Сценарій "Mother's Day"

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Сучасні батьки у захваті, якщо їхні діти розмовляють англійською. А якщо дітлахи їх вітають зі святом іноземною мовою, то задоволення зростає вдвічі. Тут підібрано і перероблено багато дитячих пісень. Від конкурсів отримають втіху і діти, і дорослі.
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Mother’s Day

Form: 5


-to teach poems and songs about mothers;

-to develop the skills of reciting;

- to develop listening and speaking skills and imagination;

- to review lexical material and use it in the speech;

- to develop skills and involve pupils in the process of communication.

-to inform about the history of Mother’s Day and traditions of its celebration;

-to present quotations and jokes of prominent people

-to instill  in the students’ a sense of respect and admiration for mother and Motherhood



Tape recorder, cassette, large sheet of plain paper for each group, card in a form of sun, photos of kids and their mothers, poster with the quiz, pictures of famous people, cards with sayings and proverbs.


‘Winter days are far away.

Welcome, welcome, merry May.’

In the merry month of May

Celebrate we Mother’s Day.


I like the way you look,

I like the way you cook.

Now what I really want to say is:

‘Happy Mother’s Day!’

Mother means Kindness

Mother means Patience

And Happiness, too,

Mother means Sharing and

Mother means Caring

Mother means all this...

For Mother means you!

Celebrating Mother's Day
           Today, Mother's Day is celebrated throughout the world.  Although Mother's Day is not celebrated on the same day everywhere, some countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May, the same day it is celebrated in the United States.

             During the 17th century, England began to celebrate "Mothering Sunday."  The name evolved from the custom of baking a special cake, called a mothering cake, to take on visits to mother.  Today in England, Mothering Sunday is celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40-day period leading up to Easter).

One the best way to celebrate Mother's Day is to give your mom the day off. Let her take it easy and relax while the rest of the family does the work.

Many families begin Mother's Day with breakfast in bed. Usually Dad and the Kids will let mom sleep late as they go into the kitchen and prepare her favourite meal. A Mother's Day breakfast can consist of anything your mom likes.

After the food is cooked arrange everything nicely on a tray. Don't forget the vase with a single flower. With spring here, the children can pick a tulip or daffodil from the garden outside. When everything is ready carefully carry the tray and mom's favourite sections from the newspaper up to her bedroom. Cards and small presents from the children can be placed on the tray before it is presented to mom in bed.

Many Families make a special Mother's Day dinner or take mom out to her favourite restaurant for a meal. It is a good day to let your mom relax and let her see what a wonderful family she has.


Oh, Mother’s Day is here,

Let’s all give a cheer.

For the mother’s we all love,

More and more each year!                     

The sun is so bright today because it’s mother’s day

The sky is so blue today because it’s mother’s day

And we are now so gay because it’s mother’s day


Song (мамонтеня)

Across the wide ocean

Across the blue sea

No matter what happens

My mother needs me

 My mother needs me every day |2 times

Despite of the wind and despite of the weather

I tend to be only with mommy together

They are so devoted to each other

A child and his only one mother.


I wish I could tell you

“I wish I could tell you, mom

how much you mean to me….

but there are no words to say

how much I admire you ….

how much I appreciate you...

how much I thank you

for everything you’ve done.”

— Dear Mother, dear Granny,

I love you! I love you!

Dear Mother, dear Granny,

Do you love me too?

— One, one, one

I love the sun.

— Two, two, two

I love my mummy too.

— Three, three, three

My mummy loves me!


If I could give you diamonds

For each tear you cried for me.

If I could give you sapphires

For each truth you've helped me see.

If I could give you rubies

For the heartache that you've known.

If I could give you pearls

For the wisdom that you've shown,

Then you'll have a treasure, mother,

That would mount up to the skies,

That would almost match

The sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.

But I have no pearls, no diamonds,

As Fin sure you're well aware,

So I'll give you gifts more precious:

My devotion, love and care.

 Author Unknown


Thank You, Mother

“When I was a little baby,

You rocked me through the night.

When I got scared from a nightmare,

You took away my fright.

You chase away my fears.

You dry up all my tears.

You are always there.

You always care.

You taught me how to smile.

Thank you, Thank you Mother

Thank you most of all for loving me.

Mother’s hands ... They can do everything: wash, clean, cook, look after their children, treat, teach and do many other things.

We can remember mother’s hands since early childhood. We felt how warm our mother’s hands were even before we learnt to walk and when we were still trying to say our first words. These hands took care of us day and night.

Teacher: Let’s check how well you know your mothers.

