Розробка уроку "love with the means of painting"

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A plan of the lesson in the 10th form "Love with the means of painting"

Lesson focus: presentation of different pieces of painting expressing feelings.

Lesson aim ( outcomes ) : - students should be able to express their feelings of love in connection with paintings chosen before; - students will have compared everything seen or heard at the lesson from the point of view of love; - students will have been able to use learn vocabulary about art expressing their feelings about Gapchynska`s paintings.

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                                                                                                    Федькова Г.А.,

                                                                                                    СШ 83, м. Київ,




A plan of the lesson in the 10th form

Love with the means of painting


Lesson focus: presentation of different pieces of painting expressing feelings.

Lesson aim ( outcomes ) : - students should be able to express their feelings of love in connection with paintings chosen before; - students will have compared everything seen or heard at the lesson from the point of view of love; - students will have been able to use learn vocabulary about art expressing their feelings about Gapchynska`s paintings.


- the textbook “ English. 10 “ ( A/ Nesvit ) ;

- a text for listening “ About E. Gapchynska “;

  • some paintings of the 15-20 centuries ( on the smartboard );
  • flashcards;
  • magnets of Gapchynska`s paintings;
  • a song “ A masterpiece “ by Madonna;
  • a poem “ Mona Liza “ by B. M. Weber.


I. Introduction.

 Teacher: today we are talking about Painting and Love. We`ll try to sum up our skills in talking about different pictures, painters in connection with love.

II. Warm-up.

 Teacher: We`ll revise the lexical units and make sentences with them orally ( Pupils make sentences with the words shown on flashcards: a masterpiece, to depict, a landscape, a portrait, a still life, a history painting,  an artist ( a painter ); light and shade, eternal ( immortal ); ( in ) valuable; seascape; to reflect; a sketch; to ignore; skill; contemporary; to define; heritage; a cutout; to broaden; to combine; scissors; primary colours.

III. Main Part.

 Teacher: Now we`ll check up your homework which was to fulfill a teamwork describing paintings of famous artists of different periods and styles.. But your chosen paintings should be connected with love, wedding, family, marriage, relations between men and women.


Students of the 1st group:


We’ll present to you  paintings of some artists of the 15-17 centuries, who described love:


15th century: Yan Van Aik “ The Portrait of Arnolfini`s family”. You can admire modest feelings of  the couple. How shy is the young wife! How tender is her husband! You can appreciate this painting in London, in the National Gallery.

16th century:   A great painter Peter Paul Rubens, though he was German but he flourished the Flemish school. He is called the king of painting because of his complicated manner of movement, contrast, magic and dramatic. His creative life may be divided into some periods, the most important and vivid are: Italian and Antverpen. Among the pictures of Italian period when he worked for the king Vinchenco Gonsag we`ve chosen his self-portrait with his wife. Look at them: they are really in love, he is so strong, protective but adoring and tender.

17th century: We had some difficulties looking for love in this century as mainly the artists used religious themes, they depicted portraits of rich and famous, Royal and church persons. So we found a famous painting by Bruegel the Young, the Netherland`s painter, among the collections of  Prado museum in Spain. It`s his famous “ Adam and Eva “ in the garden. Such love was in Europe at that time: wild, religious, not prominent and tender, but still it is love, immortal feeling among a man and a woman, doesn`t matter where they are: at the divine Edam or on the sinful Earth.


Students of the 2nd group:


We’ll represent some works of 18-19 centuries.


18th century:  Thomas Gainsborough, a famous English portratist. To your attention is his famous “ Mr. and Mrs. William Hallet. The morning walk”. Again a typical British couple. Do they love each other? – Certainly, though the morning is not so bright.

19th century: Renoir Pier Ogust “ Unmarried yet”. This painting differs greatly from those seen before. And it`s quite natural as it`s French. In her eyes you can`t see clear determination, agreement. But he really adores her. Who knows, but they are really in love.

Again Renoir. His 2 pictures “ Dances in a town “ and “ Dances in a village “. How different they are! Both pictures are full of love. But there are calm, shy, maybe insincere relations in town and eager, simple, a bit rude, but truthful, relations in the village.

