Сценарій свята "What a happy day today"

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Сценарій «8 березня- жіноче свято» Р1:Dear ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to see you at our Spring Party! P2: Дорогі гості! Ми раді вітати Вас на нашому Святі Весни! P3: Spring is coming and that’s why we are in a good mood. P4: До нас приходить весна і ми усі у гарному настрої. P5: In spring we celebrate some holidays, such as Women’s Day and Mother’s Day. P2: Весною ми святкуємо Жіночий День та День Матері. P1: As you know, Mothers are the dearest person to all of us. So that is why we dedicate our festival to all mothers. P4: Мама – найдорожча людина для кожного. Отож, ми присвячуємо наш весняний фестиваль саме нашим матусям. P3: And now, our Spring Festival will start!
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Свято англійської мови на тему:

Найдорожча людина у моєму житті


















Вчитель англійської мови:

Янко Вікторія Володимирівна

Куп’янськ 2023

Dearest People in My Life

Teaching objectives:

                   Practical: to develop four types of pupil’s language skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing; to teach pupils dialogue and monologue speech; to involve pupils in the process of communication.

                   Educational: to expand pupils’ knowledge of English as a foreign language.

                   Developing: to incorporate pupils’ creative thinking.

                   Educative: to teach pupils’ to have high respect for their family, relatives and friends

Equipment: pictures of mothers, songs for singing, text for retelling, Mothers’ cards for writing, poems.

What a happy day today!

What a happy day today!

Mother’s Day!

Boys and girls are merry today,

Merry today!

All the children dance and play,

Dance and play!

Oh, that happy day today!

Mother’s Day!

(вихід учнів під музику Anastasia)

Dancing bears, painted wings,

Things I almost remember,

And the song someone sings,

Once upon a December.

Someone holds me safe and warm,

Horses prance through a silver storm,

Figures dancing gracefully,

Across my memory.

Someone holds me safe and warm,

Horses prance through a silver storm,

Figures dancing gracefully,

Across my memory.

Far away, long ago,

Glowing dim as an ember,

Things my heart used to know,

Things it yearns to remember,

And the song someone sings,

Once upon a December.

Виходять ведучі

P1: Dear ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to see you at our Spring Party!

P2: Дорогі гості! Ми раді вітати Вас на нашому Святі Весни!

P3: Spring is coming and that’s why we are in a good mood.

P4: До нас приходить весна і ми усі у гарному настрої.

P5: In spring we celebrate some holidays, such as Women’s Day and Mother’s Day.

P2: Весною ми святкуємо Жіночий День та День Матері.

P1: As you know, Mothers are the dearest person to all of us. So that is why we dedicate our festival to all mothers.

P4: Мама – найдорожча людина для кожного. Отож, ми присвячуємо наш весняний фестиваль саме нашим матусям.

P3: And now, our Spring Festival will start!

P2: Розпочнемо наше свято!

P5: We welcome all of you!

P4: Ласкаво запрошуємо!

Pupil 1:

    Who fed me

    When I was a child?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

Pupil 2:

    Who comforted me

    In her arms so mild?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

Pupil 3:

    Who sat and watched my childish head,

    When I slept in my little bed?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

Pupil 4:

    When sickness made me cry in pain,

    Who nursed me till I was well again?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

Pupil 5:   

Who rushed to help me when I fell

     And always had new stories to tell?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

Pupil 6:  

 Who dressed my little doll so gaily

    And taught me songs and games daily?

Children (in chorus): My mother!

P1: Now we want you to tell a few things about our mummies.

P2: Ми хочемо розповісти вам про наших любих матусь.

My mum’s name is … She is … She is tall/short. Her hair is dark/fair. Her eyes are … My mum is pretty.  Her hobby is …  I love my mom because she is … ( special, tender, industrious, kind-hearted, generous, faithful, reliable, sociable, serious, pretty, attractive, charming, friendly, polite, well-bred, tidy, attentive, hardworking, wise, loving, kind, clever, nice, intelligent)

Діти розповідають міні діалоги про своїх матусь за допомогою презентації.


