Семінар:" Мотивація." Підготовка до НУШ. Агенти змін.

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Семінар:" Мотивація." Підготовка до НУШ.Готувала та проводила семінар , як учасник проекту «Вчителі англійської мови - агенти змін». Поект був заснований Міністерством освіти і науки України спільно з Британською Радою в Україні в рамках реформування системи освіти та впровадження проекту «Нова українська школа».

Зміст слайдів
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Understanding motivation in the classroom. By Omelianenko Alla. Change Agents programme. Kyiv 2016

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What motivation means. Motivation - a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way. Motivation - desire or willingness to do something; enthusiasm.

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What makes a good teacher? Think back to when you were at school. Who was your best teacher?Who was your worst teacher?Why?

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Qualities of a motivational teacher Skills. Is creative. Provides sufficient support to students. Provides sufficient challenge to students. Can vary the pace of lessons. Helps students become more independent learners. Uses a variety of materials and methods to make their lessons interesting. Uses a variety of materials and methods to cater for mixed levels in class. Can present language concepts and give instructions clearly and simply. Establishes discipline and order in their lessons. Helps students correct their mistakes without demotivating them

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Attitude. Is interested in their students as individuals — understands their individual needs. Is patient and does not give up on a student. Is enthusiastic. Has a sense of humour. Is encouraging. Is friendly and helpful to colleagues. Is open about their strengths and weaknesses as a teacher. Qualities of a motivational teacher

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Qualities of a motivational teacher Knowledge. Knows their subject and keeps up to date. Knows about theories of learning and keeps up to date. Understands the particular problems due to students’ first language. Can react to students’ questions and give on-the-spot explanations. Qualities of a motivational teacher

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Motivated learners What characteristics do motivated learners have?How do motivated learners affect the class?

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Classroom atmosphere. How do you create a motivational atmosphere in your classes?

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Classroom strategies Know the learners’ names. Design/adapt materials so they are at the learners' level. Listen and respond to learners’ views and opinions. Ask learners for answers if they do not normally respond or put their hand up. Ask learners about their thoughts or experiences of a subject/topic. Ask learners which activities they like and bring them into lessons. Tell learners what they will be learning at the start of each lesson. Teach interesting, current subjects/topics. Give constructive criticism or correction that is appropriate. Establish class rules and routines that learners agree with. Regroup learners regularly. Assign seats for learners. Use real/true-life materials. Make classes fun and interesting.

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Techniques for collecting feedback Collect quick feedback during the class by asking learners to raise hands, e.g.‘Hands up if you want another example.’‘Hands up if you enjoyed that.’‘Hands up if you would like a break.’Put questions on pieces of paper and stick them around the room. Learners walk round and write comments, or draw smiley faces. Learners complete quick feedback slips anonymously, e.g.‘I liked...’‘Next time, please...’Place two voting boxes in the class, one marked :-) and one marked :-(Learners put slips of paper in them at the end of the lesson or activity to show how they felt. Learners make their own smiley face cards :-) , :-| and :-( . Ask questions, and the learners then hold up a card to show how they feel, e.g.‘How did you feel about working in groups today?’‘Would you like more practice?’

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Websites and reading Anderman, EM and Anderman, LH (2013) Classroom Motivation. Pearson. Blackburn, BM (2005) Classroom Motivation from A to Z: How to engage your students in learning. Routledge. Dornyei, Z (2001) Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press. Gilbert, I (2002) Essential Motivation in the Classroom. Routledge. Pollock, J (2012) Feedback: The hinge that joins teaching and learning. Corwin. Sargent, A (2014) Outstanding Lesson Ahead: A guide to creativity, engagement and learning in the classroom. Create. Space Publishing.http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/seminars/motivating-unmotivated. An online seminar that provides tips on how to motivate learners.

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22 лютого 2018
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