Семестрова контрольна робота з англійської мови "Письмо. І семестр. 7 клас."

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу. Контроль письма включає як лексичні, так і граматичні теми, вивчені за семестр.
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7th form Writing 1st term

Variant 1

Task 1. Match the words with their meanings.

  1. A canteen                         a) основна страва
  2. A locker                           b) ділитись партою
  3. Make a mess                    c)їдальня
  4. Sweep the floor               d)робити безлад
  5. Share a desk                     e)мити посуд
  6. Starter                              f) закуска

                                         g) підмітати

                                         h) шафка

                                         i) вчительська

Task 2. Make up sentences using these phrases

  1. Shedo sports – three times per week
  2. Jane tidy up
  3. A frying panmeat
  4. Mustcross the street when the light is red;
  5. Anything – to eat
  6. Too – expensive


Task 3. Complete the sentences with a little /a few/ too/ enough/ need/ needn’t/ must/mustn’t.

  1. Students ________forget to do their homework.
  2. You ___________take a coat. It’s warm outside.
  3. There is ________much music to download.
  4. I’d like to have _______coffee.
  5. Is Stella smart ________ to become a doctor?
  6. Did you bring __....thing for me?


Task 4. Tell about your friend. What are his/her favourite subjects? What are his/her householding  duties? And what about food?

7th form Writing 1st term

Variant 2

Task 1. Match the words with their meanings.

  1. A stuff room                              a) закуска
  2. The headmaster’s office            b) мити посуд
  3. Do the laundry                           c) кабінет директора
  4. Starter                                        d) робити безлад
  5. Fork                                           e) вчительська
  6. Clean the mess                           f) виделка

                                       g) ніж

                                       h) прати

                                       i) прибирати

Task 2. Make up sentences using these phrases

  1. He – do the ironing – every day
  2. Max – fix things
  3. Water – the kettle
  4. Must – eat with your hands
  5. Anything – to drink
  6. Enough – cheap


Task 3. Complete the sentences with a little /a few/ too/ enough/ need/ needn’t/ must/mustn’t/ any.../some...

  1. Students ________ come to class late.
  2. You__________ take an umbrella. It’s sunny outside.
  3. There are________ many networking sites today.
  4. We need to buy _______ bananas.
  5. He can’t buy a new car. He isn’t rich______.
  6. I didn’t talk to_____....body at the party.

Task 4. Tell about your friend. What are his/her favourite subjects? What are his/her householding  duties? And what about food?

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 грудня 2019
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