Проект "Traditional Ukrainian Food"

Про матеріал

Дослідження найвідоміших страв української кухні та пов'язаних з ними традицій з метою популяризації традиційної української їжі в світі, розвитку мовної компетенції учнів з англійської мови, розширення їх соціокультурної компетенції.

Перегляд файлу


  1. Назва проекту:  Traditional Ukrainian Food


  1. Атуальність проету:  популяризація  традиційної  української  їжі в

                             світі, розвиток мовної компетенції учнів з англійської 

                                      мови, розширення соціокультурної компетенції.

  1.  Мета:  
  • Навчальна:


  • Представити традиційні українські страви гостям країни та, пов’язані з ними традиціями; сприяти поширенню української кухні в світі,  кращому засвоєнню навчального матеріалу про традиційну українську їжу;
  • Розширити й поглибити знання учнів з англійської мови, українських традицій;
  • Вчитися досліджувати, творити, розвивати логічне мислення, творчу активність, працювати у складі творчої групи;


  • Розвивальна:
  • Активізувати творчу діяльність учнів, спрямовану на розвиток інтересу до традиційної української кухні;
  • Сприяти розвитку розумових та мовленнєвих здібностей, пам’яті учнів;


  • Виховна:
  • Виховувати повагу, гордість, ціннісне ставлення до традицій України


  1. Завдання:  Підготувати ознайомлювальну брошуру про традиційні

                        страви України


  1. Очікувані результати:
  • Учні добре знають основні традиційні страви України;
  • Вміють самостійно збирати й накопичувати матеріал;
  • Вміють аналізувати, зіставляти факти, представляти створене перед аудиторією
  • Створення кінцевого продукту: ознайомлювальної брошури «Традиційна українська їжа»


  1. Учасники проекту:

Учнівський колектив 7 класу

Вчитель англійської мови  Ляшенко Ю. П.


  1. Термін реалізації:  1 місяць


Етапи реалізації проекту: 

  • Підібрати найкращі традиційні страви української кухні;
  • Обрати фотоматеріали;
  • Знайти і опрацювати інформацію, цікаві факти про українські страви;
  • Організувати матеріал у вигляді брошури;






































     One of the most enjoyable parts of travelling is a possibility to get to know better the local food. Ukrainian cuisine is incredibly diverse, and every region has its own specialties.

    Ukrainian cuisine is safe for the stomach. In this respect, all the worries of those who visit Ukraine can be put at rest. The visitors can be sure that they are totally secure with Ukrainian food. Ukrainian cuisine, though it has some specific traits, is very similar to various European food. The ingredients are all the same: beef, pork, potato, chicken, beet, dough, milk and sour cream, cherry, apples, mushrooms and bread of course. The use of spices is moderate.

 What best Ukrainian traditional foods do you know? Is it the borshch that first pops up in your head? No doubt, it is the main representative of Ukrainian culinary talents abroad. However, Ukrainian cuisine extends much farther than that! 

From the borsch to the uzvar – here are some mouthwatering dishes you should try when visiting Ukraine.



We absolutely have to start with borshch! This traditional soup, made out of beet root and up to 20 other ingredients, is a staple dish in every Ukrainian family. We love our borshch with all the depth of our Ukrainian hearts – hot and cold, fresh and stale, for lunch or for breakfast, as a meal or even as a healing medicine against the winter colds. Every housewife has her own secret version of borshch.

        Traditionally borshch recipe is a basic stir-fry of grated beet root with tomatoes, added to a generous soup of vegetables – onions, carrots, fresh or pickled cabbage, peppers, and whatever else is available from our house garden.

      For the true state-of-art samples of this dish you have to head to the hidden-away villages of Carpathian Mountains, where borshch is cooked not on the gas stove, but is left to simmer for hours in the coziness of wooden oven.  Pour it in the clay pot, drip in a spoon of fresh sour cream, snack up on a garlic-sprinkled pampushky and you’ll be able to understand what the true Ukrainian heaven looks like!

         Your journey to Ukraine won’t be complete without trying this tasty and nourishing soup!




        The description of Ukrainian cuisine would be incomplete without salo (pork fat). Ukrainians regularly joke, "Salo is our national pride". Placing a thin slice of salo on black bread with garlic and salt is a quick and simple way to a delicious snack. http://www.spletnik.ru/img/__post/e9/e9139661b04a3545159453037fa458d4_618.jpg


    Salo (bacon, lard) occupies a special place in the Ukrainian cuisine. We just love it, especially on a piece of homemade bread with a clove of garlic. That’s why we don’t understand why some foreigners find it strange or even unsavory to eat fresh raw lard…  However, if you are not ready to have a bite of salo, you should at least try it in a form of mousse, whipped with herbs and spices. This appetizer is often served in the Ukrainian traditional restaurants.

       However, it is proved that salo is a healthy product, which can even prevent atherosclerosis.







