Урок "Спорт" (інтегрованиий - англійська, німецька мова)

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Це розробка інтегрованого уроку (англійська + німецька), містить додатковий матеріал про відомих спортсменів та Олімпійськи Ігри
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План – конспект відкритого уроку по темі «Спорт»

в 7 – Б класі

за підручником Карп'юк О.Д.













Тема: Спорт.


Мета: систематизувати знання по темі «Спорт», сформувати цілісну систему

особистих знань з теми в процесі обговорення теми «Олімпійські ігри» та

відомі світові  спортсмени, формувати навички створення рекламних

постерів та представляти їх; розвивати навички аудіювання та читання,

розвивати творчі можливості учнів, вміння працювати в групі; виховувати

любов до спорту, здорового способу життя.


Обладнання: підручник, відео, постери, картки.


Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.


Методи: робота в групі, робота в парах, мозковий штурм.


Хід уроку:

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


Good morning, pupils. How are you?

Good morning. We are fine. And you?

I’m fine,  thanks.

2.Повідомлення мети та теми.

Today we’re going to talk about the Olympic Games and the most famous Olympionics. We’ll do it in English and German.

You will watch the video about the Olympic Games and do some tasks on the topic.

So, let’s start.

3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу ( Warming up)

a) There are two words on the board: GYMNASTICS and GYMNASTIK. The task is to write the words connected with the topic “Sport” and beginning with the letters from these words.

G – GYM                                       G - GOLF

Y – YOGA                                     Y - YACHT

M – MARATHON                         M - MANNSCHAFT

N – NET                                         N - NETZ

A – ATHLETE                              A - AUSRÜSTUNG

S – SOCCER                                 S - SPORT

T – TENNIS                                  T - TISCHTENNIS

I – ICE – HOCKEY                       I - INLINESKATE

C – CRICKET                               K - KARATE


b) Agree or disagree:

1. Fighting in gloves is boxing

2. Football is an outdoor game.

3. Tennis is played on a pitch.

4. Pool is a place for swimming.

5. Bobsleigh is summer sport.

6. Football was born in Canada.

7. Ice hockey is from England.

8. We need a ball for tennis.

9. Karate is an indoor sport.

10. There are 5 players in a football team.


ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

a)Watching the video about the Olympic Games and comment on it in English.

Answer the questions in German:

1. Wann finden Olympische Spiele statt?     (alle 4 Jahre)

2. Was symbolisieren 5 Ringe auf der Olympischen Fahne?    (5 Erdteile)

3. Was ist das Olympische Feuer?  ( ein schönes  Symbol der Freundschaft zwischen den Sportlern  der ganzen Welt)                                       

4. Weiẞt du offizielle Motto den Olympischen Spielen? (altius, citius, fortius)

5. Wie sind Olympische Sportarten?  (Leichtathletik, Schwimmen, Fechten, Kunstturnen).

6. Was weiẞt du über Winterspiele?  ( Seit 1924 finden Olympische Winterspiele statt)

b) Exercise 4, page 97.

Correct the sentences below:

1. The Olympic Games take place every 5 years.

2. There are 6 colours on the Olympic flag: white, pink, yellow, brown, grey and red.

3. The Olympic mascot is a building that represents the country where the games take place.

4. The Summer Olympics last for 2 to 3 months.

5. The most important thing about the game is to win.

6. The Winter Olympics are older than the Summer Olympics.

7. The Olympic flame is lit during the opening ceremony.

8. The Paralympic Games are the games for senior athletes.



c) Speaking  “The greatest Olympionics” – work in groups.

On the desk there are sentences about 5 sportsmen who won a lot of Olympic medals. The pupils have to choose  the right sentences and speak about the sportsman whose photo they will see on the monitor – Michael Phelps, Mark Spitz, Carl Lewis, Larysa Latynina, Usain Bolt.