Game “Mother’s hands” For this game we need some mothers and their children. We’ll tie students’ eyes and your task will be to touch mothers’ hands and guess where your mum is.

Sung to: "Mary had a little lamb"
Mommy takes good care of me,
Care of me, care of me,
Mommy takes good care of me,
Because she loves me so.

Who feeds me?

My mother!

Who dresses me?

My mother!

Who helps me?

My mother!

Who plays with me?

My mother!

Who takes care of me?

My mother!

Who loves me?

My mother!

Who said good night when I was a child?

                My mother!

                Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay?

                And showed me often how to play?

                My mother!

Who ran to help me when I fell?

And who could funny stories tell?

My mother!

Who sits at my head

When I am in bed?

My mother!

Who is so nice, who is so kind

Another so dear, you’ll never find?

My mother!


Game 1 (сomplete sentences): Make a list of some things your mother does for you  

My mum always...

My mum helps me...

My mum does the....

My mum goes to...

My mum takes me...

My mum gives me...

My mum...

Where would we be without Moms?

“Where would we be without Moms?

Where would we be without those ladies?

Helping us all year long

And the love you give is just amazing.

Sung to: "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"
My mommy helps me when I'm sick.
My mommy helps me when I'm blue.
My mommy helps me when I'm sad.
Thanks, Mom, for all that you do!
You help, you help,
You help me feel so much better.
You help, you help,
You help me feel so much better.

Game 2 “Write your resolutions on the beams of the sun

Dear Mummy,

You do so many things to help me

On Mother’s Day I’ll use my helping hands to help you.

I will......



Help your mother lay the table

With the knives and forks and spoons.

Help your mother lay the table

Every afternoon!

Help your mother clean the table,

Take the knives and forks and spoons.

Help your mother clean the table

Morning, night and noon.



Only One Mother

All through the year

I'll try to do

The things that show

My love for you.

And not be happy just to say,

"I love you, Mother," on Mother's Day.

Game 3 “Match the photos”. Ask your guests to bring with them a baby photo of their children and a baby photo of the mother. This game is funnier if you have many families at your party. Mix all the photos on the table and first ask the mothers the match the baby photos with the kids’ names. Write the kids names on papers if you want to make the game easier. For each correct pairing give to mom one point. Now the kids have to find out which is their mothers baby photo and to place it next to their baby photo. If the kid pairs the photos correctly give him one point too. At the end of the game calculate the points. Prepare interesting small gifts for the winner.


Mother’s Day Song (Tune - “Are You Sleeping”)

We love mothers, we love mothers

Yes, we do; yes, we do.

Mothers are for hugging

Mothers are for kissing

We love you; yes, we do.


Game 4:  Springtime means a time of new birth. Adult animals give birth to baby animals. Every mother knows her baby---but do you? Take the quiz!

A mother horse gallops with her ______________.

The mother cow gives milk for her _______________.

The mother hen looks for worms for her _____________.

The mother dog plays with her ______________.

The mother duck swims with her ______________.

The mother cat catches a mouse for her ______________.

The mother goat nibbles grass with her __________.

The mother pig is busy caring for her ____________.

The mother sheep calls her ______________.

The mother fox hunts for her _______________.

Answers below---don't peep until you finish!  


1. foal/colt/filly 2. calf  3. Chick 4. pup 5. duckling 6. kitten

7. kid 8. piglet/shoat  9. lamb 10. cub

Mom Says

(Sung to: "Twinkle, twinkle little star")

1.Sometimes, Mom says, "Don't do this,"

Sometimes, Mom says, "Don't do that,"

She still loves me, that I know.

Why? Because she tells me so.

Sometimes, Mom says, "Let's do this!"

Sometimes, Mom says, "Kiss, kiss, kiss!"

2.Mothers teach us right from wrong,

Read with us, and sing us songs.

They make sure homework is done.

They make learning much more fun.

Mothers are our shining stars:

Mothers make us who we are.

Wonderful mother

“God made a wonderful mother,

A mother who never grows old;

He made her smile of the sunshine,

He created her heart of pure gold;

In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,

In her cheeks pink roses you see;

God made a wonderful mother,

And He gave that dear mother to me. “


Game 5 “How well do you know your mother?”. 

 Prepare a list with simple questions about mothers’ interests, hobby, favorite song, favorite color, most loved food or movie. Ask the children to write the answers. Now ask the mothers the same questions as the kids. Each team (mother and her child) receive one point for each correct answer. If they give different answers do not give them point. The winner in this Mothers Day game will be the team with the most correct answers.

You kept me safe when I was born.

You kept me warm and fed.

You picked me up and rocked me, and tucked me into bed.

You taught me how to walk and talk and how to use the potty.