Fly, fly little butterfly

Got me curious, when you fly by

Where you’re from and where you’re going

Did anyone ask why?

Mummy loves me that’s forever

Daddy’ll worry when I get older

I’m just wondering how far I’ll see

How clever I could be…

Mummy, mummy look what I can do

I can dance and sing real loud for you

How I move now you can see

Oh, I hope you’ll be proud of me.

Oh, baby, baby, you’re my pride and joy.

You make me feel like I’m the Queen of Troy

When you’re happy, sun will shine.

Oh, we’re wrapped up in this moment of time.

Here you are my darling little girl.

There are joy and pain in this world.

When you’re ready, the truth you will be told.

I’ll let you know.

But for now, you and your brothers

Fill your life with love for each other.

Once you’ve grown you’re flying together.

My love protects you dears.

Mummy, mummy look what I can do

I can dance and sing real loud for you

How I move now you can see

Oh, I hope you’ll be proud of me.

Oh, baby, baby, you’re my pride and joy.

You make me feel like I’m the Queen of Troy

When you’re happy, sun will shine.

Oh, we’re wrapped up in this moment of time.

Moment of time.

Doooo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Oh, baby, baby

Oh, baby, baby

Mummy, mummy look what I can do

I can dance and sing real loud for you

How I move now you can see

Oh, I hope you’ll be I hope you’ll be proud

Oh, baby, baby, you’re my pride and joy.

You make me feel like I’m the Queen of Troy

When you’re happy, sun will shine.

Oh, we’re wrapped up in this moment of time.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la

Oh, we’re wrapped up in this moment of time.

Doooo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Oh, we’re wrapped up in this moment of time.

“Mother’s Day in Great Britain”

P3: In many places around the world, people celebrate Mother’s Day on various days because the day has a number of different origins.

P4: У всьому світі День Матері святкують у різні дні, тому що існують різні легенди походження цього свята.

P5: In Britain there is also a holiday which people call Mother's Day.

P2: У Великобританії також є свято, яке називається День Матері.

P1: In the olden days, many girls from poor families in the country worked in rich houses. They did all the house work and their working day was usually very long. They often worked on Sundays, too. Once a year, usually a Sunday in March, they could visit their mothers.

P4: У колишні часи багато дівчат з бідних сімей  працювали в будинках багатіїв. Вони робили всю хатню роботу, і їх робочий день був зазвичай дуже довгим. Дівчата часто працювали по неділях. Раз на рік, це, як правило, перша неділя березня, вони могли відвідувати своїх матерів.

P3: They went home on that day and brought presents for their mothers and for other members of their families. They could stay at home for only one day and then they went back to their work. People called that day Mothering Day or Mothering Sunday.

P2: Дівчата поверталися додому у неділю та приносили подарунки для мам і для інших членів їхніх сімей. Вони могли  залишатися вдома лише один день, а потім знову поверталися до своєї роботи. Люди стали називати цей день Днем Матері або Мамина неділя.

P5: On Mother’s Day, sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents. The eldest son has to bring his mother a good cake. If sons or daughters can’t be with their mother on that day, they usually send her presents.

P4: У цей день сини і дочки відвідують своїх матерів і приносять їм квіти та подарунки. Старший син повинен принести своїй мамі смачний торт. Якщо діти не мають можливості бути зі своєю мамою в цей день, вони зазвичай посилають їй подарунки.

P1: Mother's Day must be a day of rest for the mother of the family, so her daughters cook the dinner on that day and the sons help to wash the dishes.

P2: Мамин день повинен бути днем відпочинку для матусі, отже її дочки готують вечерю в цей день, а сини допомагають мити посуд.

P3: We are going to show you how we usually celebrate Mother’s Day. Let’s invite our actors and actresses to the stage.

P4: Ми хочемо показати вам, як зазвичай святкуємо День Матері. Давайте запросимо наших акторів на сцену.

Acting “How we kept Mother’s Day”

Вся сім’я на кухні (the father, Ann, Kate, their daughters, Bill, Tom, and their sons)

Father: We must have a special celebration in honor of Mother’s Day. I‘ve got a fine idea for a great present for her.

