Friday, the nineteenth of November. Classwork. Stay Healthy
Номер слайду 2
How are you?What season is it now?What month is it today?What day is it today?What is the weather like today?
Номер слайду 3
To feel pulse- міряти пульс;To see a tongue- дивитися язик;To test a heart/lung- перевіряти серце легені;To give medіcine- давати ліки;A germ- бактерія;A fingernail- ніготь пальця;Painful- болючий;To breathe- дихати;Open your vocabulary and write down new words.
Номер слайду 4
Read the text and say What must you do to stay healthy?
Номер слайду 5
Read and choose the correct items to complete the sentences:
Номер слайду 6
Grammar Lab: Modal Verbs: must / mustn’t; should / shouldn’t.
Номер слайду 7
Номер слайду 8
Look and say what you must / mustn’t or should / shouldn’t do to keep fit.
Номер слайду 9
Complete the sentences. Put in should or must.1. I can’t leave; I .....finish this report today.2. I .....take more exercise, but I ’m too busy.3. You .....n’t smoke.4. What..... I do to keep fit?5. What clothes..... I wear? - Put on a jacket. It’s cold outside.6. When consult a doctor?7. Sue needs to lose some weight. I believe she.......exercise more.8. The weather is fine today. It’s warm enough. You ..... put a warm sweater on.
Номер слайду 10
Was it useful for you?It was interesting/boring/difficult/easy/exciting/useful/funny… for me. What new words have you leant today?
Номер слайду 11
Домашнє завдання. Your hometask. Повторити лексику по темі «Невідкладна допомога» Виконати тест за посиланням.till the next meeting!