Розробка конспекту уроку для 7 класу з теми "Види фільмів"

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Розробка конспекту уроку для 7 класу з теми "Види фільмів" рідійдк для вчителів англійської мови, які викладають у 7 класі за підручником Карпюк
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Тема  : Різновиди фільмів.

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових слів; навички

аудіювання й усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури;

розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у

до мистецтва

Хід уроку


Створення асоціативного куща



2.Answer the guestions.

  1. What is your favorite genre of movie?

2. Who are some of your favorite actors?

  1. 3. Do you cry during movies?
  2. 4. What is the best movie you have ever seen?
  3. 5. What was the scariest movie you have ever seen?
  4. 6. How often do you see movies?
  5. 7. Do you usually watch movies at the theater or watch them at home?
  6. 8. Do you buy DVDs or download movies?
  7. 2. Speaking
  8. Do ex. 1, p. 140.


3. Vocabulary practice

Here is a list of vocabulary that reviewers often use to describe movies.

Divided them into three categories: positive, negative, and neutral and complete the



First-rate; gripping; clever; charming; second-rate; violent; third-rate; depressing;

uninteresting; weak; incredibly tiresome; awful; outdated; bloody; silly; boring;

satirical; wacky; disgusting; senseless; comical; charismatic; enjoyable; fantastic;

original; exciting; hilarious; slow; romantic; fascinating; pleasant; surprising; funny;

entertaining; sensitive; brilliant; intriguing; powerful; low-budget; dramatic; highly-

charged; sentimental; fast-moving; big-budget; fantasy; thought provoking;

imaginative; legendary; interesting; brutal; confused; disappointing; predictable;

stupid; dreadful; convincing




Do ex. 2, p. 140.


5. Listening

Учні слухають відео про фільми і відповідають , задаючи перехресні запитання після відео


1. Who likes adventure films? (Tim)

2. Who likes musicals? (Sarah)

3. Who likes science fiction? (Harry)

4. Who likes true stories? (Trish)

5. Who likes comics? (Josh)

6. Reading and speaking



• I like musical because they are fascinating and full of charming music.

• I am keen on fantasy because these films are spectacular, gripping and full of


• I’m bored with love stories because they are too sentimental and stupid.

• I hate horror films because they are often bloody, violent and senseless.


7. Vocabulary practice

Practise the words from p. 142 and then complete the sentences below.

1. А ... film is unclear and difficult to understand.

2. А ... film is extremely interesting means.

3. A ... film is very impressive means.

4. А ... film makes you believe that something is true or right.

5. A ... music is easy to remember.

6. A ... shows us the events that form the main story of a book, film, or play.

7. А ... isthe name given to a particular book, film, or play.

8. A ... is a person in a book, film, or play.

Key: 1 confusing; 2 fascinating; 3 spectacular; 4 convincing; 5 catchy; 6 plot; 7 title;

8 character.


8. Homework


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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