Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови “God made a wonderful mother…”

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The 8th of March is an amazingly beautiful holiday filled with tenderness. Every year when spring comes the “strong” half of the world from a young schoolboy to an old general with rich moustache worships the “weak” one. All the ladies receive presents, flowers, poems, text messages and wishes. This is the day when women get the particular attention from men and positive emotions are felt everywhere.
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“God made a wonderful mother…”

A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

                                                              ~Irish Proverb

God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.                                                                                       

                                                                             ~Jewish Proverb

“There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.”

                                                                     Chinese Proverb

I Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you. I think it is great that we are here to thank our mums for their KINDNESS and  LOVE. There are not so many days in the year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Each of you has a mother, a grandmother, or a sister. Our lesson is called Women’s Day. I hope you will have a nice time.

P1: The 8th of March is an amazingly beautiful holiday filled with tenderness. Every year when spring comes the “strong” half of the world from a young schoolboy to an old general with rich moustache worships the “weak” one. All the ladies receive presents, flowers, poems, text messages and wishes. This is the day when women get the particular attention from men and positive emotions are felt everywhere.

P2:Mother’s hands ... They can do everything: wash, clean, cook, look after their children, treat, teach and do many other things. We can remember mother’s hands since early childhood. We felt how warm our mother’s hands were even before we learnt to walk and when we were still trying to say  our first words. These hands took care of us day and night.


"M" is for the million things she gave me,

"O" means only that she's growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"

A word that means the world to me.

III Wonderful mother

“God made a wonderful mother,

A mother who never grows old;

He made her smile of the sunshine,

And He moulded her heart of pure gold;

In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,

In her cheeks fair roses you see;

God made a wonderful mother,

And He gave that dear mother to me. “

Thank You, Mother

“When I was a little baby,

You rocked me through the night.

When I got scared from a nightmare,

You took away my fright.

You chase away my fears.

You dry up all my tears.

You are always there.

You always care.

You taught me how to smile.

Thank you, Thank you Mother

Thank you most of all for loving me.

My mother

Who said “ Goodnight”

When I was a child?

My mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay

And showed me often how to play?

My mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell

And who could funny stories tell?

My mother.

Who sits at my head when I am in bed?

My mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind,

Another so dear you’ll never find?

My mother.

Dear Mum!

Happy Women’s Day!

You are wise and kind,

You are caring and loving,

You are bright and clever,

You are the best of all!

You are always here.

You are always near.

I’m so happy to be your son.

Be healthy and wealthy.

Be happy and lucky

And I’ll be your grateful son.

IV Пісня про маму.

I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom who love me whatever

I want a mom to take my hand
and make me feel like a holiday
A mom to tuck me in at night
and chase the mosters away
I want a mom to read me stories
and sing a lullaby
And if I have a bad dream, to hold me when I cry

Oh, I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom that will love me whatever, forever

V  Тест за темою «Свята»

So, let's try to do a test about British holidays.


1.People celebrate  the birth of Jesus Christ. What holiday is it?

a) New Year       b) Christmas           c) the First Foot

2. People send special cards to someone they love. They don’t sign their names.

a) St. Valentine’s Day           b) New Year     c) Mother’s Day

3. People visit their mothers and give them  flowers and small presents.

a) St. Valentine’s Day           b) New Year     c) Mother’s Day

4. People decorate  a special tree with tinsels, lights, coloured balls.
a) St. Valentine’s Day             b)Easter                          c) New Year
5. When is Halloween?
a) October 31                        b) October 5              c) November 5
6. When is Christmas in Britain?
a) January  7               b) January  25                c) December  25

7. People give each other eggs  and go to church.
a) St. Valentine’s Day             b)Easter          c) New Year
8. When is the Queen’s actual birthday?
a) the 1st of April  b) the 21st of April       c) the 21 of March
 9. When is the official Queen’s Birthday?

a) the second Saturday in June    b) the second Saturday in July     c) the 21st of April


VI  Робота з приказками

You know that there are a lot of proverbs and sayings about appearance and personality. You will work in small groups with cards. The task for you is to match English proverbs with Russian equivalents.

1 The eye is the mirror of the soul.

2 Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

4 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

5 Manners make the man.

  1. Хорошие манеры красят человека.
  2. Глаза- зеркало души.
  3. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.
  4. Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт.
  5. Друг познаётся в беде.

VII  Складання розповіді про маму

P1: The proverb “ Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” is about my mother. She is…

VIII Game  “How well do you know your mother?”.   Prepare a list with simple questions about mothers’ interests, hobby, favourite song, favourite colour, most loved food or movie. Ask the children  to write the answers. Now ask the mothers the same questions as the kids. Each team (mother and her child) receive one point for each correct answer. If they give different answers do not give them point. The winner in this Mothers Day game will be the team with the most correct answers.

IX On Mother's Day we also remember our grandmothers. They are our best friends too. Who are grandmothers for us?

Pupil  The trees of the forest,

The flowers on the field,

The birds on the branches,

The fish of the sea,

 The rocks and the mountains,

The rivers that flow,

The rain and the sunshine,

The ice and the snow,

 The cornfields all yellow,

 The sky of deep blue,

The sweetness and beauty

Of life are for you.

 Be always happy, dear mothers and grandmothers!

All together. Thank you for coming! Good bye!


 Притча о материнской любви

Умер человек и попал на небо. Подлетает к нему ангел и говорит:
- Вспомни всё хорошее, что ты сделал на Земле, тогда вырастут у тебя крылья и ты полетишь со мной в рай.
- Я мечтал построить дом и посадить сад, - вспомнил человек. За его спиной появились маленькие крылышки.
- Но я не успел осуществить свою мечту, - со вздохом добавил человек. Крылышки исчезли.
- Я любил одну девушку, - сказал человек, и крылышки снова появились.
- Я рад, что никто не узнал о моём доносе, - вспомнил человек, и его крылышки исчезли. Так человек вспоминал и хорошее, и плохое, а его крылышки то появлялись, то исчезали. Наконец, он вспомнил и рассказал всё, а его крылья так и не выросли. Ангел хотел улететь прочь, но человек вдруг прошептал:
- Ещё я помню, как мама любила меня и молилась за меня. В то же мгновение за спиной человека выросли большие крылья.
- Неужели я смогу летать? - удивился человек.
- Материнская любовь делает сердце человека чистым и приближает его к ангелам, - с улыбкой ответил ангел.




22 січня 2019
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