Ann: It will be a great day!

Kate: Sure, it will.

Tom: A holiday for all the family.

Bill: We’ll do everything we can to make mother happy!

Mother: I’m so grateful!

Father: Girls, you will decorate the house with flowers.

Girls: We will ask mother to do it because she always does it.

Mother: It won’t be a problem for me.

Father: We are going to get mother a new hat.

Mother: Thank you, darling, but I like my old hat. It’s better than a new one.

Bill: We shall take mum for a beautiful drive into the country.

Mother: I’m busy in the house. You may go yourselves. I will cut up some sandwiches and pack them.

Author: The children and their father get into the car and drive away. Mother stands and watches them leave. It was late evening by the time they got back.

Mother: Oh, here you are! I’m glad. You look quite healthy and restful. And, dinner is ready.

Все садятся за стол ужинать. Мама ухаживает за каждым.

Father: You simply mustn’t do it. I want you to rest. The children will wash up.

Mother: I would really much rather take care of it.

Дети подходят и по очереди целуют маму и желают ей спокойной ночи.

Children; Good night, mummy! We love you!

Father: I love you too, dear. Good night!

Mother: Good night, my dearest! It was the most beautiful day of my life.

Глядачі аплодують

P5: Nastia, tell me truthfully, how are you going to please your mum on her special day?

P3: Vladik, it’s very easy. First I will sweep the floor, then I will wash the floor, after that, I will water the plants. Next,  I …

P5: Stop, stop! Nastia, I can’t remember everything.

P3: Ok, Vlad, sit down and watch.

    Sweeping, sweeping, we must do the sweeping,

    We must get it clean,

    No dust must be seen,

    While Mother is still sleeping.

    Dusting, dusting, we must do the dusting,

    We must get it clean,

    We must get it clean,

    While Mother is still sleeping.

    Polishing, polishing, we must do the polishing,

    We must get a shine, a beautiful shine,

    While Mother is still sleeping.

    Now the house is clean and bright,

    We have done it quite all right,

    Wake up, wake up, Mother, do,

    Come and see what we’ve done for you.

P1: We offer our mummies to take part in a competition “Do you know your mom well?” and get a small present. We are going to ask mothers’ and their children five questions. If the answer is the same you will get one point. The winner is the mother who will get more points.

P4: Ми запрошуємо наших мам прийняти участь у конкурсі «Ти добре знаєш свою маму? »  Просимо на нашу сцену чотири мами. Їм та їхнім дітям поставлять п’ять однакових запитань. Якщо відповіді співпадають, пара отримує бали. Той, хто набере найбільше балів буде переможцем і нагороджений солодким призом.


Divide into four mother/child teams.

Ask the mothers to leave the room while the children sit in chairs.

Ask the same four or five questions to each child about their mothers.

Bring in the mothers and ask them the same questions.

Will the mother and child have the same answers?

Switch places and see how well the mother's know the children.

Award the winning mother/child team.

Question Ideas:

1) What is your mother’s favourite colour? Який ваш улюблений колір?

2) What is your mother’s favourite ice-cream: vanilla, fruit or chocolate? Яке ваше найулюбленіше морозиво: ванільне, фруктове або шоколадне?

3) What’s your family’s hobby? Яке ваше улюблене родинне заняття або хобі?

4) What is your mum’s favourite season? Яка ваша найулюбленіша пора року?

5) Does your mum like football? Ви любите футбол?

Girl 1:

    I love my dear Mummy,

    I love her very much

    And do you love your Mother?

    Of course, and very much.

Boy 1:

    When Mummy comes to play with me,

    I am as happy as can be.

Girl 2:

    We have such lovely games of fun –

    All ‘round the nursery we run.

Boy 2:

    Sometimes we have a game of ball,

    And Mummy quite enjoys at all

 Girl 3:

    And when I’m tired as tired can be,

    She sings a pretty song to me.

