Сценарій "European Cuisine"

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Цей захід варто проводити для закріплення та систематизації знань з теми "Їжа". У сценарії включено 15 конкурсів з теми. Учні повторять прислів'я, лексику (назви продуктів, страв, дієслова, які ми використовуємо під час приготування їжі). Буде пізнавально та весело.
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Form: 7

« European Cuisine»

Aims: - to review lexical material relating to food and involve pupils in the process of communication;

- to develop listening, reading and speaking skills, describing European cuisine and recipes of their dishes, comparing and contrasting their food choices with the eating habits of other countries, making riddles, matching parts of the proverbs about food;

-  to develop  creativity making their cookbooks, preparing recipes and dishes of  European cuisine;

- to instill in the students’ a sense of respect and admiration for diversity of food in Europe.


     Today we are going to speak about European Cuisine. We’ll retell the most popular recipes of European countries. You know that there is a saying “You are what you eat”. Maybe people of the various countries are different, because they eat different dishes. Almost every country we associate with one of its national or the most popular dish.

  1. The first contest is “Remember and match appropriate country and dish”

Austria – Strudel

Belgium – Waffles

Bulgaria – Yogurt-base Soup

Croatia – Black Risotto

Cyprus – Halloumi Cheese

Czech Republic – Bread 'Dumplings'

Denmark – Smørrebrød (sandwiches combine buttered rye bread with some variation of eggs, cheese, meat or fish)

Estonia – Rye Bread

Finland – Karelian Pies

France – Croissants

Germany – Pretzels

Greece – Gyros

Hungary – Goulash

Ireland – Irish Stew

Italy – Pizza

Latvia – Grey Peas

Lithuania – Cepelinai a large oval dumpling made with potatoes and fillings such as ground meat or mushrooms

Luxembourg – Smoked Pork with Beans

Malta – Rabbit Stew

Netherlands – Stroopwafel

Poland – Pierogi

Portugal – Pasteis de Nata custard(заварний крем)-filled sweet pastries

Romania – Cabbage Rolls

Slovakia – Potato Dumplings (галушки)

Slovenia – Giant Cheese Dumplings

Spain – Paella (rice-based dish)

Sweden – Cinnamon(кориця) Rolls

Switzerland – Fondue (creamy, melted cheese for dipping breads and meats)

United Kingdom – Fish & Chips


  1. The second contest is “Find the dish”

 Listen to some interesting facts about Europe and European cuisine and find the correct picture with the describing dish (P1, P2, P3…) http://blog.topdeck.travel/13-foods-must-eat-europe/

Pizza, croissants, crème brûlée, Wiener Schnitzel, pasta… Do we need to go on? Yes, Europe is home to some incredible foods. Listen and read on for foods you must eat in Europe.

There’s far more to European food than just the classics. They may not be as well-known, but they’re possibly even more delicious than their famous siblings.

Come take a look.




1. Arancini in Italy.

Though not as popular as pasta and pizza in Italy, these little fried rice balls are seriously to die for. Typically stuffed with meat, tomatoes, mozzarella, mushrooms, pistachios or aubergines.

Topdeck foods you must eat in Europe Arancini


2. Pierogi in Poland. 

Popular in many Eastern European countries, Pierogi are dumplings made of dough usually filled with potatoes, ground meat, cheese, or fruit. To complete the dish, they can be topped with butter, sour cream, or fried onion – how could you resist?


Topdeck foods you must eat in Europe Pierogi

3. Cheese fondue in Switzerland.Cheese lovers, get ready. Traditional Swiss fondue is made with Emmenthal cheese. Always served with crusty bread such as the traditional Weizenbrot, this is one of those foods you must eat in Europe.


Topdeck Travel Switzerland cheese fondue foods you must eat in Europe

4. Ćevapi in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Now listen up. If you go for anything on this list, go for these. Ćevapi are grilled skinless ground beef sausages usually served with flatbread, onions, creamy kajmak cheese and ajvar (a roast red pepper spread). Sooooo good. Come check it out.

Topdeck Travel foods you must eat in Europe Cevapi

5. Goulash in Hungary. 

Everyone has probably at least heard of goulash if not tried it, but if you find yourself even close to (being) Hungary, you need to taste this dish when prepared in the traditional Hungarian way.  


Topdeck Travel foods you must eat in Europe Goulash

6. Currywurst in Germany. 

This is exactly what it sounds like – a bit strange. But don’t knock it ‘till you try it. This German fast food consists of fried pork sausage (Bratwurst), usually cut into slices, seasoned with curry ketchup and served with French fries. Yum.


Topdeck Travel foods you must eat in Europe Currywurst

7. Potica in Slovenia. 

One of the best dessert foods on this list, this traditional nut roll is made of sweet dough that is rolled out very thinly, spread with a paste made from ground nuts (usually walnuts or poppy seeds) and a sweetener like honey, rolled up into a log and baked. Yes please. See ya in Slovenia!


