Спецкурс "Літературознавство". Схема аналізу вірша

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SHAPE OF THE ANALYSIS OF poem Схема аналізу вірша. Матеріал доцільно використовувати н ауроках спецкурс США Літературознавство.
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1. Brief information about the author (especially those that will help to better understand the specifics of the work).

2. Name of poetry.

3. Clearly read the essay (Following intonations, pauses, logical accents, using gestures, facial expressions).

4. The history of the writing and publication of the work.

5. The genre of the work (Civic, intimate, religious, landscape, political, philosophical lyrics, etc. This may be an anthem, song, message, idyll, elegy, sketch, thought, monologue, satire, epigram, etc.).

6. What is this poetry about? Theme of the work. (Human feeling, relationship between man and nature, reflection of the poet about the essence of human existence, the place of art in human life, memory of love, lyrical etude, lyrical and psychological sketch, etc.).

7. What called poetry for life?

8. The plot basis of the work (If the poem is narrative).

9. Composition of the work. (It is worth remembering that in the lyrical work the plot is absent, while attention focuses on a certain feeling, distinguishing the following compositional stages of feeling: a) the initial moment in the development of feeling; b) the development of feeling; c) culmination (possible); summary, or author's conclusion).

10. Key images of the work (Note that the lyrical image most often defining in the lyrics is a conditional actor whose thoughts and feelings are revealed in the lyrical work).

11. What image is the inner core of the work?

12. Are there symbols in this poetry? their meaning and content.

13. What language tools contribute to the emotional inspiration of the work? (This is about vocabulary, trails, figures, phonics.) How exactly?

14. What is the feeling dominating in the verse? (Confession, confession, sincerity, etc.).

15. How does the author of the dynamics of the image reach (and the narratives in lyric and epic works)?


21 січня 2019
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