Song (Alina)

Mommy, mommy

I love you mommy

This is your special day

Flowers and presents

And breakfast in bed

Whatever you wish for

I'll give you instead


Mommy, mommy

I love you mommy

No chores for you today

Bear hugs and kisses

To show how I feel

I love you mommy dear


Baking, cooking

Washing and working

Making our house a home

Always helping

Care for my well being

I never feel alone


Mommy, mommy

I love you mommy

In all your special ways

So on every second

Sunday in May

We'll celebrate

Mother's Day

Р3: Guess the riddles. Do you know these mothers?

Р2: Відгадайте загадки. Чи ви знаєте цих мам?

1. This mother has got a little daughter. This daughter has got a red hat. The girl goes to her granny and meets a wolf in a forest.

Do you know this mother? (Мама Красной Шапочки).

2. This mother has got seven children. They are kids. A wolf comes to eat them, but the mother helps her children.

Do you know this mother? (Мама семерых козлят).

3. This mother is green. It has got a son. The son is green, too. They live together in a pond. They eat and sleep together, too. But then they take a very little girl. The girl’s house is in a flower. Her son wants to marry this little girl but fish help her.

Do you know this mother? (Мама-жаба из сказки «Дюймовочка»).

4. This mother is a mouse. This mother has a child. The child can’t sleep. The mother sings, but the child can’t sleep. A horse, a pig, a duck help the mother, but the child can’t sleep. Then a cat comes, the cat sings and … eats the child.

      Do you know this mother? (Мышка-мама из «Сказки о глупом мышонке»).

“My mother”

My mother is pretty

My mother is nice

She has a straight nose

And beautiful eyes

Her hair is fair

Her lips are red

She is always tidy and well dressed.


    “My Dear Mummy”

    My dear, dear Mummy,

    Let me kiss your face,

    I want you to be happy

    Today and always!

    Be happy, be happy

    Today and always!

    Be happy, be happy

    Today and always!

    “On the 8th of March”

    My dear, dear Mummy,

    I love you very much.

    I want you to be happy

    On the 8th of March.

     “Mother’s Pet”

    I am mother’s little pet.

    Yes, that’s me;

    And my hair is very black

    As you can see.

    I try to be

    As good as gold,

    And I nearly always do

    What I am told.

    I”ve two dolls, lots of toys

    And a brother;

    And I am very, very, very

    Fond of my mother.

    Who Loves Mummy Best?

    “I”, says Fred

    “I give her flowers,

    White, yellow and red”.

    Who Loves Mummy Best?

    “I”, says May.

    “With my dear Mummy

    I always play”.

    Who Loves Mummy Best?

    “I” says Joe.

    “She asks me to help her

    And I always do so”

Стук у двері

P5: Who’s there? Come in.

P4: Хто там? Заходьте, будь ласка.

Postman: I’ve brought a parcel for you!

P4: У мене для вас посилка.

P5: What’s in the parcel?

Р4: Що у ній?

P5: Oh, here are a lot of postcards. The postcards for your mothers.

P4: Тут листівки для наших мам.



 Make a basket

For your mother  

And fill it

With flowers gay.

Then put in a card just to say: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

Each bright flower

Is here to say

My wish for you: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

Pp1: I wish you to be kind and clever;

Pp2: I wish you to be helpful;

Pp3: I wish you to be healthy and wealthy;

Pp4: I wish you to be the most beautiful woman in the world.


Mum, through the tender and loving years, all the hopes and all the fears, just to say how much I care.

Mum, with the sweetness of your smile, which always comforts me, close your eyes and count right up to three.

 With all my heart mum, take these flowers on your special day -- they will cheer you up if I’m far away.

Tenderly, they come from my heart just to tell you mum we’re never apart.

Mum, through the good times and the bad, and if you feel tired and sad, with all we’ve been through, now I’m there for you.

With all my heart mum, take these flowers on your special day -- they will cheer you up if I’m far away.

Tenderly they come from my heart just to tell you mum, we’re never apart.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Take these flowers on your special day -- they’ll cheer you up if I am far away.

Tenderly, they come from my heart just to tell you mum, we’re never apart.

Take these flowers on your special day -- they’ll cheer you up if I’m far away.

Happy Mother’s Day!

P3: Thank you very much for your visiting our holiday.

H:\Рисунок2.jpgHappy Mother’s Day



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