky agree to go ice skating after school. _____

6.      Izzy and Becky have got PE next. ____


Task 11. Add three words from the dialogue in Task 2 to each list.


Sports and hobbies


School subjects

board games



IT (information technology)














Task 12. Match the descriptions of the people with a sport or school subject. There are 2 extra words.

swimming     dancing    history     IT     maths     skateboarding    chess

1.      Daniel and his friends play a board game.                                                __________________

2.      Ethan is really good with numbers.                                                          __________________

3.      Rob likes exercising and listening to music.                                              __________________

4.      Jen has got a new computer and she wants to learn how to use it.        __________________

5.      Jack loves all water sports.                                                                          __________________


Task 13. Work in pairs. Try to find three sports or hobbies which you and your partner both like.



                 The structure of the English sentence

imageЗа структурою речення бувають:











imageimageimageРозповідне речення має прямий (незмінний) порядок слів:

Підмет (Subject) — присудок (Predicate) — додаток (Object) (Підмет — Дієслово (обов’язково) — Додаток).

Зворотний порядок слів (інверсія) ____________







Home task: Scan Qr-code and do the task.




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