Сценарій позакласного заходу за темою "Spring and Spring Holidays"

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Сценарій позакласного заходу англійською мовою для учнів 4 класу. Під час підготовки до заходу учні були розділені на 4 групи, кожна з яких отримала окреме завдання: 1 група - підготувати матеріал про День матері, 2 група - знайти матеріал щодо Великодня, 3 група - до першотравневих свят, 4 група - до Дня Перемоги. Заздалегідь учні вивчили вірші та пісні.

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Good morning, pupils,

Good morning, dear guests.

  Children, look how many guests we have got today and

how nice our hall is, and you are very nice and smart too.

That’s because we have a holiday-party today. Our holiday-party is called SPRING AND SPRING HOLIDAYS.

   At our party we shall speak English, recite poems, sing songs

and even dance.

   And we have unexpected guest too. Children look at him.Who is he?

 Yes, this is Harry Potter. He came to us from England. Welcome to our party, Harry Potter and listen to.

   So, let’s start our party. But first tell me please what season it is now.


Ps: It is spring.


Teacher: I want you to turn up your heads to the window and look through. Tell me, please, what can you see?


Ps: I can see the blue sky.

I can see the bright sun.

I can see beautiful little leaves in the trees.


Teacher: And now listen to, and what do you hear?


Ps:  I hear the songs of sparrows.

I hear the whisper of the wind.

The birds are singing merrily.


Teacher: Why are they singing?


Ps: Because it is warm.

Because spring is in the air.



Teacher: Thank you my dear pupils. Take your seats, please.

And tell me what seasons do you know?


Ps: I know 4 seasons. They are:

winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Teacher: And what is your favourite season?


P: My favourite season is spring.


Teacher:Why do you like spring?


Ps: I like spring because it is warm in spring.

I like spring because we can see the first flowers in spring.

Because I can help my Granny in the garden.

And I like spring because in spring we have many holidays.

And I like spring because I have my birthday in spring.


Teacher: Dear children, one of these seasons has come to us today. Guess,

please, who she is. 

This is the season when snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes to stay in the room.

         This is the season when birds make their nests,

         This is the season we all like best.


Ps: It is spring!


        Teacher:   Let’s call her.

Welcome, welcome, dear Spring!

                     ( spring is coming)

 Spring:   I am Spring. People call me the season of hope and happiness. When I come, flowers begin to grow, green leaves appear in the trees, birds come from South. Dear children, do you know the poems about spring?


 Ps:  Yes, we do.


Spring: Let’s recite them.


Ps: Cheep-cheep! – Why do the birds sing?

Cheep-cheep! – Why do the birds sing?

Cheep-cheep! – The birds all sing.

Cheep-cheep-cheep! – Because it’s spring.

                 Spring is coming,

                Spring is coming,

                Flowers are coming too.

                Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils

                Now are coming too.

Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen,

Grey winter has gone away!

The world looks new and gay!

                Spring is here, spring is here,

                That’s what people say.

                We can run and jump again,

                 We put out sleds away.


Spring: Thank you, and tell me, please, what spring holidays do you know?


Ps: Mother’s Day.

The First of May.


Victory Day.


     Teacher: So, let’s divide our class into four groups. One group will tell us

poems, stories and sing songs about Mother’s Day.

     The other group will tell us stories about Easter.

   The third group will tell the poems about the First of May.

 And the fourth group will tell us everything about Victory Day.

    So, listen to the first group.

  What do you know about Mother’s Day?


  Ps of the 1st group: This is the holiday for all women. On that day people visit their mothers, grandmothers and give them presents and flowers.

             I know a face, a lovely face

             As full of beauty as of grace,

             A face of pleasure and of smile.

             In darkness it gives light.

                   A face that is itself like joy,

                   To see it – I’m a happy boy.

                   And I have a joy that have no other:

                   This lovely woman is my mother.

Who said Good night

When I was a child?    - My Mummy.

                Who ran to help me, when I fell

                 And who could funny stories tell? – My Mummy.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay

And showed me often how to play? – My Mummy.

                 Who sits at my head

                  When I am in bed? – My Mummy.

