Сценарій позакласного заходу, присвяченого святкуванню Дня Подяки у США “Happy Thanksgiving Day”

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Сценарій позакласного заходу, присвяченого святкуванню Дня Подяки у США “Happy Thanksgiving Day”

Мета заходу:

• Ознайомити учнів з національним святом США, розширити їх знання про культуру та традиції країни, мова якої вивчається.

• Залучити учнів у позаурочну діяльність з англійської мови.

• Акцентувати увагу учнів на таких людських цінностях як сім'я, сімейні традиції, подяка.

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Сценарій позакласного заходу,

присвяченого святкуванню Дня Подяки у США

“Happy Thanksgiving Day”

Дата: 22.11.2018

Клас: 8-Б

Учитель: Богданцева Л.В.



• Ознайомити учнів з національним святом США, розширити їх знання про культуру та традиції країни, мова якої вивчається.

• Залучити учнів у позаурочну діяльність з англійської мови.

• Акцентувати увагу учнів на таких людських цінностях як сім'я, сімейні традиції, подяка.


Обладнання: комп’ютер, РР презентація, тематичні аудіо та відеоматеріали, тематичні малюнки, роздатковий матеріал; святкові символи, що учні виготовили власноруч.




Teacher: Good afternoon, dear students! Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I am happy to greet you at our party!

Today is Thursday, the 22nd of November. It is a public holiday in the USA. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.

And I strongly believe, you know for sure what holiday it is. (Yes, I am speaking about Thanksgiving Day.) But - ‘why’, ‘how long’ and ‘how’? Let’s find out together!

We are going to start in a minute. I hope you’ll enjoy yourselves. Besides, you should be very attentive while listening each other, watching videos and so on. This is because you will be given some tasks at the second part of our event. So, you’ll get the opportunity to test yourself.

So, I become silent for a while. And we start!


Thanksgiving History (TV News)

Заставка новин

F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Уроки 1\IMG-2759ce868f2cbfc6d16aef1bfb61aa75-V.jpgSpeaker 1: Today is the 4th Thursday in November. The Thanksgiving Day. It is a national holiday celebrated throughout the United States. People give thanks for the many good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving Day, families come together for a special dinner . Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried flowers and vegetables.. Charitable organizations serve dinner to poor people. They also send baskets of food to elderly and sick people. And now we watch the video about the history of Thanksgiving Day. 


(Мультиплікаційний ролик)


Speaker 1: We are having a guest in our studio, Professor of History, Mr Andrew Bannet from the Boston University. Good afternoon, Mr Bannet. It’s very nice to see you. Today is one of the most important holidays of our country, the Thanksgiving Day. Will you tell us about its history.

Professor: Sure. With pleasure.

Speaker 1: Who were the Pilgrims?

Professor: The Pilgrims were the Englishmen who ran away from religious persecution in England because they separated from the English church. In 1620 they sailed to America. Their ship was called the ‘Mayflower’.

Speaker 1: Why did they go to America?

Professor: They went to the New World to find religious freedom.

Speaker 1: Where did they settle in America?

Professor: They established Plymouth Colony, the first English settlement in America. Now this place is a big city, called Plymouth in the state of Massachusetts.

Speaker 1: Why did many of them die in the first year?

Professor: The pilgrims’ first winter in the New World was very difficult. They arrived too late to grow crops. So they didn’t have enough food. Besides it was very cold and they got ill but didn’t have any medicines and half of them died.

Speaker 1: Why is this holiday so important for people in America?

Professor: Thanksgiving day is a great day for all Americans as it involves families and friends all coming together and enjoying the great tradition of thanksgiving. It is the best time to remember the past year and to be thankful for what they have got.

Speaker 1: Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mr Bannet.

Professor: Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you very much.


Pilgrims and Native Americans


The Pilgrim1: On September 16, 1620 we, pilgrims, sailed from Plymouth, England. Our ship was called the Mayflower. In September 1620, we landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts.

The Pilgrim 2: Our first winter was terrible. We were hungry, sick and cold. Many people died.

The Indian 1: We decided to help them. So, we brought them bread, vegetables, fruit, corn and other things.

