Тест для перевірки навичок письма. Англійська мова, 7 клас

Про матеріал
Перевірка умінь писемного продукування, рівня володіння граматикою та лексикою
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7th form, 2nd term

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or Past Indefinite Passive Voice
  1. The patient (to ask) some questions yesterday.
  2. Betsy (to be diagnosed) with severe allergy last month.
  3. All diseases (to cause) by germs.
  4. The sanatoria ____ often _____ (to visit) in summer.
  5. Films (to produce) by recording actual people and objects with cameras.


  1. Write questions to sentences
  1. Peter had his tooth pulled out yesterday. (…., …?)
  2. There are many good hospitals in Ukraine. (general question)
  3. Steve was diagnosed with a bad cold yesterday, …?
  4. They have been training in the gym for 2 hours. (How long…?)
  5. London suffered two great disasters, …?


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and voice form
  1. The lights (go down) and it (to be) difficult to find the eats in the theatre hall.
  2. The first theatrical show in Australia (to take) place in 1789.
  3. Bill’s parents (to encourage) him to train harder last year.
  4. Many houses in the past (to build) of wood.
  5. Kyiv (to visit) by thousands of tourists every year.
  6. The city of London (to surround) by a great wall in ancient times.
  7. Kyiv (to be) one of the most picturesque cities in the world.
  8. Steve and Dan (to sit) at the stadium now.
  9. We (to practice) this kind of sport for 2 years.
  10. They (to play) football yesterday.

7th form, 2nd term

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or Past Indefinite Passive Voice
  1. The patient (to ask) some questions yesterday.
  2. Betsy (to be diagnosed) with severe allergy last month.
  3. All diseases (to cause) by germs.
  4. The sanatoria ____ often _____ (to visit) in summer.
  5. Films (to produce) by recording actual people and objects with cameras.


  1. Write questions to sentences
  1. Peter had his tooth pulled out yesterday. (…., …?)
  2. There are many good hospitals in Ukraine. (general question)
  3. Steve was diagnosed with a bad cold yesterday, …?
  4. They have been training in the gym for 2 hours. (How long…?)
  5. London suffered two great disasters, …?


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and voice form
  1. The lights (go down) and it (to be) difficult to find the eats in the theatre hall.
  2. The first theatrical show in Australia (to take) place in 1789.
  3. Bill’s parents (to encourage) him to train harder last year.
  4. Many houses in the past (to build) of wood.
  5. Kyiv (to visit) by thousands of tourists every year.
  6. The city of London (to surround) by a great wall in ancient times.
  7. Kyiv (to be) one of the most picturesque cities in the world.
  8. Steve and Dan (to sit) at the stadium now.
  9. We (to practice) this kind of sport for 2 years.
  10. They (to play) football yesterday.


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
9 січня 2020
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