презентація уроку-Українська традиц їжа та Fast Food

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Американські підлітки витрачають 13 мільярдів доларів на рік на "Швидке харчування".

Вони двічі їдуть у ресторан швидкого харчування


Магазини риби і дружини дуже популярні у Великобританії.

71% британських підлітків їдять закуски

між стравами.

Яку традиційну їжу у вас є?

а) Мені подобається домашнє харчування.

б) я віддаю перевагу багатьом різновидам борщу, супу, молочного супу.

в) Мені подобається натуральна сметана, яловичина, свинина, парова котлета, рибні страви, варені яйця, каша, каша, свіжі овочі, свіжі фрукти, ягоди, варене картопля, сир, домашня ковбаса, свіжий сік ..

6. Чому ви повинні їсти їжу?

а) Він містить необхідні вітаміни, мінерали, білки.

б) добре приготовлене і свіже. Це дає мені сили і


Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Ukrainian national dishes. Healthy Lifestyle. Healthy food. How can you avoid health problems?

Номер слайду 2

Read the information. American teenagers spend 13 billion dollars a year on Fast Food. They go to a Fast Food Restaurant twice a week. Fish and cheeps shops are very popular in the UK. 71 % of British teenagers eat snacks between meals.

Номер слайду 3

What tasty Fast Food do they eat? pizza hamburgers hot dogs chips biscuits crisps fries snacks

Номер слайду 4

What is the result of those eating? The diseases of civilization such as overweight allergy heart disease dysentery high blood pressure E. coli gastric ulcer salmonella colitis diabetes and others.

Номер слайду 5

Make up a dialogue. Dialogue 1 High, Ann! - High, Inna! 1.Do you often have a snack instead of a traditional meal? a) often b) not often c) sometimes d) never 2. Why do you eat fast food or junk food instead of the traditional eggs, meat, vegetables, bread, butter, cheese or porridge? a) to have a quick bite , b) because it is so popular and tasty c) when I am busy and have no time to cook.

Номер слайду 6

Make up a dialogue. Dialogue 2 High, Max! - High, Vlad! 3. What are the harmful consequences of eating junk food? a) Junk food has a bad influence on my health. b) Due to it a number of diseases increases. c) It poisons my body with the toxins. 4. How can you avoid health problems? a) I must eat healthy food. b) I must avoid eating junk food. c) I must eat meals instead of snacks.

Номер слайду 7

Make up a dialogue. Dialogue 3. 5. What traditional meal do you have? a) I like homemade meals. b) I prefer many varieties of borsch, soup, milk soup. c) I like natural sour cream, beef, pork, steam cutlets, fish dishes, boiled eggs, porridge, ‘kasha’, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, berries, boiled potatoes, cheese, homemade sausage, fresh juice.. 6. Why should you eat meal? a) It contains necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins. b) It is well cooked and fresh. It gives me strength and energy.

Номер слайду 8

Read the text. Answer the questions. Fast Food A burger and fries is by far the most popular type of meal bought in the US. In fact, Americans buy 5 billion burger a year! The popularity has spread around the world with the grows of international ‘fast food’ restaurant chains. Many people say that the first burger was served at the St Louis World’s Fair in 1904. This first chain of burger restaurants started with the White Castle burger in 1921, and it was a great success. The classic burger is made from about 100 grams of minced beef which is fried or grilled, then served in a bun covered with sesame seeds. Fries, also called French fries, are cooked like English chips, but they are cut into slices. A burger and French fries may not be the healthiest meal in the world—but is one of the world’s favourites. Some foods with good nutrition such as ice-cream, are also high in fat or added sugar. So it’s better to choose reduced fat ice-cream. I. Are the sentences true or false? 1. Americans often eat dangerous food. 2. Fast Food Restaurants have become popular all over the world. true false true false

Номер слайду 9

ANSWER KEY 1. Americans often eat dangerous food. 2. Fast Food Restaurants have become popular all over the world. True True

Номер слайду 10

II. Read the text again and find the correct picture 1. 2. 3. 4. . A burger and fries is by far the most popular type of meal bought in the US. In fact, Americans buy 5 billion burger a year! The popularity has spread around the world with the grows of international ‘fast food’ restaurant chains. Many people say that the first burger was served at the St Louis World’s Fair in 1904. This first chain of burger restaurants started with the White Castle burger in 1921, and it was a great success. The classic burger is made from about 100 grams of minced beef which is fried or grilled, then served in a bun covered with sesame seeds. Fries, also called French fries, are cooked like English chips, but they are cut into slices. A burger and French fries may not be the healthiest meal in the world—but is one of the world’s favourites. Some foods with good nutrition such as ice-cream, are also high in fat or added sugar. So it’s better to choose reduced fat ice-cream.

