Project ideas “English-speaking country”

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Наведені ідеї проєктів, які можна використати при вивченні теми "Англомовні країни" на уроках англійської мови
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Project ideas “English-speaking country”


1. Create a travel brochure: Students can research and design a travel brochure for a specific English-speaking country. They can include information about popular attractions, local cuisine, and cultural traditions.


2. Create a video presentation: Students can work in groups to create a video presentation about a famous English-speaking personality or an important event in English history. They can research and gather relevant information and present it in an engaging way.


3. Organize a language exchange program: Students can collaborate with another school in an English-speaking country to organize a language exchange program. They can plan the logistics, communicate with the partner school, and create activities to facilitate language learning and cultural exchange. 


4. Design a menu: Students can create a menu for an English-themed restaurant. They can research popular English dishes, design the layout of the menu and include descriptions and prices of the dishes. They can also create promotional materials such as posters or flyers. 


5. Write a newspaper article: Students can choose a current event from an English-speaking country and write a newspaper article about it. They can research different perspectives, gather facts, and present a balanced view of the topic. 


6. Create a podcast: Students can work in groups to create a podcast about a specific topic related to English-speaking countries. They can conduct interviews, research interesting facts, and present their findings in an engaging and informative way. 


7. Design a board game: Students can design a board game that incorporates language learning. They can create questions, challenges, and activities that require players to use English vocabulary and grammar.


8. Plan a virtual field trip: Students can plan a virtual field trip to an English-speaking country. They can research popular landmarks, create a virtual itinerary, and present their trip to the class using multimedia tools.


9. Write and perform a play: Students can write a short play in English and then perform it for their classmates. They can choose a theme, develop characters, and practice their speaking and acting skills.


10. Create a cultural exhibition: Students can research and curate an exhibition that showcases the culture and traditions of an English-speaking country. They can create displays, prepare informational posters, and organize interactive activities for visitors to learn more about the culture.