Презентація "Вільям Шекспір та його театр"

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Номер слайду 1

William Shakespeare and his theatre. Презентацію приготувала вчитель англійської мови Прилуцького ліцею №5 ім. В. А. Затолокіна Галина Іщенко

Номер слайду 2

William Shakespeare1564 - 1616 Галина Іщенко

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Stratford-on-Avon This house is one of the most famous places in the world now. There is a small room on the second floor, where William Shakespeare was born in 1564, on April, 23. Галина Іщенко

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shakespeare birthplace His father, John Shakespeare, a famous glove-maker, moved to Stratford-on-Avon about 1550. The writer’s mother, Mary Arden was the daughter of a rich farmer. John Shakespeare and his wife lived in a two-story house. Галина Іщенко

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Shakespeare’s family coat of arms. In 1596, Shakespeare's father, John, received from the Royal Heraldry the right to have a family coat of arms confirming the status of a gentleman. Галина Іщенко

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Shakespeare’s Education. William went to the grammar school in Stratford, but he was educated more by the people and nature around him than by school. There he learned to love reading. Галина Іщенко

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Anna Hathaway’s house. When William was only 18 he married Anna Hathaway, the daughter of a farmer from a village not far from Stratford. It is Anna Hathaway’s house. Галина Іщенко

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Stratford-on-Avon. William had three children when he left for London in 1587. Some people say that the reason he left his wife and children was his love to poetry and theatre. Галина Іщенко

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The Beginning of acting career. In London Shakespeare began to act and to write plays. Галина Іщенко

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The Beginning of acting career. Soon he became an important member of well-known acting company. Галина Іщенко

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The Globe Theatre. Most of his plays were performed in the Globe Theatre, built on the bank of the River Thames. Галина Іщенко

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The Globe Theatre. It is a famous theatre where only the Shakespeare’s plays are staged. Галина Іщенко

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The Globe Theatre. It is an open air wooden theatre where the audience stand around the stage. Галина Іщенко

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The Globe Theatre. The Globe Theatre was opened in London in 1997. It’s a copy of William Shakespeare’s Globe theatre. The original was burnt down over four hundred years ago. Галина Іщенко

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The Globe Theatre. The audience was very noisy in Shakespeare’s time. They cheered and clapped. Sometimes they threw rotten fruit at bad actors. Галина Іщенко

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Shakespeare's works. The most famous plays written by William Shakespeare are: 1595 “Romeo and Juliet”1596 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”1600 “Twelfth Night”1601 “Hamlet”1604 “Othello”1606 “King Lear”Галина Іщенко

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Shakespeare's heritage. In total, Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, and most of them were created in the years 1592-1599. Галина Іщенко

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Shakespeare's sonnets. A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines. In the English tradition, which is based primarily on Shakespeare's sonnets, the following rhyming is adopted: abab cdcd efef gg, that is, three quatrains with cross-rhymes, and one couplet (the type introduced by the poet Earl of Surrey). Галина Іщенко

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He Came back home. In 1613 Shakespeare stopped writing and went back to live in Stratford-on-Avon where he died in 1616. Галина Іщенко

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The Globe Theatre. His plays are still acted not only in England but on the stages of many theatres of the world. Галина Іщенко

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Thanks for Your Attention. Галина Іщенко Троянда сорту “Шекспір”

Ishchenko Gala
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