Номер слайду 11

ANSWER KEY The correct pictures are: 2. fries 4. a burger

Номер слайду 12

III. Choose the right answer. 1. A burger and fries is by far the most popular type of meal bought in the USA / UK. 2. In fact, Americans buy 3 / 5 billion burger a year! 3. Many people say that the first hot dog / burger was served at the St Louis World’s Fair in 1904. 4. This first chain of burger restaurants started with the White Castle burger in 1921 , and it was / wasn’t a great success . 5. The classic burger is made from about 100 grams of pork / minced beef which is fried or grilled, then served in a bun covered with sesame seeds. 6. A burger and French fries / chips and pizza may not be the healthiest meal in the world —but is one of the world’s favourites.

Номер слайду 13

III. Choose the right answer. 1. A burger and fries is by far the most popular type of meal bought in the USA / UK.

Номер слайду 14

ANSWER KEY 1. A burger and fries is by far the most popular type of meal bought in the USA.

Номер слайду 15

III. Choose the right answer. 2. In fact, Americans buy 3 / 5 billion burger a year!

Номер слайду 16

Answer Key 2. In fact, Americans buy 5 billion burger a year!

Номер слайду 17

III. Choose the right answer. 3. Many people say that the first hot dog / burger was served at the St Louis World’s Fair in 1904.

Номер слайду 18

Answer Key 3. Many people say that the first burger was served at the St Louis World’s Fair in 1904.

Номер слайду 19

III. Choose the right answer. 4.This first chain of burger restaurants started with the White Castle burger in 1921 , and it was / wasn’t a great success .

Номер слайду 20

Answer Key 4.This first chain of burger restaurants started with the White Castle burger in 1921 , and it was a great success .

Номер слайду 21

III. Choose the right answer. 5.The classic burger is made from about 100 grams of pork / minced beef which is fried or grilled, then served in a bun covered with sesame seeds.

Номер слайду 22

Answer Key 5.The classic burger is made from about 100 grams of minced beef which is fried or grilled, then served in a bun covered with sesame seeds.

Номер слайду 23

III. Choose the right answer. 6. A burger and French fries / chips and pizza may not be the healthiest meal in the world —but is one of the world’s favourites.

Номер слайду 24

Answer Key 6. A burger and French fries may not be the healthiest meal in the world — but is one of the world’s favourites.

Номер слайду 25

ANSWER KEY 1. USA 2. 5 billion 3. burger 4. was 5. beef 6. A burger and French fries

Номер слайду 26

Read the second part of the text. Fast Food What are your eating habits? What is your attitude to fast food? Do you know that fast food is usually not healthy food ? It is often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. And it is usually low in vitamins and minerals. For example, a ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol, which are the leading causes of heart disease. Cola is all sugar, and no nutrition. The only good news is that it’s fast. Another bad thing is that you often eat in a hurry. You eat more when you are in a hurry , too. You eat without thinking-about how much or how often you eat. You can be over-weight, which is bad for your health. You need to eat the right food to prevent diseases and control your weight. To eat the right food is especially vital for children because they grow. To feel well you should consume only healthy food and avoid eating junk food.

Номер слайду 27

IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 1. You need to eat the right food … 2. To eat the right food is especially vital for children… 3. So it’s better to choose ... 4. A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol,… 5. Fast food is … 6. Cola is all sugar… a) … reduced fat ice-cream. b)… often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. c)... which are the leading causes of heart disease. d)… because they grow. e)… and no nutrition. f)… to prevent diseases and control your weight.

Номер слайду 28

ANSWER KEY 1. You need to eat the right food … f)… to prevent diseases and control your weight.

Номер слайду 29

IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 1. You need to eat the right food … 2. To eat the right food is especially vital for children… 3. So it’s better to choose ... 4. A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol,… 5. Fast food is … 6. Cola is all sugar… a) … reduced fat ice-cream. b)… often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. c)... which are the leading causes of heart disease. d)… because they grow. e)… and no nutrition. f)… to prevent diseases and control your weight.

