Текст для читання "Olympic Games ".

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The Olympic Games

The first про які існують записи Olympic Games were held in Греція many centuries ago. У ті часи, only men did sports during the games. But how did the ігри begin again in modern times? A Frenchman named П’єр де Кубертен brought them back to life, and he hoped that the games would help країнам to be closer to each other. He even made an Олімпійський знак, five rings of різних кольорів - red, blue, black, зелений and yellow - joined together. The ідея was warmly received, and in 1896 the перші сучасні Олімпійські ігри took place in Greece, the country where they had started.

It was then decided to have the games in a іншому місті every чотири years. The following Olympics in Париж in 1900 were important because жінки were included in the games вперше.

When the modern Olympic Games почалися in 1896, there were only дев’ять видів спорту in the competition, but сьогодні there are more than двадцять sports. Before the start and after the end of the games, there are amazing шоу which are watched on TV or online by millions of people по всьому світу.

Some people believe that the Олімпійські Ігри can help or change the city that organises them. This is because the місто has to prepare well for the games by building спортивні об’єкти and improving the different ways that люди travel around the city. This means that the city gives jobs to багатьом людям. Also, it gets багато туристів who come to watch the games. These tourists spend багато грошей there, which helps the місту and the країні get back some of the грошей that has been spent preparing for the ігор.

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The Olympic Games

The first про які існують записи Olympic Games were held in Греція many centuries ago. У ті часи, only men did sports during the games. But how did the ігри begin again in modern times? A Frenchman named П’єр де Кубертен brought them back to life, and he hoped that the games would help країнам to be closer to each other. He even made an Олімпійський знак, five rings of різних кольорів - red, blue, black, зелений and yellow - joined together. The ідея was warmly received, and in 1896 the перші сучасні Олімпійські ігри took place in Greece, the country where they had started.

It was then decided to have the games in a іншому місті every чотири years. The following Olympics in Париж in 1900 were important because жінки were included in the games вперше.

When the modern Olympic Games почалися in 1896, there were only дев’ять видів спорту in the competition, but сьогодні there are more than двадцять sports. Before the start and after the end of the games, there are amazing шоу which are watched on TV or online by millions of people по всьому світу.

Some people believe that the Олімпійські Ігри can help or change the city that organises them. This is because the місто has to prepare well for the games by building спортивні об’єкти and improving the different ways that люди travel around the city. This means that the city gives jobs to багатьом людям. Also, it gets багато туристів who come to watch the games. These tourists spend багато грошей there, which helps the місту and the країні get back some of the грошей that has been spent preparing for the ігор.

8 січня 2020
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