Topdeck Travel Potica foods you must eat in Europe

8. Moussaka in Greece.

Common in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and Balkana, this dish is built on either potatoes or aubergines, layered with ground meat and either a tomato or béchamel sauce, sometimes topped with cheese and then baked in the oven. It’s one of the foods you must eat in Europe.


Topdeck Travel Moussaka foods you must eat in Europe

9. Köttbullar in Sweden. 

Swedish meatballs were made seriously popular by IKEA, but we think they still don’t get the credit they deserve. Made with cream and breadcrumbs soaked in milk, these are super tender and traditionally served with gravy, boiled potatoes, lingonberry jam, and sometimes fresh pickled cucumber. Get us to Sweden ASAP! (as soon as possible)


Topdeck Travel Kottbullar Sweden foods you must eat in Europe

10. Haggis in Scotland.

Okay, so Haggis sounds kind of unappealing. But if any foods on this list will completely surprise you, it’s Haggis! Just give it a try if you find yourself in Scotland – you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy it!



Topdeck Travel Scotland Haggis foods you must eat in Europe

11. Halloumi and watermelon in Cyprus.     In the hot climate of Cyprus, pairing salty Halloumi with sweet watermelon for breakfast or dessert is seriously the best possible way to cool down. So simple, yet so delicious. And the best thing is you don’t even need to leave home to try it.


  1. The third contest is “The best cookery book”.

     European cuisine is very special. Here we have the cookery books of the 7th forms. They are for our juries.

  1.     The fourth contest is “The tastiest dish”.

    Pupils of the 7th forms had a task to prepare one of the European dishes.

Present your dish first in Ukrainian, then in English. You are welcome!

And now, please, tell us the ingredients and the directions how to cook these dishes in English.

Juries, evaluate our participants, please.

BLT Eggy Bread Recipe

BLT Eggy Bread

How to make BLT Eggy Bread

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Total Cook Time: 40 mins
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

About BLT Eggy Bread Recipe: A BLT sandwich with eggs. BLT is a popular British tea time sandwich which stands for Bacon, Lettuce and Tomatoes. Perfect breakfast option to go with a hot cup of tea for a busy morning!

Ingredients of BLT Eggy Bread

  • 6-8 bacon rashers, rinds removed
  • 1 ciabatta loaf or french baguette
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp light olive oil
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • 25 gms rocket leaves
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • A squeeze of tomato ketchup
  • for seasoning Salt & freshly ground black pepper

How to Make BLT Eggy Bread

  • 1.Cut the bread into 3 equal portions, length wise and horizontally.
  • 2.Crack the eggs into a bowl, add the milk, season well & beat thoroughly.
  • 3.Pour on to a large plate and lay the bread, cut the side down in the eggy mixture. Leave to soak for a minute before turning over.
  • 4.Heat a large frying pan, add oil and fry the bacon on medium heat till crisp. Remove & drain well on kitchen paper.
  • 5.Next, fry your eggy bread. Start with the cut side down & cook for 1-2 minute on medium heat till each piece is golden brown. Turnover and cook for another minute or so.
  • 6.Now place the bread on a plate & spread the ketchup on the base slices.
  • 7.Add a layer of tomato, followed by the bacon and the rocket leaves.
  • 8.Finish by spreading the Dijon mustard & mayo onto the top half of the eggy bread slices & assemble all together. Cut at an angle and serve immediately .
  • 9.Tip: For vegetarian could do this without bacon. Just add some fresh mozzarella cheese and maybe some caramelized onions.


 Pizza Pianta Recipe

Pizza Pianta

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 1 hr 15 mins
  • Total Cook Time: 1 hr 30 mins
  • Difficulty Level: Easy

About Pizza Pianta Recipe: A delicious as well as healthy vegetarian pizza that you won't be able to resist. Topped with sauteed veggies like mushrooms, artichoke and spinach followed by tomato sauce and oodles of mozzarella cheese. This one is a super easy pizza recipe that you can prepare quickly at home with simple ingredients.

Ingredients of Pizza Pianta

  • 200 gms flour
  • 100 gms milk
  • 5 gms garlic powder
  • 5 gms baking powder
  • to taste salt
  • 75 gms tomato sauce
  • 35 gms mozzarella cheese
  • 10 gms spinach
  • 10 gms mushrooms
  • 10 gms artichoke
  • 5 gms basil
  • 20 ml olive oil

How to Make Pizza Pianta

  • 1.Make pizza dough with flour, garlic powder, milk, baking powder, water and season it with salt.
  • 2.Once the dough is rested for 20 minutes make in to small balls and roll the pizza into thin layer.
  • 3.Dock the pizza and cut the edges to make it round.
  • 4.Slightly bake the pizza in the oven for 2 minutes.
  • 5.Once taken out spread spicy tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese and then bake it in the oven.
  • 6.Once 75% done add the sautéed vegetables like mushroom, artichoke and spinach and bake the pizza.
  • 7.Once the pizza is fully cooked take it out and cut it into 8 slices.
  • 8.Serve hot and brush the sides with olive oil and garnish it with chopped basil.