Номер слайду 30

ANSWER KEY 2. To eat the right food is especially vital for children… d)… because they grow.

Номер слайду 31

IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 1. You need to eat the right food … 2. To eat the right food is especially vital for children… 3. So it’s better to choose ... 4. A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol,… 5. Fast food is … 6. Cola is all sugar… a) … reduced fat ice-cream. b)… often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. c)... which are the leading causes of heart disease. d)… because they grow. e)… and no nutrition. f)… to prevent diseases and control your weight.

Номер слайду 32

ANSWER KEY 3. So it’s better to choose ... a) … reduced fat ice-cream .

Номер слайду 33

IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 1. You need to eat the right food … 2. To eat the right food is especially vital for children… 3. So it’s better to choose ... 4. A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol,… 5. Fast food is … 6. Cola is all sugar… a) … reduced fat ice-cream. b)… often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. c)... which are the leading causes of heart disease. d)… because they grow. e)… and no nutrition. f)… to prevent diseases and control your weight.

Номер слайду 34

ANSWER KEY 4. A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol,… c)... which are the leading causes of heart disease.

Номер слайду 35

IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 1. You need to eat the right food … 2. To eat the right food is especially vital for children… 3. So it’s better to choose ... 4. A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol,… 5. Fast food is … 6. Cola is all sugar… a) … reduced fat ice-cream. b)… often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. c)... which are the leading causes of heart disease. d)… because they grow. e)… and no nutrition. f)… to prevent diseases and control your weight.

Номер слайду 36

ANSWER KEY 5. Fast food is … b)… often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar.

Номер слайду 37

IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 1. You need to eat the right food … 2. To eat the right food is especially vital for children… 3. So it’s better to choose ... 4. A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol,… 5. Fast food is … 6. Cola is all sugar… a) … reduced fat ice-cream. b)… often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. c)... which are the leading causes of heart disease. d)… because they grow. e)… and no nutrition. f)… to prevent diseases and control your weight.

Номер слайду 38

ANSWER KEY 6. Cola is all sugar… e)… and no nutrition.

Номер слайду 39

ANSWER KEY 1. f) 2. d) 3. a) 4. c) 5. b) 6. e)

Номер слайду 40

V. Answer the questions. 1. Is fast food usually healthy food ? Yes. It is No, it isn’t

Номер слайду 41

ANSWER KEY No, it isn’t. Fast food is usually junk food!

Номер слайду 42

Answer the questions. 2. What are the leading causes of heart disease?

Номер слайду 43

ANSWER KEY A ham-burger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol, which are the leading causes of heart disease.

Номер слайду 44

Answer the questions. 3. What is often high in sugar?

Номер слайду 45

ANSWER KEY Cola is all sugar, and no nutrition.

Номер слайду 46

Avoid Eating Junk Food! Attention! Dangerous Food!

Номер слайду 47

Live and learn! What food should you avoid to be healthy? You should avoid: tinned food fried food smoked food too much salt too much sugar too much fat chemicals coffee, cola, alcohol GMO

Номер слайду 48

VI. Read the third part of the text and answer the question. What are the basic food groups?

Номер слайду 49

Good Nutrition

Номер слайду 50

Answer the question. What are the basic food groups?

Номер слайду 51

The basic food groups are: Bread, cereals, rice, and pasta Vegetables Fruits Milk, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts Fats, oils, and sweets.

Номер слайду 52

Eat Healthy Food!

Номер слайду 53

Watch and learn! beet буряк сabbage капуста рork свинина sorrel leaves щавель tart кислий vinegar оцет citric acid лимонна кислота raw сирий egg yolks яєчні жовтки raw onions сира цибуля sour cream сметана

Номер слайду 54

VII. Read the text. Ode to Borsch In Ukraine, a meal would be incomplete without a soup course. Though Ukrainian soups are numerous, each having its own name, characteristic feature, and garnish, basically they belong to one or another of the following classifications: vegetable, fish, cereal, cream, milk or fruit puree. Borsch with its variations, depending on the season and local preferences, is the most popular as well as the national soup of Ukraine. The true old country stile borsch is a mildly tart vegetable soup with beets predomination. It has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the vegetables. Ukrainians have several varieties of borsch, depending on regional and personal preferences and on the season of the year. Central Ukrainians enjoy a good portion of cabbage in it, while those of the western regions prefer a predominance of beets. One distinctly different spring borsch is made of sorrel leaves, an acid plant that grows wild in Ukraine. Mild tartness in borsch gives it a specific character. The tartness is imparted partly by the use of tomatoes as one of the ingredients in borsch and partly by adding any one of the following: beet kvas, rye kvas, lemon juice, sorrel leaves, vinegar or citric acid. Some like it with raw egg yolks. Others enjoy it with raw onions. Sour cream has its own specific taste that blends ideally with borsch.

