Презентація " Why is an understanding of learning styles important and helpful for teachers and learners?"

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Why is an understanding of learning styles important and helpful for teachers and learners?by Irina Gamargaieva irina28121958@ukr.net

Номер слайду 2

What does the term “learning styles” mean?The way an individual perceives, organizes, processes, and remembers information (Beebe, Mottet, Roach, 2004). The manner in which individuals choose, or are inclined to approach, a learning situation (Cassidy, 2004). А way in which the individual takes in new information and develops new skills; the process by which an individual retains new information or skills” (Sarasin, L. C, 2006)

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Remember! There is no right or wrong way to learn. The important thing to understand is how you learn and process information? So you can help yourself study in the ways most conductive to you.

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How do we learn?by eyes (by seeing) - visual by ears (by hearing)- auditoryby hands and body movement (by touching)kinesthetic / tactile

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LET ME SEE IT!Visual. Messages are taken in through the eyes{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}verbalnon-verbal absorb information both visually and in a written form enjoy reading books for knowledge prefer pictures or graphic design format films and maps help them greatly

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LET ME HEAR IT!Auditory. Messages are taken in through the ears learn by listening and speaking follow verbal instructions rather than written ones prefer group work, discussing information with others

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LET ME EXPERIENCE IT! Kinesthetic Tactile Messages are taken in Preferto learn by doingto write things down to clarify thoughts by the muscles through the body movement by the skin through the touch the physical contact

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WHAT ABOUT MIXTURES? They can adapt to any learning situation: benefit from diagrams, charts, pictures can pick up meaning from body language enjoy listening and reading written instructions

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DO YOU NOW YOUR LEARNING STYLE? How do you learn best? Complete Fleming`s VARK Questionnaire to find out what kind of learner you are

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WHY IS IT HELPFUL FOR LEARNERS?They can “Study Without Tears”, using SWOT strategies by Fleming. SWOT Strategies Visual Aural Read/White Kinesthetic Utilize graphic organizers such as charts, graphs and diagrams. Redraw your pages from memory. Replace important words with symbols or initials. Highlight important key terms in corresponding colors. Record your summarized notes and listen to them on tape. Talk it out. Have a discussion with others to expand upon your understanding of a topic. Reread your notes and/or assignment out loud. Explain your notes to your peers. Write, write and rewrite your words and notes. Reword main ideas and principles to gain a deeper understanding. Organize diagrams, charts, and graphic organizers into statements. Use real life examples, applications and case studies in your summary to help with abstract concepts. Redo lab experiments or projects. Utilize pictures and photographs that illustrate your idea.

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Why is an understanding of learning styles important for teachers?Consider how you teach in terms of how your students learn: Teaching strategies reflect learning preference. Diverse learning communities. Determine what’s best for your students. Mismatch between instruction and learning styles disastrous

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WARNING! Don`t allow students to rely on only their best style, help them develop the other learning styles they are weak in by easing them into the corresponding type of activity.

Номер слайду 13

CONCLUSION One of the key challenges for teachers is helping students to identify the ways that they learn best and providing them with opportunities to use all their senses and different intelligences.fillcolorfill.typefill.on

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27 липня 2018
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