Розробка уроку для 7-го класу на тему "Школи у Британії та Україні".

Про матеріал
Розробка створена для розвитку у учнів всіх основних навичок , за допомогою яких вони зможуть порівняти систему освіти у різних країнах.
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Конспект уроку англійської мови в 7 класі за підручником Карп’юк О.Д.

Tема уроку: Schools in Britain and in Ukraine.

Цілі уроку:

Практична: опрацювати нову лексику по темі, активізувати лексичний матеріал в усному та писемному мовленні, розвивати навички читання.

Освітня: Розширити знання учнів про шкільне життя в Британських учнів.

Розвиваюча: Розвивати культуру мовлення учнів, увагу при читанні тексту.

Виховна: Виховувати почуття гордості за свою школу, бережливе ставлення до шкільного обладнання.

Обладнання уроку: комп’ютерна презентація на мультимедійній дошці, картки з завданнями.

Схематичний план уроку

  1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення теми уроку і очікуваних результатів                                                                                             - 2 хв.
  2. Мовленнєва зарядка                                                                              - 5 хв.
  3. Подача нових лексичних одиниць                                                       - 15 хв.
  4. Читання тексту                                                                                       - 10 хв.
  5. Активізація навичок діалогічного мовлення                                       - 10 хв.
  6. Пояснення домашнього завдання                                                         - 2 хв.
  7. Підведення підсумків уроку                                                                  - 3 хв.

Хід уроку

  1.               Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення теми уроку і очікуваних результатів.

Прийом: бесіда з учнями.

Teacher: Good afternoon, my dear friends. I am glad to see you all in good mood and full of energy and desire to start the lesson. Well, so we`ll begin. Today we`ll read the short texts about some English schools, learn new useful vocabulary and have some grammar practice.

2.   Мовленнєва зарядка

Прийом: підготовлені розповіді учнів про шкільні аудиторії.

Teacher: For this lesson you had to write the description of the chemistry lab, assembly hall and a school workshop. Make use of the pictures and helpful word-combinations on slides and describe the rooms.

(Pupils describe three school rooms)

3. Подача нових лексичних одиниць

Прийом 1: визначення значення слова з контексту речення.

Teacher: Read the sentences and try to understand the meaning of the words in bold.



                                 Secondary education is between elementary school and university.

                               Junior pupils study not so many subjects as senior pupils.

                    There are all the necessary facilities in our biology study to observe the plant life.

                             To achieve high results in English you should work hard.

                       The sport achievements of our school basketball team are really great.

                    Teachers try to encourage their pupils to work harder at the lesson.

                       At the chemistry lesson we often carry out experiments.



Прийом 2: хорове повторення окремих лексичних одиниць за вчителем.

Teacher: Let`s learn now how to pronounce the words you can see on the board. Please, say after me in chorus: junior.

Cl: junior… etc.

Фонетичному опрацюванню підлягають такі лексичні одиниці: senior, observe, achieve, encourage

Прийом 3: погодження або не погодження.

Teacher: What phrases of agreement and disagreement do you remember? What do we usually say when we agree with the statement?

P1: We use such phrases as I agree, sure, certainly, it is for sure, I think the same.

Right you are. And what do you say when you don`t agree?

P2: I don`t think so, you are not right, certainly not, I think you are mistaken, on the contrary.

Great! Now I read you the statement with new vocabulary and you show your agreement or disagreement.

You learn at a secondary specialized English school.

There is a well-equipped laboratory on the first floor in your school.

There is a big and nice assembly hall in our school.

There are not many schemes and tables on the walls of the physics and biology studies.

Our school takes an advantage over other schools in the town.

Pupils cannot go to the canteen during the breaks.

Our work-shops are badly-equipped.

Our school has good sport facilities.

It`s difficult to satisfy some teachers with your answers.

Junior pupils study not in the same building where you do.

It`s not difficult at all to achieve good results in studying.

