Тема ' All about food : table manners/methods of cooking ''

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Лексичний тест 7 клас , тема ' All about food : table manners/methods of cooking '' до Карп'юк .
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  Vocabulary- test                    the 7th  form                                   

 “All about food: table manners/cooking methods.”

I) Match the parts of the sentences:

1)Sit facing the table...

a)... the whole house to hear.

2)After stirring your tea...

b).. one piece at a time.

3)Don`t use the spoon for...

c)... when eating.

4)Don`t put your knife...

d)... on the table.

5)Cut your meat into small pieces...

e)... remove the spoon and place it on the        saucer.

6)If your food is too hot...

f)... with your mouth full.

7)Try to make as little noise as possible...

g)... what can be eaten with a fork.

8)Don`t sip your soup as though you wanted...

h)... don`t sit sideways .

9)Don`t talk...

i)... don`t  blow on it.

10)Don`t put your elbows...

j).. into your mouth.

11)Don`t forget to say'' thank you''...

k)...for every favour and kindness.

II) Match the words with their definitions:

   1) to take off the skin of a fruit or vegetable

   2) to separate or divide by using a knife

   3) to heat a liquid until bubbles form

  4) to cook by putting the food in hot oil

  5) to cook in an oven

  6) to combine two or more ingredients using a spoon or an electric mixer

 7) to transfer liquid from one container to another

 8) to cut into a small pieces

 9) to cut into thin portions

10) to divide into small parts by rubbing against a rough surface

11) to mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon around in a circular motion

12) to cook meat and vegetables in liquid for a long time                      a)boil ,b)stew,c)bake,d)cut,e)grate,f)slice ,g)mix,h)peel,i)chop,j)fry, k)pour,l)stir

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 грудня 2022
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