The Pilgrim2: Oh! Thank you very much! You have saved our lives! We’ll never forget you! 

The Indian 2: When spring came, we taught the Pilgrims to plant corn, to build houses, to hunt and to fish. In other words, we tried to teach them how to survive in America.

The Pilgrim 1: In the autumn 1621, we had a great harvest and decided to make a feast.

The Pilgrim 2: We were thankful to the Indians, as they had helped us. So, we welcomed them to our Thanksgiving feast.

The Pilgrim1: Welcome to our Thanksgiving feast! We are grateful to you for many things. But the main is: you helped us when we suffered greatly. And we’ll never forget those days!

Holiday Letters

T – for time to be together,
Turkey, talk and tender weather.

H – for harvest stored away,
home and hearth, and holiday.

A – for autumn's frosty art
and abundance in the heart.

Nfor neighbours, and November,
nice things, new things to remember
K – for kitchen, kettles, croon,
kith and kin expected soon.
S – for sizzles, sights and sounds,
and something special that abounds.

That spells THANKS – for joy in living
and a jolly good Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Dinner

Заставка новин

Speaker 2: Today is the 4th Thursday of November. And the United States are celebrating the Thanksgiving Day. Many families are having a festive meal now. They remember the pilgrims who had very hard life during their first year and who started the life in a new country, the United States of America.

Today, all the American families — parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and adult children who live away from home — gather at home for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. It always includes some of the foods served at the first Thanksgiving feast: roast turkey and cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and a pumpkin pie.

So, what are traditional Thanksgiving foods? - Stay with us and you will find out!



(what are traditional Thanksgiving foods)



Pardoning the Thanksgiving Turkey


Учитель: Однією з традицій цього свята стало помилування індички (Pardoning the Thanksgiving Turkey), призначеної для святкового столу, американським президентом. Згідно з правилами, перед Днем подяки глава Білого дому може відмовитися від подарованої йому індички і тим самим дати їй життя.

Офіційною щорічна церемонія піднесення індички стала в 1947 році при президенті Гаррі Трумені, коли він отримав дар від Національної федерації розведення індиків.

Трумену багато хто приписує і традицію помилування. Однак достеменно невідомо, простив він хоч одну подаровану птицю, зате документально зафіксовані його розповіді, що деякі індички все ж потрапили на стіл.

Наступний за Труменом Дуайт Ейзенхауер від птахів не відмовлявся обидва своїх президентських терміни. А ось Джон Кеннеді раптово помилував індичку в листопаді 1963 року: «We let this bird grow. This is our Thanksgiving gift to it». Це сталося за кілька днів до його вбивства.

Після Кеннеді індичок довгий час не прощали. Винятком був Річард Ніксон, який пару разів помилував птицю. Однак в традицію це перетворилося при президенті Рональді Рейгані. У 1987 році він помилував індичку Чарлі і відправив її в контактний зоопарк.

Традицію постійно прощати індичок заклав наступник Рейгана Джордж Буш. З початку його правління, з 1989 року, як мінімум одна з індичок (а частіше обидві) проходили обряд помилування і відправлялися на ферму доживати свої дні.

До речі, останні індички, прощені Обамою, ще живі. Дональд Трамп під час свого першого помилування індички звернув на це увагу.

Традиція помилування індички критикується захисниками тварин. Справа в тому, що птахи, вирощувані на забій, відрізняються величезними розмірами, не можуть літати, насилу ходять і в цілому непридатні для життя на волі. Практично жодна з помилуваних птахів не прожила і року після Дня подяки.

Варто відзначити, що, незважаючи на цей факт, скасовувати традицію, яка з року в рік відбувається біля Білого дому, поки ніхто не збирається.


Turkey Dance Freeze (Dancing)


Teacher: We are not going to pardon turkeys. We’ll dance Turkey Freeze!


F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Уроки 1\IMG-014bf91ef23c21d0b55bdede41a807cf-V.jpg(Turkey Dance Freeze)


Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 

Заставка новин

Speaker 2: If you ask Americans what they consider the main traditions of Thanksgiving Day, they will answer without hesitation - a family dinner, a pardon of turkey and the Macy's parade.

