Розробка уроку "The world of cinema"

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Комбінований урок по закріпленню лексичного матеріалу, та вдосконаленню різноманітних навичок мовлення. ( читання, аудіювання та діалогічне мовлення)
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ЗОШ № 68 місто Маріуполь

 Воробйова Ірина Борисівна 

До підручника 7 класу Алла Несвіт


Unit 4 lesson 2

 The World of Cinema

OBJECTIVES:                                                                                                                              - to develop pupils’ lexical-grammar, listening, thinking and communicative skills;

  • to broaden pupils’ general outlook ;
  • to arouse pupils’ curiosity and imagination;
  • to bring up the filling of friendship.


  •                                      EQUIPMENT: the parts of different films; photos of actors and actresses; different puzzles; texts; computer.



                                  THE STRUCTURE OF THE LESSON

1 INTRODUCTION: Good morning my friends. I hope you’re doing fine and ready to start our lesson. Today we are going to speak about very interesting subject. Look at the screen and try to name the topic of the lesson. ( the episodes from silent film are on the screen, the pupils try to guess). Yes, you are right. Stephan Spielberg said:” Modern films have three lives instead of one. First, they appear in the cinema, then on discs, and finally they are shown on TV.” But how did it start. Let’s see.

2 PHONETIC TRAINING: Work all together. Repeat after me.

[  ɷ ] actor , actress, adventure, [ ʧ] nature , [h] horror, historical [Ɵ] thriller




a)repeat after me

 KINDS OF FILMS                                        CINEMA PROFESSIONS

 Adventure                                                        producer

Comedy                                                            director

Cartoon                                                             scriptwriter

Drama                                                               sound editor

Thriller                                                              designer

Western                                                             art director

Horror                                                                casting director

Love story( melodrama)                                   actor

Detective                                                          actress

Documentary                                                    director of special effects


b) Look at the screen watch the episode and name the kind of film


c) look at the picture, watch the episode and name the kind of film. Ex1a) page 82


d) using  the word box make up two mind-maps.


Drama, producer, actress, thriller, cartoon, designer, horror, scriptwriter, documentary, director, adventure, sound editor.





















4 CHECK UP THE HOME ASSIGNMENT. Your task was to read and understand the text   “THE ROOTS OF CINEMA”



                                    “THE ROOTS OF CINEMA”



It may be said that the birthday of cinema was on the 28th of December 1895 at the

“ Grand Café” in Paris. Louis Lumier had used some ideas of the great American inventor Thomas Edison and showed the first film of moving photos. Louis was the owner of one of the largest factories producing photographic materials in Europe. So he was rich enough to exploit his invention. Lumier named it cinematograph. Cinema or movies appeared in the USA in 1898. And it was the integral part of the American culture throughout the twentieth century. But the real birth of American cinema was in 1908 when “ Patent Cinema Company” was formed. It included 8 cinema-making firms. They were located in “Hollywood”.  It is the name of a Los Angeles district and the symbol of American cinema art. The 20s were the great era of  the silent film with stars like Rudolph Valentino, Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton . Unknown actors could became famous in a day, poor people became rich all a sudden and Hollywood became the “town where all dreams come true.”


Now we’ll do some tasks

  1. without looking at the text put +, - ,?.








The birthday of the cinema was on the 1st of January 1895.





The ideas of the great American inventor Thomas

Edison were used.






Cinema appeared in Russia in 1905.





“Patent Cinema Company” was formed in1908






Hollywood is the name of the town and the symbol of American theatre





Chaplin worked as a pantomime actor in 1906.




b)find the Russian translation to English word-combinations


the birthday of cinema                           все мечты сбываются

the film of moving photos                      американская культура

to exploit the invention                         день рождения кино

American culture                                   фильм из движущихся фотографий

the great era of silent film                      освоить изобретение

all dreams come true                             великая эра немого кино 


c)  Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. Reproduce it in pairs.









c)Fill in the blanks with the correct word and reproduce the dialogue in pairs.




       - Have you found some facts about the …   of cinema?  (roots, literature)

          - Yes, I have. And in my opinion its …  is very interesting. ( story, history)

          - Do you know when and where was …  born? ( theatre, cinema)

          - It was born in … in 1895. ( Paris, London ). Its inventor was French …  Louis   Lumier. (   physic/ businessman)

  • Have you found this information in the … ( internet / book)?
  • Yes I have. Let’s go and look through the information in my…(TV-set/ computer)
  • I’ll go with pleasure. We watch … every day, but know nothing about their roots. (  pictures/ films).
  • It is useful to increase our outlook.


5 Listen to the texts about well-known actors and  actresses and fill in the blanks in the table.



Was born on October 4th, 1895 in Kansas, USA. He was an  American comic actor and producer. He was best known for his silent films. His trademark was physical comedy with a specific face expression. His nickname was “ the great stone face” Keaton died in 1966 at the age of 70




Was born on September 18th 1905 in Stockholm Sweden . Her real name was Greta Gustafsson. She was one of the greatest movie stars during Hollywood silent film love

Stories. She is named as the fifth greatest star of all times. She died in 1990.




Was born on May 6th, 1895 at Castellaneta, Italy but became one of the most popular and recognized silent film stars. Valentine was not only an actor he was a real sex symbol and icon among female fans. He died in 1926. when he was only 31.  













Buster Keaton

Greta Garbo

Rudolph Valentino

Charlie Chaplin


Date of birth

October 4th





Place of birth







Cinema profession

Actor and





Kinds of films



Silent love-stories


Date of death






So you see that there is no information about one actor. Who is this?

Yes you are right.

6 Home assignment: read ex. 3 page 83 find the information about any famous  actor or actress, fill the table and bring them to the next lesson.

7 SUMMING-UP  our lesson is coming to end I’d like to listen to you impressions of it.

Thank you for your work you marks are…. And your table will be checked up on the next


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
10 лютого 2019
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