Suffering Vincent Van Gog and his “ A couple walking in a park of Arly “. All his short life he was sure that love was the only immortal worthy feeling. You can admire love among green and yellow spring with the touch of black. It means that love is so different, unexpected, sometimes tender and soft, sometimes severe and strict, but it`s forever.


Students of the 3rd group:


To your attention are the works of the 20th century.


20th century: Gustav Klimt, an  Austrian symbolist, so loved and remembered by  his compatriots in Vienne This picture “ The kiss “ belongs to his Golden period. It shows frank eroticism, passion between a man and a woman.

And at last immortal “ Mona Liza “ by one of the strangest genious of the world Leonardo da Vinci. Look at this masterpiece! It`s difficult to say what are more mysterious: her eyes or her smile? I think, everything! Though the painting was not finished by Leonardo it`s perfect! Poets dedicated poems to her, as for example Brenda M. Weber:

Mona Lisa


'Behind 'kaleidoscopic  eyes

There's no 'mystery 'there that  lies

'She's the 'one to 'see it 'all

from her 'position on a  wall.

We 'look for 'something in her smile,

We 'stand to 'study her awhile

Her 'face of 'beauty that we  seek.

What would she say if 'she could  speak?

Is her 'beauty oh so rare?

Was 'Mona just a 'maiden fair?

Is she a 'mirror 'image of  me?

Is that 'what I'm 'supposed to see?

'Mona's 'portrait on the wall —

A 'combination of us  all.

There's a 'touch of 'someone there

in the 'beauty of her hair.

That 'hint of 'prism in her eyes

'makes her 'appear to be so  wise.

The 'playful 'curvature of her lip,

On her 'cheeks can 'dance a  quip.

She's a beauty, this 'Mona Lisa

but so is the 'Leaning 'Tower of  Pisa.

'What is the 'mystery there that lіеs

Behind 'kaleidoscopic eyes?

Teacher: And I suggest to you a famous Madonna’s song “ Masterpiece “ maybe you’ve head it.


II. Listening:

 Teacher: Now to your attention a bit about a modern painter E. Gapchynska

This unusual talented woman, Eugeniya Gapchynska, was born on 15 November in 1974 in Kharkiv, in a family of a Soviet officer. She was the fifth among the children. She went to school at 5 and at the age of 13 she became a student of Kharkiv Art vocational college. Then she entered and graduated from Kharkiv Art Institute. In 1996 she left for Nurenberg to have practice in Art Academy. She had an ordinary life: studies, marriage, searching for work just to survive and then- success, tremendous success, as her exhibitions are held in Ukraine, Russia, France, Belgium, England, the Netherlands and other countries. She has her own Galleries in Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk and Moskow and they are called “ The Galleries of happiness “ and Evgeniya is the Deliver of happiness №1. Her paintings` prices start from 2 thousand Euros. A lot of stars and celebrities are proud to have her pictures at home. Among them are: a footballer A. Shevchenko, a singer S. Rotaru, a producer N. Mikhalkov, a ballet-dancer A. Volochkova. Luchano Pavarotty bought 2 her  paintings. What is her secret of happiness? – Simple: “ As you are treating people the same attitude will be received by you “.

 Dear, why do people admire her paintings? Maybe they feel lightness, sincerity, tenderness looking at these small persons or angels?! But one is clear: Gapchinska proves that a masterpiece is really a piece of a master, you feel her soul, heart, love. You are returning in your childhood feeling so happy!

 Teacher: Let me check how you understood the main facts about Gapchinska:

  • When and where was she born?
  • Where abroad did she study?
  • Where can you see her paintings?
  • What`s the motto of her life?
  • Who can afford buying her pictures?
  • What`s the secret of her success?
  • What are the main topics of her work?

III. Feedback:

 Teacher: Now you`ll have magnets with Gapchinska`s pictures and your task is to describe her work your feelings about this picture.

You`ll continue your work at home and next lesson you`ll present to us your descriptions.

V Summing-up

 (pupil`s marks, the result of the lesson, some typical mistakes).




17 вересня 2018
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