У всіх людей є різне розуміння того, яким має бути справжній вчитель. Звичайно, кожен із нас хотів би мати хорошого вчителя. То ж, який він « хороший вчитель»? Які риси характеру потрібні при виборі цієї професії? Відповіді на ці та інші запитання давали учні на уроці домашнього читання, прочитавши текст « Good morning, Miss Dove" у підручнику “Welcome to English Study" by O.D. Karpiuk.
Оскільки школа є невід'ємною частиною життя учнів, то тематика тексту їм дуже близька для розуміння прочитаного і подальшого ведення дискусії на основі тексту. Кожен учень на уроці висловлює свою думку про те, які риси характеру найкраще поєднуються із визначенням « хороший вчитель». На завершення уроку кожен пробує «створити» образ ідеального вчителя.
A Good Teacher
Level – B1 – Intermediate
Teacher: Oksana Faryna, teacher- methodologist
The Objectives:
Type of lesson: home reading
The Equipment: textbooks ‘Welcome to English Study’ by O.D.Karpiuk
I. Introduction.
T: Good morning, dear students! Glad to meet you! Today we’re having a homereading lesson. You have read the story entitled ‘Good morning, Miss Dove’. The story tells about school life. I’m sure you enjoyed reading it as school has been an essential part of your life for 7 years. Today you’ll have a chance to show your skills and abilities in doing different after-reading activities.
II Main Part.
2. Complete the sentences.
1.Miss Dove was …
2. If a pupil wanted to leave the classroom…
3. The war brought the children Miss Dove had taught to …
4. Thomas Baker was lying on the raft without …
5. He imagined he was …
6. Tom wrote his brother what he had seen …
7. Randy’s kiss was like …
3. Answer the questions.
1. How did the children call their teacher? Why?
2. Describe the way the lessons end.
3. What methods did Miss Dove use as a penalty?
4. What did the teacher sometimes remember when she looked at her pupils?
5. Did she allow Randy Baker to read his brother’s letter? Why?
6. Tell the main content of the letter.
4. Group work.
Group 1: thinks that Miss Dove was too strict and cruel to her pupils.
Group 2: thinks that Miss Dove was very kind to children, she loves them all and remembers them.
Take turns to express your opinions. Give your arguments.
5. Discuss the text.
1. What would you do in Thomas Baker’s place at the time when he was alone on the raft in the open ocean?
2. Can men be born brave?
3. Can you name the main thing Miss Dove taught her children?
4. Was Miss Dove a good teacher?
5. Do you like her as a person? Why?
6. Do you want to be a teacher? Why?
7. What is your idea of a good teacher?
6. Give a character sketch of a good teacher. Write an adjective, which characterizes a person, in an empty space.
(Every pupil in turn comes to the board and writes a word).
7.Role- play.
a) Imagine Thomas Baker and Miss Dove meet. Dramatize the dialogue between them.
b) Imagine a new pupil has appeared in Miss Dove’s class. Dramatize the dialogue between them.
III. Homework.
Write a composition on the following topic: ‘My ideal teacher’.