STEAM -lesson
Урок у 10-класі
Тема: «Водні ресурси у Великій Британії. М’яка та жорстка вода та способи визначення властивості води" »
Методи пізнавальної діяльності: словесний, наглядний, пошуковий, практичний
Форми роботи: фронтальна, парна, індивідуальна
Очікуванні результати. На кінець уроку учні вміють:
Обладнання: аудіозапис, відеоматеріал, картки , роздатковий матеріал
Тип уроку: Урок засвоєння навичок та умінь
Хід уроку
Good morning pupils! I’m glad to see you.
We have an unusual lesson today.
We are going to talk about Great Britain, the water in the UK. By the end of our lesson you should be able
- to recognize, understand new words and word combinations in the text when speaking out
- to identify main ideas and details from the text for reading
- to participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today’s lesson
2.1 Мовленнєва хвилинка.
Listen, read and discuss
Do you agree with it?
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift.
3.1 Offering to drink a glass of water.( Every glass has a letter on it. Students should to make a name of our lesson).T H E/ U K/ S O F T/ H A R D/W A T E R/
Our topic is: «Water in the UK. Hard and Soft».
What taste is the water?
3.2 Актуалізація опорних знань з метою введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Let’s come back to your home task. You have learned some words-combinations you should to explain their meaning
Hardness _1
Aquifers__ 12
Limescale __11
Carbon dioxide gas__13
Carbonic acid __ 17
Beneath __3
A film__6
1-the quality or condition of being hard
2- a quick washing
3- under sth or a at lover level
4- science a substance that is not a liquid or gas 5- not very much 6- very thin layer of sth that forms on the surface
7- to make sth very wet
8- used for only a limited period of time
9- happening for a long time
10- a type of white stone containing calcium
11- white substance that forms in pipes and kettles
12- layer of earth or rock that contains water
13- gas without colour or smell, produced when we breath out
14- layer of dirty substance that forms on the surface of a liquid
15- to disappear or stop existing
16- liquid become a part of the liquid
17- a very weak acid |
3.2Читання тексту ( Scann and Skimm the text) та відповісти на запитання
3.4 Відеоматеріал. Watch some video «Hard and Soft water»
3.5 Робота в групах You need to choose properties of water
( Students work in groups, they come to the board and stick their answers)
Hard water
-Hard water is water that has high mineral content
-Conteins magnesium and calcium ions
-Often has a characteristic taste
-Formed when water flows throught limestone and chalk
-Soap has less effect- a film is formed rather than foam
-May harm your hair
-Can leave clothes discolored
Soft water
-Soft water is water having less mineral content
-Containts sodium ions
-Tasted salty
-Suitable for boilers
-Soap has a good effect- foam is formed
-Rinses shampoo from the hair easier and quicker
-Cleans dishes with less water
3.6 Relaxation Have a rest a little.
Offering to drink a glass of water and say what kind of water is it? Hard? Soft? What is the taste of water?
3.7 Treatment of the water. Demonstration the meaning of some verbs:
- pour ( the teacher pour the water)
- spill ( the teacher spill the water)
- sprinkle ( the teacher sprinkle the water)
- spray ( show how to spray some liquid)
3.8 Experiment: How can we test the water at home?
A simple way is by gradually adding soap. For this experiment
we need 2 empty bottles, some water for testing( it should be hard and soft) and soup.We pour 100gr water in a bottle then add 5 drops of soup and shake it.
If there is more floam on the top, the water is soft. If there is little floam, the water is hard.
Another way is using special tips for checking hardness of water.
(making experiments and compare them)
3.9 Гра Kahoot
4. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.
3.5 Експеременти з водою
4. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.