Презентація "Використання мультисенсорної методики навчання англійської мови в середній школі"

Про матеріал

Презентація пропонує ознайомлення з методом мультисенсорного навчання іноземної мови, яка може бути взята за основу і модифікуватися як додатковий матеріал для навчання будь-якої іноземної мови у середній школі.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Do and UNDERSTANDBy Inna Lazarchuk

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What is “Do and Understand”?An ideal supplement for any main coursebook or teaching material for children aged 9-13 Language learning takes place in a joyful atmosphere. The development of receptive skills (listening) goes before the productive skills (speaking)Children learn by what they hear, see and do (combination of listening, demonstration/movement and visual anchors )

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How does it work?The basis is the multi-sensory approach for language teaching (built on James Asher’s method of TPR )When pupils acquire new information, it comes to them through their senses: they learn from what they see, hear and actually do. When we are processing information, thinking or remembering, our visual, auditory and kinaesthetic neurological systems are activated. Our memory of vocabulary works associatively. Corresponding forms of presentation, processing and practice are essential for building an effective active vocabulary. Stories carry a strong motivation and stay well-anchored in the learner’s memory.

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Techniques. Choose the story, prepare the flashcards for multi-sensory introduction of vocabulary, print practice worksheets. Settle the context-activate your students. E.g. Topic “My daily routine” – Story “Off to school”

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Flash cards

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Introducing vocabulary. Present pictures. Name them or brainstorm the words that are associated with drawings. Anchor each word with hand gesture, mime or movement. Repeat several times, changing the procedure. Present the written form of each word. Play games (words – numbers, jumbled letters). Children close their eyes. Pronounce the words. They repeat after you and try to visualise the objects. (use voice variations)“Read my lips”What is missing?Remove all cards for children to name all the words from memory (they can point the spot on the board)

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Teaching the story

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Introduce the story using a combination of voice and mime. Children imitate you silently. Children demonstrate their comprehension be performing gestures as you tell the story (teacher shouldn’t make any movements this time)Give sentences in jumbled order – test children’s comprehension. Use the picture worksheets. Read the sentences in jumbled order for learners to point. Read one more time in jumbled order for students to number the pictures. Check how well students did.

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Anchoring (long-term memorising)Reconstruct by first letters. First do it orally with mime and gestures. Divide them into pairs or let them individually reconstruct the story in a written form. Use a variety of techniques to work with the story. Scrambled sentences. Putting the story back in order. Puzzle

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Further Application. From reproduction to production. Once you have intensively practised a story with your learners, you may ask them to give commands in your place. They can do this in pairs, groups or teams. Creative production: a model. Challenge your students to come up with creative ideas as to how the model could be changed. It’s a good step for creative story-telling!

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What to read?Asher J. (1988) Learning another language through action. Gerngross G., Puchta H. (1996) Do and understand

1 квітня 2018
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