Текст і тестові завдання з читання "Johnny Appleseed"

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Матеріали містять текст для читання "Johnny Appleseed" і тестові завдання (1-3) для контролю зорового сприймання і розуміння інформації, як основного змісту, так і деталей. Текст і завдання рекомендовано застосовувати в комплексі з відповідною презентацією для проведення підсумкового контролю з читання в 7 класі.
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       Many years ago, when your grandfather’s great grandmother was still a child, there lived a boy in Boston in America called John Chapman. He loved the countryside, the flowers and the trees. He knew all about the animals and the birds who lived in the forest. His favourite tree was the apple tree. He loved to climb apple trees and eat apples as he had a rest there.

       Once while he was eating an apple he looked thoughtfully at the little brown seeds in it. “I shall plant these seeds”, he said. “Soon the whole countryside will be full of apple trees”.

       So, when John Chapman grew up he started to travel about the country with a large sack full of apple seeds on his back. He stopped every now and then and planted a seed. He often gave seeds to the people he met and asked them to plant the seeds. He was so happy and friendly that he became famous. People gave him food, asked him to stay and have a rest in their houses and they called him Johnny Appleseed.

       Soon he went far away from his hometown, and he planted apple seeds wherever he went. He planted his seeds up and down the country in the brown earth in the autumn.

       After the winter the spring came, and Johnny Appleseed went back to each place to see the little green plants coming up through the earth. Everywhere baby apple trees grew. In time they gave fruit and Johnny’s eyes were full of happiness. He saw that the children in all these places enjoyed his wonderful apples.

       Johnny Appleseed travelled a lot. While he was travelling, he always slept in the open air and cooked his own meals. He met many wolves, foxes, bears and made friends with them all. He was never afraid of animals and when even it snowed, he slept in the open air.

       But one day he became ill. He was in the forest as usual but couldn’t get up as he was very weak. A mother bear and her cub looked at him sadly and went to the Indians. The Indians came after the bears and saw Johnny Appleseed under the tree and knew right away that he was their friend. They took him to their village and gave him their medicines, good food and looked after him.

       Then one sunny morning Johnny opened his eyes and smiled at his Indian friends. “You have saved me!”, he said.

       And then he left the village and went away to plant brown seeds wherever   he could.

       The years passed and Johnny was now an old man. He had long white hair but his cheeks were rosy from the fresh air and wind and his black eyes were always kind.

       Children often came to hear his stories of his different trips. Wherever he went the people of this new land knew him as the man who made their countryside rich with beautiful trees where once there was nothing but the brown earth.


Vocabulary: was still a child - був ще дитиною, a sack full of seeds - лантух, наповнений насінням, when he grew up – коли він підріс, plants coming up through the earth - рослини, які пробивалися крізь землю, to climb a tree - залазити на дерево, full of happiness – сповнені щастя 


Task 1. True or False?

1.Johnny Appleseed wasn’t American. ____

2.His real surname was Chapman. ____

3. He liked apple trees more than other trees. ____

4. John started to travel when he was a little boy. ____

5.While he was travelling, he always slept in the houses of rich people. ____

6.He was afraid of animals. ____

7.The Indians looked after Johnтy and gave him medicines and food

    when he was ill. ____

8.Johnny never told children stories of his trips. ____


Task 2. Choose the correct variant, a, b or c.

9.Soon the whole countryside will be full of … .

a. flowers and trees 

b. animals and birds

c. apple trees/ fruit trees

10.People called him … .

a. Johnny Forester

b. Johnny Appleseed

c. Johnny Traveller

11.In time they gave fruit and Johnny’s eyes were … .

a. full of sadness

b. full of tears

c. full of happiness (joy)

12.He met many wolves, foxes, bears and … .

a. and other different animals

b. never made friends with them all

c. they became friends.

13.A mother bear looked at him sadly and … .

a. went to the Indians to feed her cub

b. went to the Indians to show them the way to Johnny

c. went to the Indians to take medicines and food for Johnny

14.Johnny smiled at the Indians and said that … .

a. they had helped him

b. they were real friends

c. they had saved his life

Task 3. Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

15.Why did Johnny decide to plant little brown seeds?

a. He wanted the whole country to be full of beautiful flowers

b. He wanted the whole country to be full of apple trees

c. He wanted the whole country to be full of beautiful trees and flowers

16.How did Johnny become famous?

a. He planted trees and travelled about the country

b. He was very friendly with people

c. He stopped every now and then and planted a seed

17.Why did people call him Johnny Appleseed?

a. He liked to eat apples with seeds

b. He gave seeds to people and asked them to plant the seeds

c. He bought a lot of apples and gave them

18.Did he travel a lot about the country?

a. He travelled a lot and made friends with people.

b. He travelled a lot and slept in the open air and cooked his own food.

c. He travelled a lot and got to know people in the villages.

19.What happened with him one day?

a. He caught a cold and returned home.

b. He fell down and broke his leg.

c. He became ill and animals helped him.

20.Why did people remember him for years?

a. He was friendly with people and loved children.

b. He helped people a lot.

c. He made the country rich with beautiful trees.


Task 4. Retell the story in Ukrainian / English.                                                                                                                                        

Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Кушнір Євгенія Анатоліївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Пашева Элеонора
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Пашева Элеонора
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 лютого 2023
Оцінка розробки
4.8 (3 відгука)
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