4 клас
Фірчук Леся Михайлівна
Вчитель англійської мови
Talk show
Health and body care
Мета уроку: формування ключових компетенцій (особистісної соціальної самоосвітньої, здоров’язберігаючої).
Практичні задачі: удосконалювати комунікативні навички, активувати вивчений матеріал, та навчити учнів оперувати ним, вживаючи в лексико-граматичних структурах, реченнях під час діалогічного і монологічного мовлення.
Основні задачі: розширити знання учнів про необхідність дотримання здорового способу життя, шляхів, та способів збереження і зміцнення власного здоров’я.
Розвиваючі задачі:
Виховні задачі:
Очікувані результати:
Обладнання уроку: тематичні малюнки, прислів’я про здоров’я, тематичні слайди, ноутбук, проектор.
Хід уроку
T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you in good health. Today we have an unusual lesson. Good health is above wealth. What does it mean to be healthy? Some people think it just means not being sick. But being healthy means feeling good too. It means having energy to play and to work.
Today we will speak about a healthy way of life and the motto of our lesson is “Health and body care”. Today we have talk show with doctors and patients.
Doctors: pupils in this group will work out their own rules for health and will give the doctor`s advice.
Patients: pupils in this group will ask questions and discuss some problems.
T: welcome to our talk show. Now let`s start. Do you know English proverbs about health? Now, look at the blackboard and we have proverbs. We have the beginning of the proverbs, let`s try to finish the proverbs.
Thank you very much
Listen to the doctor`s advice.
D.1: Wash your hands before meals. Don`t eat with dirty hands
D.2: Don`t skip breakfast it’s the most important meal.
D.3: Eat fruit and vegetables more often.
D.4: Brush your teeth three times a day
D.5: Do sport.
D.6: Don`t eat sweets before meals.
T: thank you doctors for such useful information. Patients, do you have questions?
Patient.1: I have a question to doctor Ihor I am always tired I like watching sport on TV and I like playing computer games too. Is it good for me to stay at home. Can you help me?
D.1: It isn`t good for you to stay at home all day. Go to the park with you friends and play football with them it is good to be outside. You will feel better.
P.1: Thank you doctor.
P.2: Doctor, I like eating chocolates and cakes. My mum isn`t happy and gives me lots of fruit an vegetables. Is it ok for me to eat lots of sweet things?
D.2: Lots of sweat things are not good for us. They aren’t good for our teeth. Eat more fruit and vegetables. You will feel fine.
P.3: I don`t have breakfast and in the morning at school I don`t feel well.
D.3: Don`t skip breakfast it is the most important meal. You will feel well.
P.4: Doctor David I usually eat cheese. Is it good for me?
D.4: I think cheese is very good for you. You should eat cheese.
P.5: Doctor I often drink milk. Is it good for me?
D.5: I think milk is good for you. You should drink milk
P.6: Doctor I sometimes eat sweets. Is it good for me?
D.6: I think sweets are bad for you. You shouldn`t eat sweets.
P.6: Thank you doctor.
P.1: Doctor, I usually eat apples. Is It good for me?
D.1: I think apples are good for you/ You should eat apples.
P.2: Doctor, I often drink water. Is It good for me?
D.2: I think water is good for you. You should drink water.
P.3: Doctor, I often drink Cola. Is it good for me?
D.3: I think cola is not good for you. You shouldn`t drink Cola.
T: Thank you doctors, thank you patients. We are waiting for dentist Ihor. Dentist Ihor will tell us about teeth and take care of teeth. Listen to Ihor very attentively.
T: Do you have a question to dentist?
P.1: What color is a healthy tooth?
Doctor Ihor: Healthy teeth are bright and white.
P.2: How many teeth do children have?
Doctor Ihor: Little children have twenty teeth.
P.3: Why should we brush our teeth?
Doctor Ihor: You should brush teeth to keep your teeth healthy.
P.4: What should I eat to keep my teeth healthy and strong?
Doctor Ihor: You should eat cheese, eggs, fish, and drink milk to have healthy and strong teeth.
Thank you Doctor.
Patient: Doctor, doctor, help me please.
Doctor Yaroslav: What`s the matter with you.
P: I have cut my finger.
Doctor Yaroslav: Don’t worry. It is not very serious. I wash It and put a plaster on it don`t be afraid.
P: Thank you doctor.
Doctor Yaroslav: You are welcome.
T: Have a rest. Sing a song.
T: Look at the blackboard let`s watch a video of our pupils “At the hospital”
T: When you fell ill you go to the doctor. The doctor gives you some medicine. In in short time, you will get better. Dear patients when you have got a problem our doctors can help you.
P.1: I feel really sick.
D.1: Call a doctor!
P.2: I`m sleepy.
D.2: Go to bed.
P.3: I`ve got a temperature.
D.3: Stay in bed.
P.4: I have got a headache
D.4: Take a rest.
P.5: I`ve got a toothache.
D.5: Go to the dentist`s.
P.6: I have got a cold.
D.6: Have some warm tea!
T: Doctors would you like to ask questions to our teachers? Ask questions, please.
D.1: Do you eat fruit and vegetables?
D.2: Do you brush your teeth three times a day?
D.3: Do you have breakfast every day?
D.4: Do you eat sweets before meals?
D.5: Do you wash your hands before meals?
D.6: Do you do sport?
T: Thank you doctors. Our patients prepared presents for you. Compliments for doctors.
P.1: Doctor, you are so smart, thank you.
P.2: Doctor, you are very helpful.
P.3: Doctor, you are very kind.
P.4: Doctor, you are a great friend.
P.5: Doctor, you are so talented.
P.6: Doctor I am grateful thanks a lot.
Make a poster
T: I give you a piece of paper. Your task is make a poster.
Work in a small group.
Share the ideas of how to keep fit.
Write your advice on how to be healthy.
Write down some new ideas. Draw a tree.
Write down healthy habits on it.
Make a poster show you poster in a class. Tell us about your ideas.
You have seven minutes.
Let`s have a rest
Relaxing. Watch the video and listen to the music.
T: this is absolutely incredible.
You have worked excellent today. I wish you to be healthy, clever, strong, kind, happy.
Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. See you next lesson.