Розробка уроку з теми "Їж правильно".

Про матеріал
Мета уроку-повторити і узагальнити лексичний матеріал з теми "Їжа", граматичний матеріал з тем "Теперішній простий", "Минулий простий час", модальні дієслова, вчитися працювати з інтерактивною дошкою і програмою для онлайн голосування "Mentimeter", вміти характеризувати свій щоденний раціон і давати поради з приводу здорового харчування
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План уроку з теми "Їж правильно".

Мета: повторити і узагальнити лексичний матеріал з теми "Їжа", граматичний матеріал з тем "Теперішній простий", "Минулий простий час", модальні дієслова, вчитися працювати з інтерактивною дошкою і програмою для онлайн голосування "Mentimeter", вміти характеризувати свій щоденний раціон і давати поради з приводу здорового харчування.

Обладнання: інтерактивна дошка, роздатковий матеріал, аудіо відео матеріали, смартфон.

Хід уроку


Teacher: Good morning children! How are you today?

Pupils: Good morning! I'm fine thank you? And you?

Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson. We are here to demonstrate what we have learnt about food.

Why is food so important?

Pupils: People cannot live without food.

Animals and plants cannot live without food.


Teacher: Right. So let's start our lesson with a little warm up activity. Look at the presentation and name the food in the pictures.

(sweets, nuts, cake, bread, yogurt, chocolate, ice cream, cereal, eggs, milk, butter, jam, flour, cheese, pepper, lemon, cornflakes, rice, sausages, sandwich, juice, pancakes, cookies, boiled potatoes, noodle soup).

Teacher: For the next activity I need your help. Who wants to help me? One pupil goes to the board and asks other pupils the questions on the board.

The questions are:

  1. Why do we need food?
  2. What do you have for breakfast?
  3. What food gives you energy?
  4. What food makes your bones and teeth strong?
  5. What do you know about vitamins?
  6. What is your favourite drink?
  7. What can you cook?

Teacher: Translate the words on the board into Ukrainian:

sweets, spicy, salty, bitter ...


Практика аудіювання:

Teacher: Now I want you to listen to the text about Meals in Ukraine. While listening you should complete the sentences with the right words.

Three courses the biggest meal a snack supper dinner breakfast pancakes four times light popular salad, cheese, drink,

Teacher: Say if the sentences are true or false.

  1. The Ukrainians have 3 meals a day.
  2. People in Ukraine eat pizza for breakfast.
  3. Sandwiches and coffee are very popular in Ukraine.
  4. Breakfast is usually the biggest meal of the day.
  5. At four or five the Ukrainians have supper.
  6. For starter people have boiled potatoes with chops.
  7. At ten o'clock we have supper.  

Teacher: Now have a look at the board. Translate the words:

What can we cook having these ingredients?

Teacher. By the way, what's your favourite dish? Let's vote for it! Go to the site Mentimeter.com and let's vote for your favourite dish


  • cheese sandwiches
  • pancakes
  • mashed potatoes
  • pizza
  • hot dogs

Teacher: One of your favourite dishes as we can see is pancakes.  What ingredients do we need?

Pupils: flour, eggs, milk, vanilla, sugar, baking soda.

Teacher: Put the sentences in the correct order

  • Add baking soda and sugar.
  • Add eggs.
  • Enjoy your meal!
  • Mix flour and milk.
  • Oil the frying pan.
  • Pour the mixture and dry pancakes.

Практика письма: 

Teacher: By the way, what do we need to make a cake?

Pupils: We need flour, sugar, butter, oil, eggs, milk, vanilla, baking soda, vinegar.

Teacher: I want you to change the dialogue. Let's say you want to prepare a salad.

Практика читання: 

T. For the next task you will get the dialogues to cut. You will work in groups and put the sentences in the right order.

Group 1

  • I'm hungry. Can I have a sweet Mum?
  • No, you can't. You haven't had your dinner yet.
  • I'll have it later. What about a cake or a biscuit?
  • You have a sweet tooth! Sugar and sweets don't make your teeth strong. Have an apple, an orange or a carrot.

Group 2

  • Are you hungry dear?
  • Yes, I am very hungry and I'd like to eat something before having dinner.
  • Can I make a sandwich for you?
  • Yes sure. What sandwich can you make?
  • Would you prefer a ham or tuna sandwich?
  • I prefer a ham sandwich. Do we have all the ingredients: bread, ketchup, ham and pickles?
  • Yes we have everything.

Group 3

  • It's lunchtime. Wash your hands and sit down at the dinner table.
  • Ok, Mum. I am really hungry. What's for lunch today?
  • Vegetable salad, chicken soup and then meat and potatoes.
  • Wonderful! And what do we have for dessert?
  • Some ice cream.

Практика говоріння: 

Teacher: Now I want you to make your own dialogues about food.


Teacher: Did you like today's lesson? Let's vote for it. Take your smartphones again and go to Mantimeter, enter code ... and choose your variant.

You can see the results of the lesson here. Most people liked today's lesson and some pupils think it could be better. That means we have some work to do to improve it next time. What conclusion can we make now, when our lesson is over?

Pupils: We should eat the right food. We should have breakfast.

We should learn to cook. And we should learn English.

Teacher: Thank you for this lesson. I think you all deserve good and excellent marks. 






24 лютого 2021
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