Система вправ для вивчення теми "The Weather" у середній та старшій школі

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Матеріал містить набір вправ для використання під час уроків у середній та старшій школі при вивченні теми "Погода" із використанням фразеологізмів
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Activity 1

In the sentences below pupils must find the names of weather phenomena used in free word combinations and in phraseological units.

  1. The weather isn’t good. It might be storm with thunder and lightning.
  2. He looked like thunder. His eyes were full of anger.
  3. “What sort of day is it?” “It’s raining cats and dogs.”
  4. It’s raining now. Cats and dogs hid in their kennels.
  5. He is a lightning rod for controversy (суперечка).
  6. The lightning lit up the sky.
  7. I don't even like him very much, but I had to move out of my flat and he offered me a place to stay. Any port in a storm, as they say.
  8. I wonder if there will be a storm.
  9. I was not feeling bright that morning. Indeed, my powers seemed a bit under a cloud.
  10.                      The sky became dark with clouds and it began to rain heavily.


Activity 2

Pupils must find and underline the appropriate word which is used in the phraseological unit, and explain the meaning of the idiom.

  1. The country now faces an economic crisis. We'll all have to weather the storm/rain/thunder until the economy gets better.
  2. He worked with this project during a year, and I don't want to steal his weather /thunder/clouds.
  3. From my recent conversations with Sarah I get the feeling that change is in the lighting/sun/ wind.
  4. I needed that nap. Now I've got my second storm/wind/ rain.
  5. I am going to be in Ivy City tomorrow, rain or dark/shine/cloudy.
  6.  Small rain/thunder/snow lays great dust.
  7. Do you mind if I take a cloud/lightning/rain check on that lunch invitation? I'm going to be away all week.
  8. You have every right to complain about your own problems, but please do not rain on my parade/party/dinner.
  9. Changes in management don't bother him. He goes whichever way the storm/wind/snow blows.

10) But there's no help for it till we know our men. Lay to, and whistle for a

      wind/rain/snow, that's my view.



Activity 3

Match English idioms with their Ukrainian equivalents.

  1. be in the wind
  2. rain on one’s parade
  3. catch/get one’s second wind
  4. thunderbolt in serene day
  5. any port in a storm
  6. every cloud has a silver lining
  7. fog up
  8. be snowed under
  9. brass-monkey weather
  10.      It never rains but it pours

а) на безлюдді і Хома чоловік

b) не за горами; дуже скоро

с) біда не ходить одна

d) немає лиха без добра

е) зруйнувати чиїсь плани

f) бути зайнятим

g) запотіти

h) дуже холодна погода

i) грім серед ясного неба

j) здобути друге дихання


Activity 4

The teacher reads the beginning of the phrase and pupils finish it.

  • wind cannot be prevented from…  (blowing)
  • to rain cats and … (dogs)
  • on the wings of the… (wind)
  • in season and out of… (season)
  • weather for… (ducks)
  • thunderclap in a clean… (sky)
  • wind oneself into one’s… (confidence)
  • free as a… (wind)
  • it’s like shouting against the… (wind)
  • steal someone's… (thunder)


Activity 5

Lotto “Phraseological units”

Make tables, where Ukrainian equivalents of some idioms are given. The teacher reads idioms in English, and a pupil who has the translation of this idiom in the table covers it with a sheet of paper.

Ллє як з відра



Зруйнувати чиїсь плани



Як сніг на голову



Грім і блискавка



Мати грізний вигляд




За будь-якої погоди


Вітер в голові


Сипати град ударів




Вітер і непогода



Як сніг на голову


Затишшя перед бурею




Зруйнувати чиїсь плани


Вітер і непогода

Ллє як з відра



Красти чиїсь ідеї




Побороти труднощі




Сипати град ударів


Робити з мухи слона



  • Rain cats and dogs
  • Thunder and lightning
  • Rain kick to
  • Wind and weather
  • Look like thunder
  • Rain on one’s parade
  • Rain or shine
  • Wind in the head
  • Thunderbolt in a serene day
  • Weather storm
  • The calm before storm
  • Steal someone’s thunder
  • A storm in a teacup


Activity 6

Pupils compete in remembering idioms.

  1. Remember the idioms with the word rain.
  2. Remember the idioms with the word wind.
  3. Remember the idioms with the words thunder and lightning.


Activity 7

In the following list of idioms and proverbs choose the phraseological units whose meaning now is not connected with meteorological phenomena (do not describe weather conditions etc.). What meaning do these idioms and phrases have?

Every cloud has a silver lining, the calm before the storm, it rains cats and dogs, thunderbolt in serene day, weather for ducks, brass-monkey weather, under the weather, it rains pitchforks, rain on one’s parade, rainy day.


Activity 8

Find Ukrainian equivalents for the following proverbs.

  1. A fog cannot be dispelled with a fan.
  2. After rain comes fair weather.
  3. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  4. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.
  5. Into each life some rain must fall.
  6. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.
  7. It never rains but it pours.


Activity 9

Make up sentences with the following idioms.

  • A storm in a teacup;
  • Wind in the head;
  • Rain or shine;
  • Rain kick to;
  • To be in the cloud;
  • To steal smb’s thunder;
  • In a fog.


Activity 10

Discuss today’s weather with your partner using the idioms in question.


Activity 11

Using the weather idioms, write a composition about:

- typical English weather;

- Ukrainian climate;

- a person you admire;

- a person you don’t like;

- the journey you will always remember.


15 березня 2021
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