Розробка уроку "Мій улюблений стиль одягу. Мій одяг"

Про матеріал

Закріплювати лексичні одиниці теми уроку в усному та писемному мовленні, розвивати та удосконалювати навички аудіювання, активізувати вживання конструкції to be going to в писемному та розмовному мовленні, практикувати присвійні займенники; розвивати пам'ять та увагу; виховувати повагу до думки іншого, виховувати інтерес до одягу різних країн та національностей, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.

Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку
з англійської мови
для учнів 5 класів
на тему «Одяг»


Картинки по запросу одяг на англ






Підготувала :

                       вчитель англійської мови

                                                                        спеціаліст 1 категоріїї

                                                                  Полагейкіна В.А.






навчальна: закріплювати лексичні одиниці теми уроку в усному та писемному мовленні, розвивати та удосконалювати навички аудіювання, активізувати вживання конструкції to be going to в писемному та розмовному мовленні, практикувати присвійні займенники;

розвиваюча: розвивати пам'ять та увагу;

виховна: виховувати повагу до думки іншого, виховувати інтерес до одягу різних країн та національностей, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.

Обладнання: робочий зошит, підручник, ілюстраційний матеріал, роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійні приладдя.

Тип уроку: комбінований


Хід уроку


  1. Greetings

Good morning pupils! How are you? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? OK.  Let’s start our work.

  1. Introduction

At the our lesson we shall read, write, speak English, do interesting tasks.

Children, I want to show you interesting proverbs.  At first, look at the blackboard :


1.Good clothes open all doors.

По одягу людину зустрічають, а по розуму проводжають. 

2.It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.

Не одяг прикрашає людину.

3.It’s not the clothes that count, but the things the clothes cover.

Судять не по одягу, а по тому що під ним.


So, our theme today is “Clothes”


  1. Phonetic exercise 

If you want to know English very well, you need to remember rules of reading.

No we will do interesting phonetic exercise:

ai [ ei ]:  trainers, rain, raincoat;

a [ a: ]: scarf, glasses, pyjamas;

ou (ow) [ au ]: trousers, bow, out;

ir [ ə: ]: third, skirt, shirt;

ear [ ɛə ]: wear




4. Word revision/ Speech practice

T: The first task for you is to help someone from our class to dress for the party.  She is Kate. Let’s look at his clothes and see what he has got (children come to the desk and take the picture, teacher asks them questions).

T – P1 – P2 – P3…

T: Tell me please:

-What is this? /What are these?

-What color is it/are they?

 - Do you like it/them?                       

T: Thank you. Kate  is very happy. Now she knows what clothes she has got.

6. Physical warming up

Картинки по запросу задания одежда на англ





7. Listening comprehension

Watch the cartoon and mark sentences as T(True) or F(False).

  1. In summer you can ski and slide on a sled.
  2. When the weather is rainy, you can make a snowman.
  3. In autumn, sometimes the weather is cloudy.
  4. When it`s winter, you put on your sweater.
  5. The Earth spins around the Moon.
  6. When the weather is snowy , you can go to the beach.
  7.  In winter, leaves are green and the weather is warm.
  8. In spring, you can have a snowball fight with your friends.
  9. In autumn, leaves are red and brown.
  10. In winter, you can sail on a sailboat.
  1. Listening activity

Listen to the text and draw the clothes for dolls















Hello! My name is Kate. I am 12 . I am pupil. My hobby is sport and painting. I’m wearing a red t-shirt, a black jacket, blue jeans and pink boots.

Post-listening activity

Lets check your pictures










9. Team work

Match the names of clothes.



Картинки по запросу задания одежда на англ



T: And now we are going to read a text about Mr. Smith. He is a police officer. How do you think what does he wear? (a jacket, trousers).


Let’s read and check up. 


Mr. Brown.

    Mr. Brown lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Brown usually wears a shirt, a jacket, trousers, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work, he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on his sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts his boots and his belt on. The boots and the belt are made of leather. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Brown comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.

Post- reading

T: Do you remember what he puts on. Then write if the statements are true of false.

   Read the text and write true or false.

1/ The officer’s name is Mr. Small.  ____

2/ He lives in Great Britain. ____

3/ At work Mr. Brown wears his school uniform. ____

4/ At home he usually puts on a short and trousers. ____

5/ In cold weather he wears a coat. ____

6/ He always puts on his boots. ____

7/ Mr. Brown has got a leather belt. ____

8/ On duties he usually wears a police sweater and a cap. ____

9/ He sometimes wears a raincoat. ____

10/ At home Mr. Brown takes his work clothes off. ____

11/ He keeps his clothes in the kitchen. ____

T: And now exchange the cards and we’ll check up. (And the one near the board) So let’s put the marks. Who has no mistakes, only one, two….. You have…...




  1. Grammar exercise  



The boy/girl 


am wearing  

is wearing                


a school uniform

a green jacket

a grey jumper                                                    black shoes

a white shirt                                                   a (grey, green...) tie

a blue jacket

a blue skirt                                                           a yellow blouse                                                              a blue jumper                                                       a blue hat

a blue dress


12. Final part of the lesson

- Now  will be the end of our lesson. So, tell did we speak about clothes?




  • You need to write 10-15 sentences  about your school uniform


Thanks. You worked very hard today and your marks are…. Stand up, the lesson is over and good-bye!