Презентація з англійської мови на тему "Fast Food"

Про матеріал

Презентація буде корисною при проведення уроків з теми "Їжа". В ній досить широко розкрито поняття Фаст-фуду. Рекомендую використовувати на уроках в 9-11 класах.

Зміст слайдів
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Fast food is an way of life of modern times and despite of the fact that it may appear sometimes the perfect solution for dinner, numerous negative aspects are attributed to the concept of fast food. So what are the positive aspects and negative aspects of fast food?

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Advantages The advantage of consuming fast foods is that it can save time. Fast foods, such as hamburger and pizza only need a short time to order. Moreover, nowadays, the restaurants which sell them can be found easily. Therefore, no matter when you are hungry, or wherever you are, there is probably at least one fast food restaurant just a short drive away.

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Another advantage of eating fast foods is that they have a good taste. For instance, snack, spaghetti and fried chicken have special flavor which make the consumers be addicted. Because in fact, such fast foods are added with additives, such as Monosodium glutamate and sodium which can improve the taste of food.

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Fast food can be carefully selected and this way, it can consist of healthy food. Boiled potatoes instead of fries, natural juice instead of carbonic drinks, salads instead of a burger. The price of fast food is not expensive. This way, many of us can afford a lunch or dinner bought from a fast food.

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Disadvantages The main disadvantage is the fact that fast food can be very dangerous if we make a habit of eating fast food meals. Buying this kind of food once in a while is not a problem and we can enjoy it, but the excessive consummation can harm our health extremely. Obesity is one major problem we are confronting with and fast foods are partly responsible for this.

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Commonly noticed are diabetes, heart problems, obesity and other liver diseases.

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Having listed down the good and bad of consuming fast food, it is evident that the negatives overpower the positives of eating fast food. So, it is important that we control our craving for fast food and consume it in reasonable quantity.

Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Возняк Ганна Олександрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Хімич Тетяна Миколаївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
23 лютого 2018
Оцінка розробки
4.9 (2 відгука)
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