Тематичне читання Kid Inventors Day

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Завдання на розвиток навичок читання. Текст на тему 17th January, Kid Inventors Day. Матеріал можна використати під час проведення тематичного уроку. Після тексту розроблене завдання after reading, яке спрямоване на підвищення словникового рівня учнів та вдосконалить уміння учнів розуміти значення слів з контексту.
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Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "kid inventors day"17th January, Kid Inventors’ Day

  • History of Kid Inventors’ Day

   Kid Inventors’ day was created several years ago by people who wanted to celebrate the achievements of the youngest inventors as well as encourage more children to be creative.

   The date chosen to celebrate this day, January 17th, was no accident—it is the anniversary of renowned polymath, politician and child inventor Benjamin Franklin’s birthday. Due to his countless other achievements, many people don’t know that when Franklin was just 12 years old, he invented the world’s first swim flippers, making him a great role model for every child who dreams of making something nobody has ever seen before. Over the centuries, other children have invented many other things we continue to use today, such as popsicles (a very tasty accident!), the trampoline and

ear muffs. Perhaps one of the most impressive things invented by a child is the language of the blind now used the world over, Braille. Louis Braille, its inventor, lost his vision in a tragic accident at age 3 and spent his early teen years developing his new language while studying at The National Institute for Blind Youth in Paris.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "kid inventors day"   Almost 200 years later, American teen Ryan Patterson also improved the lives of the disabled when he invented a glove with special sensors that translates the hand motions of American Sign Language into written words on a digital display.

  • How to celebrate Kid Inventors’ Day

 Kid Inventors’ Day could easily turn out to be one of the most educational and at the same time fun days you’ve ever spent. Children’s minds are yet unlimited by the knowledge of what’s possible and what’s not, and as sometimes just believing that something is possible is enough to make it so, you may be truly astounded at the ideas your children come up with. The Kid Inventors’ Day website also offers plenty of fun ideas on how to spend this day creatively and productively, such as taking part in a rubber band contest for young inventors.

a. Look at the underlined words in the text. Try to work out their meaning from the context. Then match them with definitions 1-8.

  1. ___________________ is the thing that helps to swim.
  2. ___________________ is a person who knows a lot about a lot of subjects.
  3. ___________________ without any limits.
  4. ___________________ adj. famous.
  5. If you are ________________ by something, you are very shocked or surprised that it could exist or happen.
  6. _________________ a pair of small pieces of material like fur worn over the ears with a strap that goes over the head to keep them on.
  7. _________________ is a piece of flavored ice or ice cream on a stick.
  8. _________________ a strong fabric sheet connected by springs to a frame, used as a springboard and landing area in doing acrobatic or gymnastic exercises.
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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 січня 2019
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