You said you'd always love me even when I was being naughty.

So now I want you to relax, sit back -as you never do.

Because today is the day, that I take care of you.

Game ‘Who said it’

Read the sayings and match them with the author

„When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts.

 A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” Sophia Loren

„Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.” Sarah Malin

“My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” George Washington

A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. – Irish Proverb

“My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” Mark Twain

“There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.” – Chinese Proverb

Mother 's Day Jokes

 “If you’re going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning.”


Father: Sonny, what shall we buy for mother on Mother’s Day?

Sonny: Let’s buy her some flowers and a large box of sweets.

Father: That’ a good idea! And what will you say to Mum?

Sonny: Oh, I know what to say. I’ll say, Dear Mum. I love you so much. Best wishes for Mother’s Day.


Let’s go out and pick some flowers

“Let’s go out and pick some flowers

And make a big bouquet;

We must bring a special gift

To Mom on Mother’s Day!

Here’s a rose, and there’s a daisy

For our Mom’s bouquet,

Pretty flowers to show we love her

More and more each day!”

Each bright flower is here to say:

Happy Mother’s Day!


I PICKED SOME FLOWERS    ( Tune:  “Mary Had A Little Lamb”)

I picked some flowers, just for you,

Just for you, just for you.    

I picked some flowers, just for you,

To make a big bouquet.

The flowers say, that I love you,

I love you, I love you.

The flowers say, that I love you,

Happy Mother’s Day!


Flowers: We are coming! We are coming!

Boy: Who is coming?

Snowdrop: I am the first to come. I have a white shirt. My name is Snowdrop. I come when the snow is on the ground.

Violet: I come next. I don’t like snow. I like warm days. So my name is Violet.

Lily: I think you all like my small white bells. My name is Lily-of-the-Valley.

Daffodil: I come next. I’m yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is Daffodil.

Buttercup: I am the last to come in spring. I have a pretty yellow dress too. My name is Buttercup.

Blue-Bell: I am a summer flower. I am Blue-bell. I am blue like the sky. And my dress looks like a bell.

Sun-Flower: My name is Sun-flower. I am like the golden Sun. You can find me in the fields.

Poppy: I come in summer too. My name is Poppy. I have two dresses — red and yellow.

Rose: All of you know me very well and like my sweet smell. I am Rose. I have a lot of beautiful dresses — yellow, pink, white. I come when the sun is hot.

Flowers: We are flowers. We heard that you have Mother’s Day party today. We want you to give us to your mum’s as a gift.

Song “Five nice flowers standing in the vase”

Five nice flowers standing in the vase. 
One will go to _________'s mom, then there will be four. 
Four ......To your very own mother, who is the Nicest one you know.

Teacher. Our flowers like to play too! Let’s play with them in ‘Flower-Puzzles’— you will put pictures of the flowers and their names together.

Гра  "Чарівний м’яч"

Лунає музика, по колу передається м’яч. Коли музика зупиняється, вчитель показує квітку, діти називають її. (Можуть брати участь і гості, які присутні на святі.)

Sung to: "the muffin man"
Mommy, it's your special day,
And it's time for me to say
I'm glad for all the things you do.
Thank you, Mommy, I love you!

 Sung to: "Rock-a-bye Baby"
Mother my darling, Mother my dear.
I love you, I love you
Each day of the year.
You are so sweet,
And you are so kind.
And I am so glad that you are mine!

Children appear on the stage with letters.


"M" is for the million things she gave me,

"O" means only that she's growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"

A word that means the world to me.


Long lives our beloved and kind Mothers!

Glory and honour to our Mothers! We are happy that we have got such mothers.


If You’re Happy

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,

If you’re happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands…

Children. In the spring we play and sing! Dance with your mothers. Make a circle.

You put your right hand in,

You put your right hand out,

You give your right hand a shake, shake, shake,

And turn yourself about!

You put your left hand in,

You take your left hand out;

You give your left hand a shake, shake, shake,

And turn yourself about!



My dear, dear Mummy,

Let me kiss your face,

I want you to be happy,

Today and always!

Be happy, be happy,

Today and always!

Be happy, be happy

Today and always!

Thank you for your smiles,

They make me feel good inside.

All: Thank you!

Thank you for your hugs,

They make me feel that I am loved.

All: Thank you!

Thank you for when I cry,

You make me feel better and dry my eyes.

All: Thank you!

Thank you for your help,

You think about me, I can tell.

All: Thank you!

Thank you for your hands,

They are so soft and warm.

All: Thank you!

Thank you for being the only person in the world

Who once gave me life and now takes care of me.

All: Thank you!


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