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Матеріал для учнів 10-11 класів ( рівень володіння – Intermediate), який допоможе якісно та ретельно підготувати старшокласників до ДПА та ЗНО з англійської мови.

Перегляд файлу

1.  CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words from the article.

  • What will the article say about them?
  • What can you say about these words and your life?






Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and partners frequently.

2. SYNONYM MATCH:    Match the following synonyms from the article.









It once seemed common sense to believe that having and walking a dog was good for older people. Dogs are great companions and provide a healthy excuse to go for a walk and get a bit of exercise. However, new research shows that taking the dog for a walk can have its downsides for seniors. A report published in the American medical journal 'JAMA Surgery' says injuries among seniors related to dog-walking are becoming increasingly prevalent. From 2004 to 2017, researchers calculated that there were over 32,000 cases of people in the USA aged 65 and over suffering fractures attributed to walking their dog. Some of the injuries were serious and required the senior to undergo emergency surgery.

The researchers advised the elderly to consider the possible dangers to owning and walking a dog. They said: "For older adults - especially those living alone and with decreased bone mineral density - the risks associated with walking leashed dogs merit consideration." They added: "Even one injury could result in a potentially lethal hip fracture, lifelong complications, or the loss of their independence." Lead researcher Dr Jaimo Ahn blamed what he termed as a "small person/big dog" scenario for many of the accidents. He said a dog is sometimes mismatched with its owner's inability and strength to handle it. One elderly dog owner said: "Old people need dogs. We need our soul mates."




common sense


A reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify an action, fault or offense.




Good thinking and sound judgment in practical matters.




The negative aspect of something, especially something regarded as in general good or desirable.




Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.




A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.




The cracking or breaking of a hard object or material.




Find out the amount or number of something mathematically.





Of a person or thing connected with something else.




Sufficient to cause death.




The degree of compactness or hardness of a substance.




Deserve or be worthy of something, especially reward, punishment, or attention.




A circumstance that makes something more difficult.




Careful thought, typically over a period of time.




A possible sequence or development of events.


4. Put the words in the right order.

  1. believe   seemed   once   sense   It   to   that   .   common
  2. for   A   to   go   walk   .   healthy   a   excuse
  3. for   downsides   .   the   have   dog   Taking   can   walks
  4. calculated   32,000   were   there   Researchers   cases   .   that   over
  5. emergency   undergo   to   surgery   .   senior   the   Required
  6. the   elderly   consider   dangers   .   the   possible   Advised   to
  7. with   Especially   decreased   density   .   those   bone   mineral   alone
  8. result   could   fracture   .   in   lethal   Injury   hip   a
  9. What   he   termed   as   "small   dog"   a   scenario   .   person/big
  10. people   we   our   need   dogs   Old   -   soul   need   mates   .

5. TRUE / FALSE: Read the text again and choose  true (T) or false (F).

  1. The article says dogs are great companions for older people.     T / F
  2. The article says dog-walking has no downsides for the elderly.     T / F
  3. Over 32,000 elderly people got injured while dog-walking in 2017.     T / F
  4. Most elderly people injured while dog-walking need surgery.     T / F
  5. Elderly people with lower bone mineral density should take care.     T / F
  6. The article says walking leashed dogs merits consideration.     T / F
  7. A researcher talked about a "small dog/big person" scenario.     T / F
  8. An elderly person said dogs are soul mates for old people.     T / F

6. Put the text back together.

 (...)  32,000 cases of people in the USA aged 65 and over suffering fractures attributed 
(...)  The researchers advised the elderly to consider the possible dangers to owning and walking a dog. They said: "For older adults - 
(...)  sometimes mismatched with its owner's inability and strength to handle it. One elderly 
(...)  seniors. A report published in the American medical journal 'JAMA Surgery' says injuries among seniors related 
(...)  especially those living alone and with decreased bone mineral density - the risks associated with walking leashed dogs merit 
(...)  to walking their dog. Some of the injuries were serious and required the senior to undergo emergency surgery.
(...)  complications, or the loss of their independence." Lead researcher Dr Jaimo Ahn blamed what he termed 
(...)  to dog-walking are becoming increasingly prevalent. From 2004 to 2017, researchers calculated that there were over 
(...)  consideration." They added: "Even one injury could result in a potentially lethal hip fracture, lifelong 
(...)  for older people. Dogs are great companions and provide a healthy excuse to go for a walk and get a bit 
(...)  as a "small person/big dog" scenario for many of the accidents. He said a dog is 
(...)  of exercise. However, new research shows that taking the dog for a walk can have its downsides for 
(...)  dog owner said: "Old people need dogs. We need our soul mates."
(  1  ) It once seemed common sense to believe that having and walking a dog was good

7. Writing

Write a magazine article about making it compulsory for everyone to have a pet. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against this.


Before you start:

  • Read the writing task carefully and underline

 the key words

  • Think about what you are going to write about

 and try to come pu with ideas

  • Make notes and plan your paragraphs carefully


Don’t forget to

  • Refer to all the points that you underlined in

the writing task

  • Give examples to support your opinion.