The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City is presented by the USA based department store chain Macy's.

It is a carnival procession of giant inflatable figures of cartoon and comics characters. This is an exciting event!

The report from Macy's parade is almost ready. Enjoy the show!


(Macy's parade)

Thanksgiving Symbols Show

Teacher: Why don’t we set up our own parade – “Thanksgiving Symbols Show”!

(учні по черзі демонструють та розповідають про символ)

F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Уроки 1\IMG-77bd141e21f54123f8c67966233830d9-V.jpg

  • Cornucopia is the most common symbol of a harvest festival.

A horn shaped container, it is filled with abundance of the Earth's harvest. It is also known as the horn of plenty. The traditional cornucopia was a curved goat's horn filled with fruits and grains.





  •                   F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Уроки 1\IMG-0828b8dc360b45f36b574dc0f82d7939-V.jpgThanksgiving is a time to decorate homes, stores, schools, with various symbols. One of them is a wreath of dried flowers and vegetables. To my mind it's a very nice decoration.
  •                   Thanksgiving is a day when people send loving messages and warm wishes to their relatives, colleagues and the nearest and dearest. And here is my Thanksgiving card.





Teacher: Now it’s my turn to take part in the parade!


F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Уроки 1\IMG-58734033f68b3d7264aefbbf43e37268-V.jpgIt’s hard to imagine an American Thanksgiving table without it.

Pumpkin pie is a dessert pie with a spiced, pumpkin-based custard filling. The pumpkin is a symbol of harvest time, and pumpkin pie is often eaten during the fall and early winter. In the United States and Canada, it is traditionally prepared for Thanksgiving, and other occasions when pumpkin is in season.

This orange wonder was made by Lilia’s grandmother. It smells fantastic! You will have an opportunity to taste this Thanksgiving symbol in the end of the party.




Activity 1: Thanksgiving Scramble


Teacher: It’s high time to test your knowledge.

F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Уроки 1\IMG-582c57b8cc50105f54c15a790a3c9f18-V.jpg F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Моя аттестация\Мероприятие\1 (1).jpg

Activity 2: What is Your Thanksgiving IQ?

1. Which wild bird was NOT on the Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving menu?

A) Turkey

B) Duck

C) Goose

D) Bald Eagle

2. The Pilgrims celebrated the First Thanksgiving in:

A) Herald Square in New York City

B) Plymouth, Massachusetts

C) Washington, DC

D) Jamestown, Virginia

3. What was the name of the Pilgrims' ship?

A) The Pinta

B) Old Ironsides

C) The Mayflower

D) Titanic

4. What landmark is known as the place where the Pilgrims landed in America?

A) Pilgrim Rock

B) Patriot's Rock

C) Plymouth Rock

D) Pet Rock

5. The Pilgrims came to America:

A) For religious freedom

B) To fight the Indians

C) To start a .com company

D) To trade tea for animal furs

6. In the U.S., Thanksgiving is celebrated on:

A) The day before the Winter Solstice

B) The fourth Thursday of November

C) The Thursday after the full moon in November

D) The last Thursday of November



Question 1: D is the correct answer. The Pilgrims did NOT eat bald eagle at the First Thanksgiving.

Question 2: B is correct! The Pilgrims celebrated the First Thanksgiving in 1621 at their Plymouth, Massachusetts, settlement.

Question 3: The answer is C. The Pilgrims came to America aboard the Mayflower.

Question 4: C is correct! Plymouth Rock marks the place Where the Pilgrims landed.

Question 5: A is the answer. The Pilgrims came to America to escape religious persecution.

Question 6: The correct answer is B. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year in the U.S.

Teacher: Did you get them all right? You are a Top Turkey! 

Reflection: What are you thankful for?

Teacher: I strongly believe there is always something to be thankful for – every single day.

(Учні пишуть слова на кольорових пір’їнках та прикріплюють до зображення індички)


F:\Лариса\2018-2019 н.р\Уроки 1\IMG-bf0f261c4172ccb3261e25c973f5255c-V.jpg



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