Not all teachers try to encourage pupils by giving them higher marks.

Pupils often carry out experiments at chemistry lessons.

Прийом 4: заповнення пропусків у речення словами поданими в рамці.

Teacher: Let`s complete the sentences with the words given in the box. You are going to do this task in groups. You will be divided into groups with the help of matching proverbs.

East – or West – Home – is best.

A Friend – in need – is a friend – in deed.

Education – is light, - lack of it – is darkness.

After rain – comes – fair – weather





secondary        achieve      carry out      facilities     canteen      laboratory  satisfy   workshop     satisfactory       assembly hall    encourage


I study at a _____________________specialized English school. My school has got all the necessary_______________________for study. There is a ________________ on the ground floor. We often___________________experiments there. There is also a __________there. Pupils are taught how to use new tools and machines there. In the _________________ you can always have a bite and drink a cup of tea or a glass of juice. But we haven`t got an_____________________________ in our school, that`s why we hold concerts in the gym. As for me I want to________________good results but sometimes I get_________________marks as it is not always easy to______________________our teachers with answers or work at the lesson. We have got many good teachers and they always try to______________pupils by giving them higher marks or just by being kind to them.

4. Читання тексту

Прийом 1: прослуховування інструкції вчителя та активне читання тексту.

Teacher: We know a lot about the Ukrainian schools. But do you know anything about the schools in Britain? When do children start going to school? Have they got extra-school activities? What clubs do they attend?

Let`s read two small texts about English schools in exercise 7, page 63.

Прийом 2: виконання тесту по змісту прочитаного.

Teacher: Now on cards do a short test, choose and circle correct variant.


1. Pupils don`t get homework on…

a) Friday                        b) Sunday and Saturday                c) Wednesday

2. Children have………….for lunch.

a) an hour                       b) half an hour                               c) an hour and a half

3. The school has got a very good teacher of…

a) music                          b) art                                               c) mathematics

4. Pupils go to the sports centre by…

a) bus                               b) tram                                          c) underground

5. The school is……to public transport.

a) far                                b) next                                           c) near


1. Children in the school are aged from…

a) 6 to 14                           b) 6 to 16                                       c) 5 to 15

2. Only pupils over eleven…

a) get homework               b) study English                             c) do sports

3. There is no….in the school.

a) library or canteen          b) gym or library                            c) library or music room

4. The school is open on …for sports activities.

a) Sundays                         b) Saturdays                                 c) Saturdays and Sundays

5. Pupils come to school by…

a) school buses                   b) bicycles                                   c) cars

5. Активізація навичок діалогічного мовлення.

Прийом 1: прослуховування учнями інструкції до складання діалогу.

Teacher: Now let`s imagine that you are parents and want your child to addend the best school. What questions could you ask the headmaster? What can interest you about the school? Just name the thing or activity you would like to ask about.

P1: I would ask about lunch time

P2: …about homework

P3: …sport facilities and extra school activities

P4: …holidays and concerts

P5: …school transport

P6: …rooms and teachers

(the ideas are shown on the slide)

Pupils who has just named these ideas are perfect caring parents and your neighbours are principals of the schools. Make up the dialogues using the list of words.





lunch time


sport facilities

extra school activities




school transport





Прийом 2: представлення учнями діалогу.

6. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

Прийом: активне прослуховування інструкцій вчителя.

Teacher: At home learn new words and (teacher names 4 pupils for the following task) prepare a virtual excursion around your school, make photos of school rooms and speak about them, tell about advantages and disadvantages of your school and about school clubs.

7.  Підведення підсумків уроку.

Прийом: бесіда з учнями і спонукання їх до самостійного висловлювання.

Teacher: Friends, our lesson is coming to an end. What activity was amusing, maybe something was boring for you and you`d like to make it other way. Express your ideas.

Thank you for your work. The most active at the lesson were… They deserve… The lesson is over. See you tomorrow.





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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 жовтня 2020
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