Speaking about Health

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал буде корисний для розвитку навичок усного мовлення за темою "Health Care" з учнями 7 класу. При укладанні конспекту уроку використовувалися матеріали з власного досвіду та доступні у мережі Інтернет
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Nataliya Oksanych

Speaking about Health


  • develop student’s speaking skills through the delivering mini  

       presentation and text based discussions;

  • encourage students to express their opinion on the topic thus empowering them with the skills necessary for successful communication in real life situations;
  •  participate in common conversational exchange about health care;
  • to conduct  your own dialogues changing the participants and the situations;
  • to identify the main ideas and details from the text for when reading it;
  • to demonstrate the important role of health care in our lives;
  • to develop attention, memory, ability to guess, the ability to self-evaluation;



  • mini presentation;
  • text for reading;
  • hand-outs.








Lesson Plan


1. Hello, my dear friends! I’m very glad to see you on our lesson. I hope we’ll work with good results and you’ll like today’s lesson, because we’ll speak about interesting and useful things.  

 Today we are going to discuss a very interesting subject and solve some problems which refer the theme of health care.


2. At first let’s revise the parts of the body and the words which are connected with them. Let’s play the “ Winner” game

Let’s stand in a circle and name all the parts of the body you remember. The one who can’t name the word is out of the circle. Try to do your best.

The one, who names more is the winner


3.  Mind-map. Here on the board you can see a key word of our lesson.

 So it is



What does this word associate with? Give your reasons in a short way.

Possible answers: prescription, a temperature, a headache, a doctor, a sore throat, the medicine, chemist’s, the treatment…

Well done! Thank you for your creativity. So let’s go on. 

That’s great ! I think we are ready to move on.


4.   I think that the problem of health is topical. People say:” Health is better than wealth”. It means that we cannot buy health for money so we have to take care of it. What other proverbs about health do you know?

P1. An apple a day keeps the doctor far away.

P2. Eat with pleasure drink with measure.

P3. A sound mind in a sound body.

P4.Time is a great healer.

P5. Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise

P6. Wash your hands before you eat,

      Keep yourself both clean and neat

P7. Exercises can make you strong.

      It can be fun and won’t take long.

P8. Brush your teeth and did you hear? See your dentist every year.


5.  When do we start thinking about our health? Look at these phrases and complete the sentence :


       “We usually think about health when we  :    are ill, feel ill, feel unwell, fall ill,

                                                                               get ill , turn ill, catch a cold


6. Brainstorming. Now answer my questions:

        Where do you go when you are ill?

        P1. We usually visit a doctor.

        What doctors work at the hospital?

        Ps…3 ( a pediatrician, an anesthetist, an emergency medical technician, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon, a psychiatrist, an X- ray technician)

        Have you ever been seriously ill?

        Do you often catch a cold?

        Do you always call a doctor when you are ill?

        When did you last make an appointment?

        What do you usually do to prevent illnesses?

        Do you usually follow the doctor’s advice?

        Do you usually recover quickly?

        What are the symptoms of a sick person? (a person usually  has a temperature, vomit, sneezing, hard breathing, hard to swallow, pale cheeks, a running nose etc. )


7. Game “Find someone who…”

Pupils go around the class asking questions then they sum up.

Talk to your classmates and try to complete the table.

Don’t forget to ask a follow-up question

Find someone who…


Extra information?

… can name 3 diseases



… can name 3 doctors

…would like to be a pediatrician

…would like to be a chemist



…would like to be a surgeon

…would like to be a dentist



… often catches a cold



… always calls a doctor when s/he is ill



… doesn’t follow the doctor’s advice

… knows the symptoms of  a sick person




8. Pair work.

Pretend you are a doctor. Let your partners answer your questions about their health and give them a piece of advice.

Suggested doctor’s questions and some pieces of advice.

1. What do you complain of?

2. What’s wrong with you?

3. What’s the matter with you?

4. How long have you been ill?

5. How long have you been this way?

I shall prescribe you the necessary treatment.

You should...

«The patients’ » complaints.

temperature, cold,

stomachache, vomiting

a heart complaint

hard to swallow

rash on the face

want to sleep all the time

not sleep well

a shooting pain in my ear

have no appetite

runny nose, sneezing

something must have fallen into my eye

hard to breathe

Sample dialogue:

— What’s wrong with you?

— I can’t sleep well.

— How long have you been this way?

— About two weeks.

— Do you work hard?

— Sure. I have no weekend at all.

— I shall prescribe you the necessary treatment. You should go to bed earlier, not eat before going to bed but only a glass of warm milk.


9.  Гра  “Good Health/Bad health”  

  Pupils go to the blackboard one by one, take word or phrase and stick to the correct  column.

Good health

Bad health


healthy food



fresh air

working in the garden








sitting in front of the computer

bad habits

unhealthy food



10. Let’s read the comics at the screen

A doctor and an engineer loved the same girl. Doctor used to give her a rose daily. An engineer used to give her an apple. Girl got confused and asked. There is a meaning of giving rose. Why are you giving apple? Because an apple a day keeps a doctor away!

Whom would you like to date a doctor or an engineer? Why?


11.  Thank you very much for your work!

Your homework for the next lesson is to comment on the proverb “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”





















Game “Find someone who…” Talk to your classmates and try to complete the table. Don’t forget to ask a follow-up question

Find someone who…


Extra information?

… can name 3 diseases



… can name 3 doctors

…would like to be a pediatrician

…would like to be a chemist



…would like to be a surgeon

…would like to be a dentist



… often catches a cold



… always calls a doctor when s/he is ill



… doesn’t follow the doctor’s advice

… knows the symptoms of  a sick person




Pair work. Pretend you are a doctor. Let your partners answer your questions about their health and give them a piece of advice.

Suggested doctor’s questions and some pieces of advice.

1. What do you complain of?

2. What’s wrong with you?

3. What’s the matter with you?

4. How long have you been ill?

5. How long have you been this way?

I shall prescribe you the necessary treatment.

You should...

«The patients’ » complaints.

temperature, cold,

stomachache, vomiting

a heart complaint

hard to swallow

rash on the face

want to sleep all the time

not sleep well

a shooting pain in my ear

have no appetite

runny nose, sneezing

something must have fallen into my eye

hard to breathe

Sample dialogue:

— What’s wrong with you?

— I can’t sleep well.

— How long have you been this way?

— About two weeks.

— Do you work hard?

— Sure. I have no weekend at all.

— I shall prescribe you the necessary treatment. You should go to bed earlier, not eat before going to bed but only a glass of warm milk.




Good health

Bad health


healthy food



fresh air

working in the garden








sitting in front of the computer

bad habits

unhealthy food




Good health

Bad health


healthy food



fresh air

working in the garden








sitting in front of the computer

bad habits

unhealthy food



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