He is from the USA. He is a swimmer. He is the youngest swimmer in the Olympic Games. He won 28 medals in the Olympics. He is the only athlete who won 23 gold medals.   ( Michael Phelps )

He is a US athlete who won several gold medals in the 1984, the 1988, the 1996 Olympic Games. He took part in the track and field events. He won 9 gold and 1 silver medals in the Olympic Games. He has 20 medals all in all.  ( Carl Lewis )


He is a famous American swimmer. His first Olympiad was in 1984 in Los Angeles in the USA. He won 9 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medals in the Olympic Games. He tried himself in cinema. He won 7 medals in one Olympiad in Munich.  ( Mark Spitz)


He is from Jamaica. He is a very famous runner. He took part in the Olympic Games for 9 times and always won gold medals. He is concidered to be the fastest man in the world. His nickname is Lightning.


She is a famous gymnast. Her first Olympiad was in 1954 in Rome. She was born in Ukraine. When she was on a baby way she took part in the World Championship.She won 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals in the Olympic Games.

d) Reading the text about Michael Schumacher.

І variant – exercise 2, page 105 ( in English);

II variant – in German.

Michael Schumacher

Michael Schumacher, ein berühmter deutscher Rennfahrer, ist am 3. Januar 1969 in Hürth geboren. Schumacher gilt als einer der besten Rennfahrer der Welt. Er hat sieben Weltmeistertitel und eine große Anzahl der Grand – Prix – Siege. Schumacher ist auch der erfolgreichste Formel – 1 – Pilot in der Rennsportgeschichte. Michaels jüngerer Bruder Ralf Schumacher ist auch in der Formel – 1 aktiv.

      Als Sohn des Pächters einer Kartbahn in Kerpen (ein Stadtteil in Mahnheim) konnte Michael Schumacher schon sehr früh Motorsport treiben. Bei Kartrennen traf er schon in jungen Jahren auf einige der zukünftigen Formel – 1 Sportler wie Heinz – Harald Frentzen und Nick Heidfeld aus Mönchengladbach oder die Finnen Mika Häkkinen und Mika Salo.



After reading the students complete the fact files:

Full Name

Michael Schumacher


Racing car driver




the third of January 1969

Personal details

Rather tall and thin; can also play football and tennis very well


Michael Schumacher






am 3. Januar 1969


hat 7 Weltmeistertitel

After reading the factfile information students oft he 1st variant speak German, of  the  2nd variant – English.

е) Writing

1.Look at the pictures and write the names of the sport in the boxes below the pictures.


1                                 2                                      3



4                                                                  5                                                            6



7                                                                                               8


1 surfing;  2 hockey;  3American football ;  4Australian rules football;  5 rugby;  6 volleyball;  7 football  8 ice hockey

2. Read the e - mail and circle True or False

a) Rob is from Canada  F

b) Rob wants to try ice hockey  T

c) There is a swimming pool at Rob's school  T

d) Rob goes swimming on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons  F

e) Rob thinks football in Australia and soccer are the same  F

f) Rob often goes to the beach  T

To: Brett

From: Rob

Subject: Sport

Dear Brett

Thanks for your email. You do a lot of sports at school in Canada. I'd like to play ice hockey one day.

We do lots of sports at our school, too. We've got a swimming pool at school and our class go swimming every Wednesday. We also play tennis, volleyball and football, but football in Australia is different to soccer. You can touch the ball with your hands!

There are lot of after - school clubs in Australia, too.I go to a surfing club after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.We go to the beach and learn how to surf. It's great fun! Can you surf in your country?

Write soon


3. Check your writing: paragraphs

Rewrite this email and put it into paragraphs like Rob’s email above.    (1: Begin the email. 2: Reason for writing. 3: First main idea. 4: Second main idea. 5: End the email)

Dear Rob Great to hear from you! Let me tell you about sports at school in Canada. At school we play a

lot of team sports like soccer, baseball and basketball. My favourite team sport is basketball. I’m good at it

because I’m very tall. I play basketball two days a week on Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go swimming

at school, but I don’t really like swimming. It’s boring! We do lots of sports after school in Canada. I live in

Calgary and it’s very cold in winter, so we do lots of winter sports like ice hockey, snowboarding and

skiing. It always snows a lot in winter and I go skiing every weekend. It’s great fun! I play ice hockey for

my town, in the under 14s team. Last week I scored a goal! Write soon and tell me about sports in

Australia. Brett

4. Write an email to your friend about one of the PE lessons.



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