  1.     The fifth contest is “Guess the riddles”.

    We have prepared some riddles for you. Listen and try to guess the answer. These pictures can help you.

  1.      What house has many people inside,

     But neither windows nor doors? (A pumpkin).

  1.     They do not eat me alone,

     But cannot eat without me. (Salt).

  1.      What is white outside and yellow inside? (An egg).
  2.     A hundred shirts

     And all without buttons.

     What is it? (A cabbage).

  1.      I can be red or green or yellow,

     I grow in the tree in the garden.

     I am tasty in autumn and in winter.

     What am I? (An apple)

  1.       We are tasty, when we are green

     We grow in the kitchen garden.

     We are tasty, when we are salty too.

     People like to eat us with tomatoes in salads.

     What am I? (A cucumber).

  1.      I am tasty, if you boil or fry me.

     Don’t forget to peel me.

     I’ll be white and clean.

    You like me with meat, fish, salad.

    You eat me every day, what am I? (A potato).


  1.     The sixth contest “Make up your own riddle”.

     Now try to make your own riddle in two minutes. Let’s start.

  1.     The seventh contest “Match definitions with pictures”.
    1.      It is a thing for eating soup. (A spoon).
    2.     It is an instruction how to cook a dish. (A recipe).
    3.      It is a book with a lot of recipes. (A cookery book).
    4.     It is a thing, we lay it before a meal and clean after a meal. (A table).
    5.      It is a thing, we boil water in it to drink tea or coffee. (A kettle).
    6.       It’s a thing, we cut, slice, chop onions, spread butter with it. (A knife).


  1.     The eighth contest “Find the end of the proverb”


  •     No man can be wise on an empty stomach.
  •     After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
  •     A little pot is soon hot.
  •     An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  •     Eat with pleasure, drink with measure.
  •     The last drop makes the cup run over.
  •     Tastes differ.
  •     To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth.
  •     He who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat.
  •     He’ll eat till he sweats and work till he freezes.
  •     He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
  •     Live not to eat, but eat to live.


  1. The ninth contest “Complete the Recipe”

1. First _____________ 3 or 4 potatoes. __________ them. Then ____________ them carefully. After that _________ them into smaller pieces. Then ____________ them into cold water, __________ some salt and __________ till they are ready. __________ the water out, _________ some milk and butter. __________ till the milk starts boiling. Finally __________ everything carefully. Good apettite!

What dish is it? __________ potatoes.


2. First __________ a kettle, _________ some water into the kettle. ____________ it on a gas-cooker. Then __________ a cup and __________ one teaspoon of tea in it. _________ till the water starts boiling. After that _________ boiled water into the cup. Finally _________ 1or 2 teaspoons of sugar, ________ it carefully. Your tea is ready.


3. First ____________ a saucepan, __________ some water into it. Then  ___________ till the water starts boiling and __________ a little salt in it. After that ___________ spaghetti into the saucepan and _________ them carefully. __________ till they are ready. Then __________ the water out, ____________ some butter. Finally ___________ everything carefully. The dish is ready. Enjoy your meal!

  1. The tenth contest “Who is the fastest?”

    You have 2 glasses, 1 spoon and 1 glass of water. Your task is to carry water from one glass to another with a spoon. The winner is who has got more water in the glass.

  1. The eleventh contest “Eat an apple”.

     Your task is to eat up the apple from the plate with water without hands.

  1.  The twelfth contest “Eat spaghetti”

     Eat up spaghetti without hands. Who will eat up the first – is the winner!

  1. The thirteenth contest “Guess the product of food”

     We’ll shut your eyes with the kerchief and give you some products. Taste them and say what is it. (A sour (tinned) cucumber, salted lard, an apple, a banana, a lemon, an apple, a tangerine, a cake, a sausage, roast bacon, an orange, an egg).


  1.    The fourteenth contest “Say more words”.

      Are you ready to play and win? Yes? Then the next task is for you. I will give you a category of food. Your task is to name as many fruit (vegetables, berries, meat, desserts, spice, dairy products) as you can. You mustn’t repeat words! If you can’t say a word, you drop out of our game. The last player is the winner!

  1.    The fifteenth contest “Who is the most attentive?”

     Look very attentively at these pictures. You have half a minute. Now try to remember them. I’ll take them out, your task is to name as many  European dishes as you remember.

     Dear boys and girls you were very active. Thank you for your participation! Now listen to our juries.


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Англійська мова, Сценарії
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