Проєкт-презентація з досвіду роботи для участі в конкурсі "Вчитель року"

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Проєкт-презентація з досвіду роботи для участі в конкурсі "Вчитель року-2016" у номінації "Англійська мова", представлена Попович Наталією Степанівною, переможцем обласного етапу конкурсу у Львівській області.
Зміст слайдів
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Educational English Project IMPROVE ENGLISH ON YOUR OWN Natalia Popovych Sokal School#3 specializing in English

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Project Topicality УКАЗ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА УКРАЇНИ №641/2015 “Про оголошення 2016 року Роком англійської мови в Україні” MY PROJECT MOTTO “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy

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The aim of the project Activation of English by all Ukrainians, aimed at the widest opportunities of its usage in all branches of science , self- education, culture & economics

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Project tasks Formation of the most essential competences of students(especially social, polycultural & communicative) Teaching the students English & preparing them for self- education Support their motivation for self – education Bridging the gap between the generations

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THE PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: Ten- & eleven-formers and headteachers of Sokal School #3 Foreign language teachers of School#3 Members of school scientific society “Olympus” Lviv ITTI educatorsv Natalia Popovych(English Teacher As Change Agents Programme)  English Teachers As Change Agents

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TYPE OF THE PROJECT: practically oriented The period of the project: February- June , 2016

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GROUP 1 : SCIENTISTS Expected results : A catalogue of scientific resources: authentic books , newspapers, web sites “I can learn English by myself” The information presentation on the school site The research works for the school scientific society “Olympys” to the topic “Country studies of the English – speaking countries” Cooperation with Small Academy of Science

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GROUP 2 : MASS FANS Expected results: A set of videos, visual and audio materials Your own blog Programme for the school & local radio station promoting English studies Articles for school & district newspapers

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GROUP 3 : YOUNG ACTORS Expected results: Collection of English plays A school amateur drama society The first night at the summer camp

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GROUP 3 Group 4 : Post crossers Expected results: Action: Find an English friend for communication The postcard presentation Contest for the most rare postcard

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THE EXPECTED RESULTS A congress at a summer camp with the participation of pupils from other schools, parents, volunteers, journalists Reward of the most active participants Blog presentation

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RESOURCES Computers with the Internet access Camera Software Media Studio

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THE HEAD OF THE PROJECT: A teacher of Sokal School#3 Natalia Popovych Тел :0665790499 Е-mail:popovych2@mail.ru MY BLOG : http://nataliyapopovych.blogspot.com Thank you for the attention !!!!

24 серпня 2019
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