Номер слайду 55

Quiz Time. 1. Which of these ingredients are mentioned in the text? Find the correct word. 1. cream 10. beets 19. nuts 2. meat 11. garlic 20. beef 3. cabbage 12. vegetable 21. poultry 4. lemon juice 13. egg yolks 22. citric acid 5. sausage 14. fat 23. mushrooms 6. potatoes 15. pork 24. rye kvas 7. beet kvas 16. oil 25. chicken 8. carrot 17. bread 26. vinegar 9. tomatoes 18. raw onions 27. ham

Номер слайду 56

ANSWER KEY - 1 1. cream 10. beets 19. nuts 2. meat 11. garlic 20. beef 3. cabbage 12. vegetable 21. poultry 4. lemon juice 13. egg yolks 22. citric acid 5. sausage 14. fat 23. mushrooms 6. potatoes 15. pork 24. rye kvas 7. beet kvas 16. oil 25. chicken 8. carrot 17. bread 26. vinegar 9. tomatoes 18. raw onions 27. ham

Номер слайду 57

2. Which of these ingredients are mentioned in the text? Find the correct words. 1. cream 10. beets 19. nuts 2. meat 11. garlic 20. beef 3. cabbage 12. vegetable 21. poultry 4. lemon juice 13. egg yolks 22. citric acid 5. sausage 14. fat 23. mushrooms 6. potatoes 15. pork 24. rye kvas 7. beet kvas 16. oil 25. chicken 8. carrot 17. bread 26. vinegar 9. tomatoes 18. raw onions 27. ham

Номер слайду 58

ANSWER KEY - 2 1. cream 10. beets 19. nuts 2. meat 11. garlic 20. beef 3. cabbage 12. vegetable 21. poultry 4. lemon juice 13. egg yolks 22. citric acid 5. sausage 14. fat 23. mushrooms 6. potatoes 15. pork 24. rye kvas 7. beet kvas 16. oil 25. chicken 8. carrot 17. bread 26. vinegar 9. tomatoes 18. raw onions 27. ham

Номер слайду 59

3. Which of these ingredients are mentioned in the text? Find the correct words. 1. cream 10. beets 19. nuts 2. meat 11. garlic 20. beef 3. cabbage 12. vegetable 21. poultry 4. lemon juice 13. egg yolks 22. citric acid 5. sausage 14. fat 23. mushrooms 6. potatoes 15. pork 24. rye kvas 7. beet kvas 16. oil 25. chicken 8. carrot 17. bread 26. vinegar 9. tomatoes 18. raw onions 27. ham

Номер слайду 60

ANSWER KEY - 3 1. cream 10. beets 19. nuts 2. meat 11. garlic 20. beef 3. cabbage 12. vegetable 21. poultry 4. lemon juice 13. egg yolks 22. citric acid 5. sausage 14. fat 23. mushrooms 6. potatoes 15. pork 24. rye kvas 7. beet kvas 16. oil 25. chicken 8. carrot 17. bread 26. vinegar 9. tomatoes 18. raw onions 27. ham

Номер слайду 61

ANSWER KEY The ingredients mentioned in the text are: 1, 2 ,3 ,4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 22, 24, 26.

Номер слайду 62

The ingredients mentioned in the text are: 1. cream 10. beets 19. nuts 2. meat 11. garlic 20. beef 3. cabbage 12. vegetable 21. poultry 4. lemon juice 13. egg yolks 22. citric acid 5. sausage 14. fat 23. mushrooms 6. potatoes 15. pork 24. rye kvas 7. beet kvas 16. oil 25. chicken 8. carrot 17. bread 26. vinegar 9. tomatoes 18. raw onions 27. ham

Номер слайду 63

VIII. Complete the sentences. Ukrainian soups are ________ . Borsch has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the ____________ . Central Ukrainians enjoy a good portion of ________ in it. Western regions prefer a predominance of _________ . Sour cream has its own specific taste that blends ideally with __________ .

