Tест. Test - Reading Comprehension "The Most Haunted House"

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Test   Reading 

 Level B1 (Intermediate)  9-th form

The most haunted house in the world?


 haunted house:  a house believed to be visited by the spirit of a dead person

1 In 1863 a new house was built in the village of Borley, about 100 kilometres north-east of London. Soon after the house was finished, weird things began to happen.

2 The first owner was a man called Henry Bull and he often saw ‘The White Lady’.  She was a tall white ghost wearing old-fashioned clothes. She used to walk down the garden path at night. She also used to frighten the Bull family by looking in through the window when they were having dinner.

3 Many other unexplained and unexpected things happened at this time. Every Monday night a ghostly coach and horses used to race up to the front door.  But when the door was opened, the coach disappeared. Plates and glasses used to fly about in the kitchen and the family used to hear unusual voices and footsteps. On one occasion, the house became full of odd smells.

4 In 1930 Mr. Foster and his wife Marianne moved in.  They didn’t use to believe in ghosts but they soon changed their minds. Soon after moving in, they found mysterious messages written on the walls. One message said simply ‘Marianne, please help.’ The Fosters couldn’t settle down in the house. The couple was afraid of these strange messages.

5 Harry Price, a famous ghost hunter, spent a year studying the house in 1937. He found a place on the first floor called ‘the cold spot’ which always used to be six degrees cooler than the rest of the house. On the top floor, doors used to lock and unlock, and furniture used to fall down the stairs. In one bedroom, the Blue Room, people used to be thrown out of their beds at night! They were extremely scared. Even the bathroom was haunted. A woman going past the door was given a black eye when an invisible hand slapped her face.

6 In 1939 the house was burnt down in a fire.  By then people had reported seeing over 200 ghosts there. Nothing is left today of what used to be the most haunted house in the world – except ghost stories and a lot of unanswered questions!






Tasks to the text “The most haunted house”

Task 1 Are the sentences True (T), False (F) or not stated (NS)?

1 Strange things began to happen in the house soon after it was rebuilt in 1863.

2 The ghost did not give much trouble to the first owner of the house.

3 What Henry Bull saw was “The White Lady” walking down the garden path.

4 Henry Bull and his family were forced to leave the house as they were scared stiff.

5 Mr. Foster and his wife Marianne had a strong belief that they would be able to clear the mysterious house from the ghosts.

6 Harry Price was examining the haunted house throughout the year.

 7 Harry found the epicenter on the first floor.

8 The top floor was the most haunted place in the house.

9 Ghosts didn’t try to hurt people, they only scared them.

10 After the house was destroyed by the fire, people did not report seeing ghosts.                                   /10 points


Task 2   Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1 The text tells us a story:

A about the hard times of Mr. Bull and his family during their life in the mysterious house.

B of the ghost who wandered around the house.

C of a successful ghost hunter, who managed to get rid of ghost.

D of the haunted house and people who used to live there.


2 The house was known as haunted:

A after a sad story of a bride, called “The White Lady”.

B after it was burnt down in a fire in 1939.

C after Henry Bull decided to rebuild it.

D after it was built in 1863.


3 “The White Lady” was:

A the old lady, who used to pass near the house windows and to frighten the family.

B the ghost often wearing white clothes.

C the tall white ghost, who used to walk down the garden path at night.

D the tall lady – ghost who usually sat at the table during the family’s dinner.


4 The ghosts left the messages:

A on the walls of the house.

B in the Blue Room.

C on the mirrors of the bathroom.

D in the kitchen, which was usually full of strange smells.


5 The message which was left by the ghost:

A was a help call.

B was a sort of warning for families.

C had to persuade people to leave the house.

D helped to reveal some mysteries.


6 Harry Price was:

A a world–famous scientist, who travelled from country to country giving lectures about ghosts.

B the man who bought that house for his family, as he didn’t believe in ghosts.

C the famous ghost hunter who tried to reveal the mystery.

D the famous architect who rebuilt the house in 1863.


7 Harry Price:

A bought the house in 1937 in order to settle down in London’s area.

B bought the house in order to become famous as an owner of the most haunted house in the world.

C came to the house to study the facts carefully.

D was asked by Marianne to help them with the problem.


8 The ‘cold spot’ was the place:

A made by Mr. Price to attract ghosts.

B which always used to be cooler than the rest parts of the house.

C which was discovered by Henry Bull as the concentration of the whole power in the house.

D found by Marianne after the mysterious messages.


9 After the house was burnt down in the fire:

A people had reported seeing over 200 ghosts on its place.

B o lot of unexpected things started to happen in the neighbourhood.

C nothing was left except ghost stories.

D ghosts continued to appear on that place.


10 The house had kept its mystery for more than:

A 50 years.

B 70 years.

C 90 years.

D 120 years.                                         /10 points


Task 3 Answer the questions.

            Who …

1 was the first host of the haunted dwelling?

2 was dressed unfashionably?

3 used to be scared by odd sounds?

4 settled down in the house in 1930?

5was exploring the house the whole year?

6 drove a ghostly coach and horses?

7 used to be pulled out of their beds?

8 was hit over the eye?

9 reported to have seen numerous ghosts?

10 made the Bulls family feel fear?

                                                                  /10 points


Task 4 Find the appropriate words, collocations and idioms to the following explanations. The number of the paragraph is given.


1 to start living a quiet and calm life in one place (4)

2 to move very quickly or to take something or someone to a place very quickly (3)

3 to make someone feel afraid (3 words - 2,4,5)

4 to get a dark-coloured bruise around the eye in a fight (5)

5 to change your decision, plan or opinion about something (4)

6 surprising, unusual, especially in a way that is difficult to explain or understand (3 words - 1, 3, 4)

                                                    /10 points


                          Total: 40 points



Answers to the tasks to the text “The most haunted house”

Task 1

1F   2 F   3 T   4 NS   5 NS   6 T   7 T   8 T   9F   10T         /10 points


Task 2

1D   2D   3 C   4 A   5 A   6 C   7 C   8B   9 C   10 B        /10 points


Task 3

1 Henry Bull   2The White Lady   3the Bulls family 

4 Mr. Foster and his wife Marianne   5Harry Price, a famous ghost hunter

6 the White Lady   7 people (in the bedroom the Blue Room)  

8 a woman (going past the door)

9 people    10 the White Lady                                              /10 points


Task 4

1settle down (in the house)

2 to race up to

3 frighten, be afraid of, scare

4 be given a black eye

5 change their minds

6 weird, odd, strange                                                        /10 points




21 січня 2019
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