Who is so nice?

Who is so kind?

Another so dear you’ll never find. – My Mummy.  


Teacher: And what can you tell us about your mothers?


Ps: My mother is beautiful,




                      happy, lovely, nice.


    Teacher:  Let’s sing a song  “MY  MUMMY”   


     Teacher” Do you know what religious holiday people celebrate in spring?

Ps: It is Easter.

  Teacher: You are right. And what do you know about this holiday?       


Ps of the second group: Easter is a big Christian holiday for children and grown-up.

It is a holiday, which is celebrated form the 22nd of March to May.

There are 3 favourite symbols of Easter: Easter Cross, Easter Egg and Paska.

The Cross represents Christ’s victory over death.

The Egg is a symbol of life.


Nowadays Easter is a national holiday in Ukraine.


Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday.

In Ukraine people tap each other with willow branches and repeat the wish:

                           Be as tall as the willow,

                           As healthy as the water,

                           As rich as the earth.

                           Not I am tapping,

                           The willow is tapping,

                           Easter is in a week.

I have a basket, it’s for Easter.

What’s in the basket, please, tell me.

Paska, babka, cheese and butter,

Ham, horse-radish and kovbaska.

We are going to light a candle,

Go to church and have it blessed.

And together we’ll all sing out:


           Indeed He has risen!


 Teacher:   Harry Potter, do English people celebrate Easter?


  Harry Potter:  Of course, they do. It is a very popular religious holiday. The word Easter came from the festival called Eostre. Eostre was the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring time and sunrise.

   Every year European people celebrated the festival of Eostre to honour the awakening of new life in nature.


Teacher: What are the symbols of English Easter?


    Harry Potter:  Easter Cross, Easter Bunny and Easter Egg. The Egg is the symbol of British Easter as well. It is symbolizing the tomb from which Christ rose. The British paint eggs too.

   The second symbol is Eater Bunny. Today children enjoy eating candy bunnies and listen to stories about the Easter Bunny, who brings Easter eggs in baskets.


Teacher: What else does English Easter differ from Ukrainian one?


       Harry Potter:   I think the greatest event of this holiday is a spectacular Easter Parade in Battersea Park. It usually begins at 3 p. m. and it seems that all Britain gathered together for this colourful ceremony.


      Teacher:   Thank you, Harry Potter, you may take your seat.

And come to me another group, please.


Ps of the third group:  The First of May is the international holiday.

It is the holiday of friendship, solidarity and peace among the peoples of our Mother Planet.

Today, today is the first of May,

On that happy day of May many children dance and play.

                         The sky is so blue today

                         Because it is the first of May.

                         The sun is so bright today

                         Because it is the first of May.

                 And the children are so gay

                 Because it is the first of May.


 Teacher:   Let’s sing a song “I LIKE TO SING”


     As you see Ukrainian people celebrate a lot of holidays.  But one of them is the greatest and most sacred one. This holiday we celebrate on the ninth of May. What holiday do Ukrainian people celebrate on this day?


         Ps of the 4th group:  It is Victory Day.

     It is the Victory over the fascist Germany in the Second World War. What do people do on that day?

We meet with our old grate-grandfathers and war veterans.

We give them presents.

We thank them for our happy and merry childhood.


    Teacher: Only a few war veterans live nowadays. They are old and weak and need our help. So, dear pupils, be kind and polite, thankful to them for what they did for us.

    And if you have any flower put it to the memorial monument.

So, let the day of war never repeat again, let all the peoples live in peace and be friends.

I want you to tell us a poem  “A  CHILD’S  WISH”:


Ps: I want to live and not to die,

I want to laugh and not to cry.

          I want to feel the summer sun,

          I want to sing, when life is fun.

I want to fly into the blue.

I want to swim as fishes do.

          I want to stretch out friendly hands

          To all the young of other lands.

I want to live and not to die,

I want to laugh and not to cry


       All the participants of the party come on the stage with flowers and balloons in their hands to sing the song.     ( a song “BRIGHT BLUE THE SKY”)











Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
11 квітня 2018
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