BREAD http://mistovechirne.in.ua/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/original-1350380218.jpg


       Bread is definitely a staple Ukrainian food. Its significance oversteps simple nourishing merits: bread is regarded as a holy gift of God, and all Ukrainian traditional celebrations include bread as an object of reverence.

    It is hard to name a nation that would respect bread as much as Ukrainians do. Bread was regarded as one of the holiest foods.

    At gatherings hosts often give their guests a loaf of bread with salt on top. The ritual of offering bread and salt to guests is a ceremony of welcoming which dates back many centuries. "The Bread and Salt" tradition is very symbolic in Slavic culture and can symbolize many things. During wedding ceremonies in Ukraine it is customary to serve traditional bread called Korovai instead of a wedding cake. It symbolizes a new-family birth and its future prosperity.




      The famous Ukrainian Easter dish is ‘paska’. This sweet egg bread is the rightful companion of the grand meat sausage. Paska is the favorite staple of Ukrainian Easter breakfast tables and is loved by both adults and children. Baked in dozens, it’s a popular give-away during Easter family visits.

       Curiously enough, one has got to try 12 different paskas for Easter to get plenty of good luck for the next year. And the task could not be easier!


       This mouth-watering bread is made of eggs, flour, sugar, butter and yeast. The best paskas are usually baked in wooden ovens, and with as little disturbances as possible.




   Great Ukrainian housewives instruct that during the baking of paska, no one should be allowed into the kitchen, except the housewife herself – to avoid the unnecessary noise and not to distract the bread from molding up into the most delicious pastry of Ukrainians.  Keep in mind that paska is baked only once a year, on Orthodox Easter!

           VARENYKY http://www.activeukraine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/varenyky-2.jpg


     Another must-try dish in Ukraine is vareniki. Just like borshch, traditional dumplings spearheaded the voyage of Ukrainian cuisine across the globe.  Combined with the piping-hot plate of borshch, those two are Ukrainians’ food of choice in sickness and in health.


    Conveniently varenyky can be made out of the cheapest ingredients available. Dough is a simple mix of flour, water and salt. And stuffing can be anything: from mashed potatoes with mushrooms and fried onions, pickled cabbage, minced meat and even cherries or other berries!



  Varenyky can be simply described as boiled dumplings with different fillings: potatoes, cottage cheese, meat, liver, even cherries or bilberries. The sweet version of varenyky is usually served with sour cream and honey, and is a tasty and healthy substitute for the calorie-counting sweets lovers. So, the choice is up to you!



        This dish is very popular in Ukraine, though it is not easy to cook. First, you have to prepare the stuffing – a mixture of rice, onion, carrot and forcemeat, and then you need to wrap it into boiled cabbage leaves. When the preparation is done, you should simmer the holubtsy for about an hour in a tomato souse. This is so yummy!





   This dish is very popular in Ukraine because on the one hand, it is easy to prepare and, on the other hand, it tastes delicious! Usually these thin potato pancakes are just served with sour cream; however, they may be filled with mushrooms or meat, that makes them even more nourishing and succulent.




       The highlands of Carpathian Mountains  are revered to as the kingdom of Ukraine’s most luscious dishes. Bordering with no less than 4 countries (Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and Moldova), Carpathian cuisine brings together the best tastes of each land. However, region’s most famous contribution to Ukrainian menu is banosh.

     This traditional food of highland shepherds is essentially corn flour, cooked in sour cream, with the tasty additions of brynza – local salty sheep cheese, wild white mushrooms (preferably hand-picked from the nearest forest!) and shkvarky (scrunchy bits of pork fat). Those, caring about the calories, can easily omit the last one. The true banosh is cooked on fire, thousands of meters above the sea level in the midst of impressive Carpathian peaks and flourishing valleys, and always by men.





uzvar 1




Uzvar is traditional Ukrainian drink of choice! It’s regularly cooked in the local households. This refreshing beverage is actually a compote, made out of dried fruits. Most popular ingredients are dried apples, pears and apricots, with some prunes, raisins and honey to sweeten the already savory drink.



    Ukrainian food and cuisine is famous for its variety, nutritive value, and, to be perfectly frank, its deliciousness.

      Notwithstanding increasing interest in Asian and European cuisines, traditional Ukrainian dishes remain to be the most popular food of local people, which is proved by innumerable amount of Ukrainian restaurants, fast-foods, kolybas etc.

    Ukrainian food and cuisine traditions are formed due to the favorable geographic position (Ukraine has an exceptionally fertile soil – chornozem) and climate conditions perfect for cultivation of various grains and plants and animal domestication. It is also influenced by foreign cuisines as a result of numerous conquests and trade relationships within its long history.

   Be sure to try all these tasty dishes during your stay in Ukraine – the delight and satisfaction are guaranteed!  So, as the saying goes - when in Ukraine, dine as the Ukrainians do! 





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