Номер слайду 64

Complete the sentence. 1. Ukrainian soups are ________ .

Номер слайду 65

ANSWER KEY 1. Ukrainian soups are numerous.

Номер слайду 66

Complete the sentence. 2. Borsch has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the __________ .

Номер слайду 67

ANSWER KEY 2. Borsch has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the vegetables.

Номер слайду 68

Complete the sentence. 3. Central Ukrainians enjoy a good portion of ________ in it.

Номер слайду 69

ANSWER KEY 3. Central Ukrainians enjoy a good portion of cabbage in it.

Номер слайду 70

Complete the sentence. 4. Western regions prefer a predominance of _________ .

Номер слайду 71

ANSWER KEY 4. Western regions prefer a predominance of beets.

Номер слайду 72

Complete the sentence. 5. Sour cream has its own specific taste that blends ideally with __________ .

Номер слайду 73

ANSWER KEY 5. Sour cream has its own specific taste that blends ideally with borsch.

Номер слайду 74

ANSWER KEY 1. Ukrainian soups are numerous. 2. Borsch has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the vegetables. 3. Central Ukrainians enjoy a good portion of cabbage in it. 4. Western regions prefer a predominance of beets. 5. Sour cream has its own specific taste that blends ideally with borsch.

Номер слайду 75

Choose the right answer /A,B or C/. 1 The classifications of Ukrainian soup. 2.The true old country stile borsch. 3. Spring borsch. . A B C It is made of sorrel leaves. It has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the vegetables. Ukrainian soup is vegetable, fish, cereal, cream, milk or fruit puree.

Номер слайду 76

ANSWER KEY 1. The classifications of Ukrainian soup. C Ukrainian soup is vegetable, fish, cereal, cream, milk or fruit puree. 2. The true old country stile borsch. B It has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the vegetables. 3. Spring borsch. A It is made of sorrel leaves.

Номер слайду 77

Grammar Time

Номер слайду 78

Present Simple Passive am is + V3 are Past Simple Passive was were + V3

Номер слайду 79

Present Simple Passive. Put the incorrect forms into the rubbish bin. 1. Bacteria on your hands …………… . by washing. a) are killed b) will be killed c) killed

Номер слайду 80

Present Simple Passive. The correct variant. 1. Bacteria on your hands …………… . by washing. a) are killed b) will be killed c) killed

Номер слайду 81

Present Simple Passive. Put the incorrect forms into the rubbish bin. 2. Medicines ………………. by drug companies. a) have produced b) are produced c) were produced

Номер слайду 82

Present Simple Passive. The correct variant. 2. Medicines ………………. by drug companies. a) have produced b) are produced c) were produced

Номер слайду 83

Present Simple Passive. Put the incorrect forms into the rubbish bin. 3.Vitamin C ……………….. in oranges. a) has found b) are found c) is found

Номер слайду 84

Present Simple Passive. The correct variant. 3.Vitamin C ……………….. in oranges. a) has found b) are found c) is found

Номер слайду 85

Past Simple Passive. Put the incorrect forms into the rubbish bin. 4.Vitamin C ………………… in 1747. a) is discovered b) are discovered c) was discovered

Номер слайду 86

Past Simple Passive. The correct variant. 4.Vitamin C ………………… in 1747. a) is discovered b) are discovered c) was discovered

Номер слайду 87

Past Simple Passive. Put the incorrect forms into the rubbish bin. 5.Infectious diseases ……………….. by Europeans to America. a) are taken b) have taken c) were taken

Номер слайду 88

Past Simple Passive. The correct variant. 5.Infectious diseases ……………….. by Europeans to America. a) are taken b) have taken c) were taken

Номер слайду 89

Past Simple Passive. Put the incorrect forms into the rubbish bin. 6.In the nineteenth century infections ……………... by the doctors’ dirty hands. a) were spreading b) were spread c) was spread

Номер слайду 90

Past Simple Passive. The correct variant. 6.In the nineteenth century infections ……………... by the doctors’ dirty hands. a) were spreading b) were spread c) was spread

Номер слайду 91

Kalko Svitlana
28 листопада 2018
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